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Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 2

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Millionaire Mind Intensive ReviewMillionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 2

Wow wow wow! I still can hardly realize I have made that much progress in only 2 days! And, once again, it’s a free seminar so there’s absolutely NO reason not to attend it when it comes around in your city! It is DEFINITELY worth your time!! Here are some of the major breakthrough exercises for me:

1. Wearing a rubber band around my wrist to pinch it every time I have a negative thought. Every time you mentally punish yourself by holding a negative thought, you need to pinch your wrist with the rubber band to associate pain with negative thoughts. Immediately after, kiss your wrist and replace your negative thought with its positive counterpart. It’s very interesting because simply KNOWING that I am wearing the rubber band on my wrist is keeping my mind in check and ALREADY creating very positive change in my thoughts!!

2. Realizing the obsolescence of many of my beliefs and convincing myself that they need to be changed. We did an exercise where we had to pick 3 beliefs from a list that are limiting ourselves in creating wealth. We told those beliefs to our partner and we then had to convince him or her that the opposite belief was serving us better. It was like comforting the inner child! Very powerful exercise!!

3. Realizing how a money-related story that took place when I was 5 years old still has an effect on me! We had to go deep in our childhood and think about the influence our parent’s beliefs had on us. By describing and re-experiencing the event with our adult mind, we can gain a better perspective on it and disengage the emotional stress is originally caused. You are then freed from the past as you update your beliefs to your current adult reality.

That’s only 3 of all the exercises we did! They were the most meaningful for me but there are also many more powerful mind shifting exercises that, once again, are definitely worth your time spent at the Millionaire Mind Intensive!

Follow this link to read about Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 1

Follow this link to read about Millionaire Mind Intensive Review – Day 3


Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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