Shine Brighter Now

Day 1 – Self Help Programs and Motivation

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Hello there!cape_cod2

Welcome to my brand new blog about self help! A theme that I LOVE and that I’m passionate about! I’ve been reading about psychology for about 15 years now, but discovering all the programs offered out there is just AWESOME! Many of the make the personal growth so much faster! But that’s my new problem: which program to choose? It ranges from free to ultra expensive, but which one are really worth their price? My goal is to try as many of them and then rate them! Of course, this blog will reflect my opinion which is very personal but at least it will provide some hints on which programs you could find interesting as well. Also, I thought that this blog could help me with my discipline of actually going through the programs fully. As I said, there are so many offers out there, it’s easy to jump from one to the other.

Here are the ones that I tried already and that I will talk about: Sonia Ricotti, Bob Proctor, Marc-André Rizk, Think and Grow Rich, Energy Squared, Gabrielle Bernstein, Reiki, Pierre Morency, Paul McKenna, Deepak Chopra, Eckart Tolle, The Secret

Follow think link to read what I have to say about the Bob Proctor Matrixx event!

And some that I want to try soon: The Silva Method, Project: Yourself, Gregg Braden, Jim Kwik

But enough talking! I’m eager to jump right into the real stuff!

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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