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Self-help perfectionism – Learn to do things badly!

Hello all! I heard a very interesting concept while listening to an interview between T Harv Eker and a millionaire – Greg Habstritt. Greg suggested to do things badly… but DO them! I think he’s got a great point! I was taught and believed for a long time that if anything is worth doing, it must be perfect! That’s such a show stopper! Self-help perfectionism prevented me from doing so many things for so long… like starting a blog, for instance! What if I was a “bad” blogger to start with and I became better and better with experience! That makes so much more sense to me!

The problem is that adults don’t allow themselves to do things badly. When it’s a child: it’s simply cute. When it’s an adult performing poorly, it’s shameful: he or she should know better! When a child learns to walk, he has only one goal in mind: walk. Failure is not an option. The child doesn’t try once or twice or even ten times and then thinks: Ok. That’s enough, I guess I’m not much of a walker anyway, walking is not my thing. I know that sounds ridiculous, but that’s how adults think and behave!! Once you have your objective in mind, you should never let it go and you must do everything you need to accomplish it!

So why do adults don’t try as much as kids? That’s because of the fear of being ridiculed. How do you overcome that? Well, my best advice for most fear-based problems is: meditation. (Click here to read my post on how to meditate) Of course, that’s a long term solution. You probably won’t be able to blatantly expose your failures to public tomorrow. But still, it’s an asset that totally worth developing. Otherwise, I really like the approach of this guy: I’ve met him a few times and he’s a great coach!

Let me know how it goes!

Self-help perfectionism