Shine Brighter Now

Reiki: a great companion to your self-help program!

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Yesterday I went to another reiki session! I absolutely love it! I find that so much progress can be accomplished with reiki – and it goes beyond the intellectual understanding of our obstacles. The numerous programs that I have covered and will be covering so far as very useful, but a lot of them necessitate intellectual understanding. With reiki, you just have a 5 minute conversation and then you let you therapist do the work! Of course, combining reiki with self help programs is important. But I believe that reiki allows you to overcome problems that you are not consciously aware of so it’s kind of a must in any personal growth program!

But how to know if the person you are paying $40 to $100 is really competent at providing the service?  Well, a very good way is to go with references. Every time I can, I ask my friends if they know someone. If that’s not possible (like if you’re traveling as much as I am!) then the first session will be a gamble. I’ve had session for which I paid $40 that were more efficient than others that I paid $80 for. Of course, the results don’t only depend on your therapist: it depends on your current state and level of readiness to receive the treatment. My general rule is to ask myself if I feel that I felt the improvement in my body to the level of what I paid. Last night, my reiki session was about my ego driving my spiritual growth. Is that a problem? I always want to meditate and grow and be complimented on my spiritual growth and my ability to observe myself. But I know that it’s entirely my ego who wants that. So what should I do? I don’t want to stop pursuing my spiritual path either! Wanting and acting to grow and to outdo yourself is a good thing! Well, Frédéric, my healer, told me that I simply have to acknowledge my ego, thank him for his help, and let it go! What beautiful words of wisdom!

Here’s a link to his webpage (in French only):

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

One thought on “Reiki: a great companion to your self-help program!

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