Shine Brighter Now

Self Projection Onto Others

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Self Projection Onto OthersSelf Projection Onto Others. I’d like to come back on an older post on mirrors. I said that people around us offer a reflexion of who we are and what we think about at the deepest level. Tonight, I shared some thoughts with my boyfriend and I told him that I was getting tired of all his ups and downs, of all the energy that is wasted in projects that don’t last, and the negative image that I’m slowly forming of him. Interestingly enough, he calmly told me that he understood what I felt, he said that I was right, but also that what I was describing was a projection of myself. Being told such a thing would have normally made me feel defensive, and I would have thought that he simply wasn’t acknowledging the “truth”, but instead, I felt a deep sense of Peace and of Truth in HIS words.

I feel like I’m in the “surrendering” part of my spiritual evolution. I know and I feel that I’ve had enough. Enough looking around trying to find the right author or method to change. Enough playing “Mr. Nice Guy” all the time. I just want to be me. I just want to be proud of who I am and to enjoy “me”! I want to stop trying to change myself and simply being at ease with who I am. I want to believe once and for all that there is nothing wrong with me, nothing to fix, nothing to change. Simply time to accept who I am just like I am! Interestingly enough, I’m at the “Clearing the Fear of Change” part in my Christie Sheldon program. This synchronistic meditation was absolutely beautiful! I felt a lot of bright light inside of me. I am slowly starting to Shine Brighter Now!

(Inner) Peace!

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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