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Subconscious Mind Purpose

The subconscious mind: that wonderful ally which can also be your worst enemy! The subconscious mind purpose is to ease your life. When you learn how to drive, all the activity is in your conscious mind, and you can only focus on that one task. But with repetition, the task of driving starts imprinting into your subconscious mind, which frees up your conscious mind for other tasks such as… performing all the other tasks which distract you from driving and that you shouldn’t be doing!

subconscious mind purposeThe subconscious mind is very useful for things such as driving and getting dressed: It wouldn’t make sense to focus all your attention on such tasks on a daily basis. But your subconscious mind can also work against you if, instead of inserting the program of “driving”, you inserted a program such as “earning money is difficult”. This program has the same effect as the repetition of driving: you don’t have to consciously think about making money anymore. You go on with your day, not having to think about how money is earned because you already know that it’s hard to earn. I hope that you can see the benefits of getting rid of that program! How do you do it? The same way it was implanted: through repetition. Repetition is the easiest and hardest thing to do. Easy because the tasks are simple. Back to my driving example, every “sub-task” of driving is easy: it’s the combination of all the simultaneous tasks that makes it more complicated! If all you had to think about was the steering wheel, and forget about controlling the speed, the road signs and the slippery road, then driving would have been a lot easier to start with. So that’s what you need to do: focus on a simple task, the simplest common denominator with your goal that you can think of. Once you’ve found it, we move to the tough part: long-term commitment. This is the tough part because your subconscious mind hates change. Its role is to provide you with a known and constant environment on a daily basis. It fears the unknown so it ensures that your previous day is the same as today and the same as tomorrow. That’s why baby steps work better. It keeps your subconscious happy and change occurs without it noticing.

Read more on the subconscious mind here!

Happy evolution!