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Setting yourself in motion for Matrixx

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Setting yourself in motion can be difficult. We all know what we should do: eat well, exercise, visit your parents, read books, take care of your personal growth. However, it’s easy to set all those good intentions aside and procrastinate. As you all know, I just came back from Bob Proctor Matrixx with a big goal: I want to own a penthouse! The visualization part is important, but I also need to act in order to get results!

When you participate in the Matrixx program, all the participants will want to help you realize your goal! That’s quite a change from the usual barriers we get from people around us! (even well intended!) I just contacted those who said could help me, and that really raised my enthusiasm!  When you realize that people and the universe conspire to help you realize you dream, your faith becomes stronger and your results show up faster!Bob Proctor Matrixx

But again, as I said, you have to act! NOW!!! If there is a big goal that you want to reach but you’ve been putting it off, let me know! I can help you with that! It’s always easier when you have someone to support you! Plus, I’ve been in your shoes! I dreamed to attend Bob Proctor Matrixx and I did it!! I went from watching one of his videos on youtube to shaking his hand 6 months later! You can do it too! All you need is to believe you can do it! Let me help you with that!

Follow this link if you want to learn more about what happens during the 6 days of Bob Proctor Matrixx!!


Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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