Shine Brighter Now

Law of Attraction Positive Vibrations

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Law of Attraction Positive Vibrations: How do you maximize your chances of getting positive effects and faster results with the Law of Attraction? You ensure that you remain in positive vibrations for most of your day, and on a consistent basis! Many people talk about staying over the 500 mark, which is the vibrational level of Love. Most people live between the 200-300 vibrational level so here’s a few things you can do to raise that level:

1. Get out in of attraction positive vibrations

2. Exercise, go for a run or any other cardiovascular activity.

3. Drink water, eat healthy food.

4. Spend quality time with a good friend or loved one.

5. Dance and sing on your favourite music!

6. Write an entry in a gratitude journal.

7. Volunteer for a good cause that is meaningful to you.

8. Laugh.

9. Meditate.

10. Treat yourself to something good! (a massage, shopping, your favourite TV show or movie, etc)

Ultimately, anything that you LOVE doing will raise your vibrational level. Also try to remain away from negative activities such as watching the news, having an argument, junk food, caffeine, alcohol, video games, etc.

More importantly though, make your own list. Post it somewhere where you can see it often and you’ll be reminded to shift you vibrational level to a higher one.

I hope this helps!
With love,

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

One thought on “Law of Attraction Positive Vibrations

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