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Law of Attraction Job Search

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law of attraction job searchHello everybody! Big news tonight! I just lost my job! … and I feel super excited! That’s one more big argument toward the fact that any change is purely a matter of perspective! I could be devastated, but it’s quite the opposite! I realize that I was even secretly hoping for this to happen as this job was keeping me in a very low vibration. In order to manifest anything, you must be at the highest possible vibration. See my articles on the Language of the Universe and on Positive Vibrations. I will now use the Law of Attraction job search!

So what now? I will become a sales rep for Bob Proctor! That just seems to be the most natural thing in the world to do! I’m already promoting his work and I’ve already experienced Matrixx to the fullest! I honestly don’t know anyone who could sell better than me! I talk about it with so much passion that I’m just naturally convincing! Without even trying!

I feel like the time when I was in California, on my way to Las Vegas to see Celine Dion’s show…. which got cancelled. The whole point of our trip was to see Celine Dion’s show for our 8 months couple anniversary. Strangely enough, when I learned that the show was cancelled, I felt relieved! The following day, we helped a woman rent her car by lending her my credit card and we got to stay at her place in San Francisco for a few days… which turned into 5 beautiful months! This is my greatest use of the Law of Attraction so far and I’m really proud of it. Plus those were fabulous 5 months, surrounded by wealth and abundance. That’s also when I seriously got involved in Bob Proctor’s material and that I decided to attend Matrixx.

When I think of it, all the pieces of the puzzle really fit well together!

I’ll let you know how the Law of Attraction job search goes!

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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