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Meditations in an emergency

What brought my interest to meditation? It was a difficult customer I had 3 years ago. Whenever I’d see her, I knew I was going to lose my balance, feel destabilized and vulnerable to her never-ending demands. During the same period though, my life coach introduced me to a relaxation technique that I can now label as a guided meditation. Because I could see the direct benefits of the meditation exercise when I had to face that difficult customer, it became very easy to discipline myself to do it every morning that I knew I would see her. By first witnessing the direct benefits of meditations in an emergency situation, it then became exciting to apply the technique to other life situations and watch the benefit deploy into a variety of events!meditations in an emergency

Meditation is most beneficial when performed repetitively on a constant basis. In order to develop discipline though, it is better to match your meditations to specific events and see the advantages in real life! Then it will become very easy to discipline yourself. Actually, it’s not event discipline anymore since it just becomes natural to do what feels good.

My favourite meditations in an emergency are very short – usually 5 minutes. You simply find a quiet spot – I used to meditate in the car (parked!) – but you can also do it on the bus, or in public places if you’ve had some practice and the surrounding noises don’t bother you.

5-minute meditation

As I said, the more you do it, the greater your stability and inner peace will evolve. I was amazed to notice the benefits a year ago when I had to rush to catch my flight with my boyfriend. We were both running, but I remained calm and in total control of my mind and thoughts! That was such a beautiful feeling! And it really helps to take faster and more effective decisions too!

Hope this helps!