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How the mind works?

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How the mind works? What a great question answered beautifully by Bob Proctor! If you haven’t seen Bob explain his stick figure yet, simply go to YouTube and watch any of his videos! He talks about it in most of them! In the last few days though, I gained a greater understanding of the following diagram.

How the mind works

This illustration is great to distinguish the intellectual mind from the emotional (subconscious) mind. But what it lacks is the the 3 dimensional aspect. With my recent discoveries, I realized that I live in my emotional mind which is SURROUNDED by my intellectual mind. That means that in order to escape the fake prison of my fears, I need to pierce through this fake wall (terror barrier) to be able to expand and life a fuller, richer life. I believe that this graphic illustrates better how the mind works.How the mind works

The green circle represents the body, the red the emotional mind and the blue the intellectual mind. I read many times that the emotional mind accounts for 95% of our behaviour. That means that we first need to consciously decide what we want to change, select our thoughts carefully (the blue circle) and impress those thoughts repeatedly into the red circle until our awareness has expanded! And that’s a great point too: I believe that seeing things in 3D allows to better understand the concept of expansion. The goal is to expand the intellectual mind over the emotional mind to gain deeper control of our emotions. This also relates to Bob Proctor’s explanation of higher awareness. He says that it is similar to looking East from the 4th floor of a building, describing the view, moving up to the 10th floor, describing the view, moving up to the top of the building, describing the view. It’s always the same view, but seeing it from higher up gives a better perspective on things, like it is easier to understand what’s going on in your life when you have a higher awareness.

I hope this explanation helps! Feel free to share your thoughts!

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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