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Self-help action plan

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Today I spoke with a friend about setting myself in motion. I am surprised at how things fall into place quickly and that’s even before I’ve written my self-help action plan! My course of action is not fully defined yet, but it seems that only my serious willingness to take action is doing the work! I’m also curious about the people I ran into recently. It seems like the number of “random” coincidental meeting is increasing. To me that a sign that something bigger than me is happening. My plan is falling into place! So for those of you who want so help moving into action, here are some useful steps:

1. Find your purpose. If you know why you’re doing something, it will be much easier to set yourself in motion. That might sound trivial, but it’s actually the basis of all action. Watch this Ted video to find out more:

2. Write an action plan. Even if your plan is not final or cumbersome, having a plan will make it easier to start your project. Feel free to readjust it along the way, but make sure that your actions are continuous in time to avoid interruptions in times of uncertainty.self-help action plan

3. Close your mind to negativity. Throughout your endeavour, you’ll come across many people to discourage you and give you a ton of reasons about why this might not work. Look at their achievements before you put any value in those comments. Only take advice from people who have succeeded at goals similar than yours

4. Do it with a friend! Along the way, even when you follow all good recommendations, you are bound to feel discouragement and to question yourself. If you are doing this with someone, or if you are at least checking up regularly with someone, you are definitely increasing your chances of success!

That’s it! If you want to partner up with me, feel free to ask!

And now, take action!
Martin 😉

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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