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A matter of perspective

a matter of perspectiveA matter of perspective. What would you do if you couldn’t change the circumstances of your life? If you were stuck in re-experiencing today forever and ever? Strangely enough, re-experiencing the same scenario wouldn’t result in having the same experience. You would learn and remember a bit more every day, therefore giving you a greater awareness on the same day. This is the purpose of repetition: getting a higher awareness. I once heard from Bob Proctor that when you read a book for the second time, you don’t see information that you hadn’t seen the first time, you see something in yourself you hadn’t seen before. I love that quote! It shows how incremental learning can be. That’s why I don’t try to read as many books as possible anymore: I reread the best ones to get a deeper perspective on them. Of course, occasionally I will pick a new book, but I also try to reread as much as possible. Especially the books that had a strong impact on me, and the books that have passed the test of time. Best of luck, these books are usually free and part of the public domain! This is the case for Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.

Another important point is in finding the beauty of repetition. There are so many things we do everyday, automatically, without giving them the slightest hint of importance. Unfortunately, if we were to stop and stare a little, we could get an entirely new perspective on them. Kids are usually better at this than we are, and as we saw in yesterday’s post on the wavelength of kids’ brains, I think we have more to learn from them than we believe. I try to stop many times during my day. I slow down my breathing, and I look at something more attentively than I normally would. I find it fascinating how much you can notice from something that first appeared trivial. Everything has the potential to become richer when you make it your intention!

And you, what have you been focussing on lately?