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Bob Proctor Emotions – How we see the world

Bob Proctor EmotionsBob Proctor Emotions. As Bob Proctor said time and again, we see the world through our emotions. If were are angry, everything will upset us: the long line at the grocery store, the traffic to get home, even the rain will be annoying! If were are in love, we’ll find everything beautiful: the sunlight when we wake up, the magnificence of trees, even the rain will feel refreshing! Think about it: haven’t you already experienced very similar situations, but once with very positive emotions and once with negative ones? It’s the same event happening to us, but we respond to it in very different manners. Maybe you were once stuck in traffic and it was a source of frustration and another time it was a moment to catch up with a friend?

I’ll use a metaphor to illustrate my point further. A soft touch is very enjoyable and your skin allows you to perceive this pleasurable physical contact. But was is usually enjoyable will be the opposite experience if your skin is bruised and infected: touching it will be a source of pain. Now, imagine that your skin is your mind. It is made for contact with others and these relationships are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. But if your mind is bruised by fear, then you will feel threaten by relationships with others. You’ll be wary that people might ridicule you or manipulate you. In order to experience healthy relationships, your mind needs to be healthy and free of fears.

As always, the first step to get out of fear is awareness. Read my previous articles on how to increase your awareness. Once you are aware of your fears, you need to focus on the desire that is hidden behind each one of them. To learn how to do that, read this beautiful tale from Jacques Salomé. Finally, to get rid of your fears, you need to completely accept them and forgive yourself for having them. Read my article on getting rid of limiting beliefs and fears.

Let me know how it goes!


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Bob Proctor Book Recommendations – Neville

Bob Proctor Book RecommendationsBob Proctor Book Recommendations. After attending Bob Proctor’s Matrixx event, we were given a few books to read. Two of these are from Neville Goddard and titled “The Power of Awareness” and “Awakened Imagination” (under $5 each on Amazon). Although I didn’t attend the MasterMind group following the event, I know that Bob insisted on the careful study of these two books. I’m still reading the one on imagination but I can tell you that the book on awareness offered greatly valuable lessons! Chapter 25 on Faith was particularly insightful for me:

[… it is obvious that a lack of faith means disbelief in the existence of that which you desire. Inasmuch as that which you experience is the faithful reproduction of your state of consciousness, lack of faith will mean perpetual failure in any conscious use of the law of assumption.]

The word conscious is in bold because it differentiates the instances when the Law of Attraction worked for me and didn’t. It seems as if the Law worked in my life every time that my desires belonged and remained in the subconscious realm. Every time I tried to consciously attract specific results with the Law, I failed. This specifically happened because of my lack of faith in the Law of Attraction. Neville goes on to say that:

[It is just as though that which you desire is telling you that it will not be yours until you turn from being faithless and perverse to righteousness.]

So how do I improve that? How do you consciously increased your faith? By raising your awareness! I already wrote a few articles that could be helpful if you are experiencing the same issue. Read the one on How to raise your awareness and this other one on Learning to speak the language of the universe. I hope they will prove insightful to you and will help you consciously manifest things better using the Law of Attraction!


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Bob Proctor Meditation

Bob Proctor MatrixxIn just 2 days is starting another edition of Bob Proctor Matrixx event. You can read more about this event in my previous posts. As you might know, the price to attend is pretty hefty (depending on your financial background). It’s hard to say how many millionaires and wealthy people were attending but I’m sure that a good chunk of the 50 attendees had challenges finding the $15k required. But this is an event that is definitely worth going to and I’d like to help you out with that. I thought that a Bob Proctor meditation on wealth narrated by him would be ideal! So you can listen to it here:

Bob Proctor Meditation

Let me explain this meditation a little. Right at the beginning, Bob Proctor mentions that the meditation was done for a friend, Vishen Lakhiani from MindValley. I absolutely LOVE everything that MindValley does so I invite you to visit their site. During the meditation, Bob compares our own abundance to the abundance found in nature. He says that we should be as rich and abundant as nature and our only limits are our own. This is a very important concept that I truly believe in. I believe that’s the reason why we feel so peaceful in nature, we recognize that this environment is closer to our true nature.

In the meditation, Bob asks us to visualize a funnel pointing at our head filled with lavender energy. Violet, the colour of lavender, is associated to the top of the head, the crown chakra. Violet is also related to the understanding, awareness, consciousness and spiritual connection. Setting your intention on visualizing violet will bring your awareness onto something that you cannot see but that will amplify your understanding and your consciousness because of that focus.

If you are a Bob Proctor fan, I’ll be at his conference on the Science of Getting Rich in Los Angeles on February 7-9th. Feel free to comment and connect with me before the event!


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Subconscious Mind Purpose

The subconscious mind: that wonderful ally which can also be your worst enemy! The subconscious mind purpose is to ease your life. When you learn how to drive, all the activity is in your conscious mind, and you can only focus on that one task. But with repetition, the task of driving starts imprinting into your subconscious mind, which frees up your conscious mind for other tasks such as… performing all the other tasks which distract you from driving and that you shouldn’t be doing!

subconscious mind purposeThe subconscious mind is very useful for things such as driving and getting dressed: It wouldn’t make sense to focus all your attention on such tasks on a daily basis. But your subconscious mind can also work against you if, instead of inserting the program of “driving”, you inserted a program such as “earning money is difficult”. This program has the same effect as the repetition of driving: you don’t have to consciously think about making money anymore. You go on with your day, not having to think about how money is earned because you already know that it’s hard to earn. I hope that you can see the benefits of getting rid of that program! How do you do it? The same way it was implanted: through repetition. Repetition is the easiest and hardest thing to do. Easy because the tasks are simple. Back to my driving example, every “sub-task” of driving is easy: it’s the combination of all the simultaneous tasks that makes it more complicated! If all you had to think about was the steering wheel, and forget about controlling the speed, the road signs and the slippery road, then driving would have been a lot easier to start with. So that’s what you need to do: focus on a simple task, the simplest common denominator with your goal that you can think of. Once you’ve found it, we move to the tough part: long-term commitment. This is the tough part because your subconscious mind hates change. Its role is to provide you with a known and constant environment on a daily basis. It fears the unknown so it ensures that your previous day is the same as today and the same as tomorrow. That’s why baby steps work better. It keeps your subconscious happy and change occurs without it noticing.

Read more on the subconscious mind here!

Happy evolution!

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Self Image Subconscious Mind

self image subconscious mindSelf Image Subconscious Mind. If you’ve read a few posts on this site, then you know more about the power that the subconscious mind holds in your life. In order to achieve your goals, you also need to change your self-image. No matter what kind of efforts you put into making more money, if the invisible self-image imprinted in your subconscious mind is associated to poverty, you won’t surpass that limiting ceiling. Same goes for any other topic. If your internal self-image is single, then you surely are in real life too!

So how do you improve your self-image? You learn about yourself! I already covered the importance of knowing ourselves in a previous post. But I just recently linked it with improving your image. (Actually, that was while watching one of Bob Proctor’s videos) When I think of it: I’ve been improving my self-image my entire life! I’ve been reading books on psychology and spirituality for over 15 years and that’s exactly what I did: understand myself better and improve my self-image. I’ve heard a few times that going to the psychologist doesn’t resolve your problems, it simply teaches you to identify and label them. Part of that is true, and that’s why I think that psychology needs to be complemented with work outside of their offices. After I finished my psychotherapy, I felt the need to act in a play. Acting I believe is a great way to put into action what you learned in the psychologist’s office. That’s what kids do! They act all the time! Acting allows you to integrate concepts beyond your own understanding. That’s even why kids naturally play!

So have fun! Create your best self-image and start learning about yourself. Pick the best qualities that you like in others and aim towards the image of your best self!


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Visualization techniques involving all senses

visualization techniquesYou have probably already heard about the benefits of visualization. This is the premise that comes before anything: inventions, companies, projects, etc. Before you can physically invent something, you need to have the idea in your mind, you need to see a picture of the end results and then look for a way to bring it to material existence. Same concept goes for a company: an entrepreneur needs to have a vision first that will determine the size of his enterprise. You can even do it for your personal life! Visualization techniques and visualization boards help you determine PRECISELY what you want and give your mind a clear picture to work with. The mind likes PRECISION in order to create.

So visualizing is the first step to any project. But how can you enhance your visualization techniques? I read a few times that the more senses are involved, the more effective the visualization is. I use my shower time to visualize about my upcoming wealthy life. If you associate your visualization with an activity that you do daily, your discipline should come more easily. I’m not a big fan of aroma therapy but I recently started using a soap that I “borrowed” from a Westin hotel room. (smell and touch) I LOVE the smell in Westin hotels and I associate that odour with wealth. I focus on the sound of water trickling down. (hearing) I’ve also got big checks written to my name stuck inside the panels of my toiletries cabinet. (sight) I don’t have the taste involved in my morning ritual but I figured that with 4 senses, I’m already doing pretty good!

Finally, in order to take action and to really do your visualization techniques on a daily basis, your need to increase your desire. In order to increase your desire, you need to become obsessed with your goal. It must be something you want really bad… or your situation must be really bad! (Just like my financial situation now!) But there is good in everything, be it the stronger motivation to establish passive income sources!


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How to raise your awareness?

how to raise your awarenessHow to raise your awareness? I came across a very interesting idea recently: if you understand less, you feel more and your subconscious mind is therefore more involved. When you consciously concentrate on listening to your feelings, you actually bring more awareness into them and you become conscious of them. You therefore slowly expand your consciousness over your subconsciousness.

But listening to your feelings, when you have a very rational mind like mine, and come from a very rational family where emotions aren’t shared, can be a serious challenge. A big change came from one of my readings: it said to pay attention to our vocabulary. I realized that I was always saying: “I think this…” or “I think that…” and I tried changing it for: “I feel this…” and “I feel that…” This trick was really helpful as it forced my subconscious to say what it felt instead of what it thought! Over the years, I slowly realized that I had “forbidden” emotions such as sadness and sorrow. I would never say that I was sad, even when I was. After I started to be more genuine with sadness, I realized that there was also repressed anger under the sadness. Today I’m a lot more confident in expressing anger as well. You can read my article on letting anger out if you’d like.

Once you start letting your emotions flow freely, it will become easier to detach from them too. That’s when the real benefits begin. Meditation has helped me a lot to reduce the mental activity, to pay closer attention to my feelings and to finally return to a normal flow of emotions. Finally, as you detach from your emotions, you increase your awareness over what happens to you and you detach yourself even more. I’m not sure if the increase in awareness or the detachment from emotions comes first but they are surely parallel events that will greatly increase the quality of your life!


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Law of Attraction Job Search

law of attraction job searchHello everybody! Big news tonight! I just lost my job! … and I feel super excited! That’s one more big argument toward the fact that any change is purely a matter of perspective! I could be devastated, but it’s quite the opposite! I realize that I was even secretly hoping for this to happen as this job was keeping me in a very low vibration. In order to manifest anything, you must be at the highest possible vibration. See my articles on the Language of the Universe and on Positive Vibrations. I will now use the Law of Attraction job search!

So what now? I will become a sales rep for Bob Proctor! That just seems to be the most natural thing in the world to do! I’m already promoting his work and I’ve already experienced Matrixx to the fullest! I honestly don’t know anyone who could sell better than me! I talk about it with so much passion that I’m just naturally convincing! Without even trying!

I feel like the time when I was in California, on my way to Las Vegas to see Celine Dion’s show…. which got cancelled. The whole point of our trip was to see Celine Dion’s show for our 8 months couple anniversary. Strangely enough, when I learned that the show was cancelled, I felt relieved! The following day, we helped a woman rent her car by lending her my credit card and we got to stay at her place in San Francisco for a few days… which turned into 5 beautiful months! This is my greatest use of the Law of Attraction so far and I’m really proud of it. Plus those were fabulous 5 months, surrounded by wealth and abundance. That’s also when I seriously got involved in Bob Proctor’s material and that I decided to attend Matrixx.

When I think of it, all the pieces of the puzzle really fit well together!

I’ll let you know how the Law of Attraction job search goes!

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A matter of perspective

a matter of perspectiveA matter of perspective. What would you do if you couldn’t change the circumstances of your life? If you were stuck in re-experiencing today forever and ever? Strangely enough, re-experiencing the same scenario wouldn’t result in having the same experience. You would learn and remember a bit more every day, therefore giving you a greater awareness on the same day. This is the purpose of repetition: getting a higher awareness. I once heard from Bob Proctor that when you read a book for the second time, you don’t see information that you hadn’t seen the first time, you see something in yourself you hadn’t seen before. I love that quote! It shows how incremental learning can be. That’s why I don’t try to read as many books as possible anymore: I reread the best ones to get a deeper perspective on them. Of course, occasionally I will pick a new book, but I also try to reread as much as possible. Especially the books that had a strong impact on me, and the books that have passed the test of time. Best of luck, these books are usually free and part of the public domain! This is the case for Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.

Another important point is in finding the beauty of repetition. There are so many things we do everyday, automatically, without giving them the slightest hint of importance. Unfortunately, if we were to stop and stare a little, we could get an entirely new perspective on them. Kids are usually better at this than we are, and as we saw in yesterday’s post on the wavelength of kids’ brains, I think we have more to learn from them than we believe. I try to stop many times during my day. I slow down my breathing, and I look at something more attentively than I normally would. I find it fascinating how much you can notice from something that first appeared trivial. Everything has the potential to become richer when you make it your intention!

And you, what have you been focussing on lately?

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Subconscious mind childhood

subconscious mind childhoodSubconscious mind childhood. I learned something very interesting in a webinar from Christie Sheldon yesterday: the brain of infants and children function in different wave lengths than adults. The brain of infants from 0 to 2 years old runs in delta waves from 1 to 3 Hz and children from 2 to 5 experience theta brain waves from 4 to 7 Hz. The adult brain operates at a higher frequency of beta waves from 13 to 30 Hz. I find this fascinating because I heard a few times about theta healing, which is apparently the wavelength in which the brain must be in to reprogram the subconscious mind easily. That would make a lot of sense since this is also the vibrational level in which the brain lowers during meditation. In short, while meditating, we go back to a state close to our infancy’s and therefore become more easily reprogrammable… just like when we were kids! That also means that we can access our subconscious mind better and use this temporary plasticity to insert the beliefs that we choose and which will serve us better! (as opposed to when we were 2 years old and didn’t decide which beliefs were going to be ours)

Wow! Having a scientific explanation certainly adds strength to my current beliefs and to the certitude that I am going in the right direction to improve myself and my life! I did try holosync meditation with Sonia Ricotti’s program and I felt a very strong a positive change in the beginning. I’ve now been doing the program for 6 months and I don’t see the improvements as much but I believe they are still there: it’s just that I’ve become more accustomed to them.

A product that I’ve been wanting to try is Omharmonics by MindValley. I just love everything MindValley does! This is another binaural meditation (a different frequency in each ear) which induces the meditative state better. I believe binaural meditation is a great tool for beginners as it is an easier way to reach deeper meditative states.

I hope that all this wisdom and knowledge is helpful to you and feel free to share your own meditation secrets!
