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Visualization techniques involving all senses

visualization techniquesYou have probably already heard about the benefits of visualization. This is the premise that comes before anything: inventions, companies, projects, etc. Before you can physically invent something, you need to have the idea in your mind, you need to see a picture of the end results and then look for a way to bring it to material existence. Same concept goes for a company: an entrepreneur needs to have a vision first that will determine the size of his enterprise. You can even do it for your personal life! Visualization techniques and visualization boards help you determine PRECISELY what you want and give your mind a clear picture to work with. The mind likes PRECISION in order to create.

So visualizing is the first step to any project. But how can you enhance your visualization techniques? I read a few times that the more senses are involved, the more effective the visualization is. I use my shower time to visualize about my upcoming wealthy life. If you associate your visualization with an activity that you do daily, your discipline should come more easily. I’m not a big fan of aroma therapy but I recently started using a soap that I “borrowed” from a Westin hotel room. (smell and touch) I LOVE the smell in Westin hotels and I associate that odour with wealth. I focus on the sound of water trickling down. (hearing) I’ve also got big checks written to my name stuck inside the panels of my toiletries cabinet. (sight) I don’t have the taste involved in my morning ritual but I figured that with 4 senses, I’m already doing pretty good!

Finally, in order to take action and to really do your visualization techniques on a daily basis, your need to increase your desire. In order to increase your desire, you need to become obsessed with your goal. It must be something you want really bad… or your situation must be really bad! (Just like my financial situation now!) But there is good in everything, be it the stronger motivation to establish passive income sources!
