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Bob Proctor Seminars – Are they worth their price?

Bob Proctor SeminarsBob Proctor Seminars – Are they worth their price? This week is taking place the Bob Proctor Matrixx event: a high-vibration seminar that acts as a catalyst in your personal development. In less than 3 weeks, I’m going to the Bob Proctor’s Science of Getting Rich event in Los Angeles. I’m now reading the book by the same title and there is also an audio program. So why pay 5 times more to go to the live conference? (the audio is $200 and the conference is $400 to $600 plus travel expenses) In the case of Matrixx, the live seminar is 12 times more expensive! (the DVD program is $1,200 and the live event is $15,000!) The obvious answer is that you get more out of the conference, but do you really get 5 and 12 times more value? The answer is indubitably YES!!! … in my case at least! Let me explain: I’ve spent countless hours reading self-help books but not translating the theory into real life which therefore left me with little progress. Of course, you can also attend seminars and not participate, which doesn’t get you much further! I was stunned at the number of people who paid $15k to meet Bob Proctor in person and wouldn’t dare to ask him their questions. So I guess that’s my main point: you will get more value in whatever you invest the most efforts in, be it a book or a live event! Of course, for most people, it’s easier to apply principles that are taught in person. Attending a live event would therefore be worth the 5 or 12 times ratio that allows you to apply real change in your life. But the most important part is your willingness to change! If you’ve undertook many self-help programs and books and you still see little progress, ask yourself if you really are willing to change! It’s ok if the answer is negative. At least you’ll loose the frustration of trying and getting no results. ACCEPTING is, in my opinion, more important than changing. Learn to accept yourself as you are, you life will quickly become more enjoyable!
