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The Importance to Dream Big

Dream BigWhen I was a child, I dared to dream big and I had 3 big life dreams: visit New York City, see Legoland in Denmark and the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. In my 10 year old mind, I had absolutely no way to conceive how I would achieve any of that. Once I accomplished all 3 dreams, by the age of 22, I was excited but also disappointed. I thought: I’ll never have childhood dreams to strive toward anymore and more importantly, I didn’t know what dream to pursue next. Dreams are not something you rationally decide, they simply come up to the surface when your rational mind is not too busy sending you its own agenda. I thought that I could never fantasize on anything like when I was a child. With my adult mind, there is no way I could set myself an “unattainable” goal again.

Well, all of that changed when I came across Bob Proctor’s teaching. He suggests that we should start from a fantasy, then turn it into a theory, to lastly make it a fact. Without even realizing, I slowly started dreaming like a child and entertaining “unreachable” ideas again. Becoming a millionaire is one. Owning real estate of $1.5 million in Quebec City and $5 million in San Francisco is another one. What I find really amazing is how closed the mind can become to dreaming when exposed to the wrong conditioning. As adults, we learn that we shouldn’t dream because we’re not likely to realize those dreams. What’s sad is that, for most people, this is true. And if you dare to dream a little, and take action to realize your dreams, many people will try to discourage you. Not because they’re evil-minded: simply because they want to protect you from the pain you will feel when you realize that your efforts were in vain.

The most important is therefore to decide to realize your dream at all costs. I’m currently reading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker. He says that everything changed for him when he stopped trying different ways of making money and DECIDED that he was going to make ONE way work. Bob Proctor says the same. When you focus all your efforts on ONE project, no matter what it is, you WILL succeed. Of course, adversity and obstacles will come along the way, but if you make up your mind that you will achieve your goal, then you will. I also like T Harv’s way of seeing problems: he says that the problems we face are a matter of personal image. Let’s say that we face a problem that is a level 5 on a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. If we have a level 3 mindset, we’ll see the problem as overwhelming. If we have a level 8 mindset, then the same problem won’t even be a problem at all!

Think of it a different way. When a little girl learns to tie her shoes, and doesn’t succeed, she might start to cry. Failure to tie her shoes, at 5 years old, means feeling ridiculous in front of her peers. When she reaches 12, tying her shows is so mastered that she doesn’t even think about it. But maybe her new challenge is to use the public transportation. If she gets lost somewhere, she’ll start to cry. When she reaches 20, there is now way that getting lost would make her feel overwhelmed, but she has new 20-year-old-level challenges. We need to outgrow our current challenges and circumstances. For some reason, many people stop doing it along the way. But we need to always perceive problems as opportunities to grow higher.

Read my article on Rising Above Your Circumstances to learn more.

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Making Money Online

Making money online. I found that there are two ways to do it: invest time or invest… money! I started this blog 4 months ago and so far I made an incredible…. Nothing! I have Amazon affiliate links set up, Clickbank links, and a few other programs that I promote but I’m able to generate nothing but a few clicks! We’re far from talking about sales! So I got into other programs such as My Online Business Empire (MOBE) and DotComSecretX which look a lot more profitable. And they are… but you also need to invest a LOT of money to get started! MOBE is $49 to start with but you need to buy a $2000 license at the end of the first 3 weeks. DotComSecret is only a $1 to start but you need to buy at least $1000 of traffic to generate your very first sale. So where do we go from there?

How long does it take to become profitable? How much does it cost to start?

I started a search online to see what could be some real expectations. When could I quit my job and live solely from my online income? The answer is… an average of 3 years! Not so bad! But it does require a LOT of perseverance. Most people who are on a quest to making money online want it fast! So PERSEVERANCE is the answer to your freedom. (Follow this link to read my article on increasing your perseverance) That’s why it’s so important to pick a niche that you LOVE and feel PASSIONATE about. Because before you can claim your perfect lifestyle you have to put in 1000 hours of volunteer work! (that’s 3 years at 1 hour/day) Are you still up to the challenge? Is your freedom worth it? Mine is! That’s for sure!

As I said, the other option is to invest money. You must have heard that time is money, well in the case of online business, it definitely is. I still haven’t found a system where you don’t need to invest in purchasing traffic. And traffic, when you start off, is the most difficult thing to get! Even for a blog! Purchasing “clicks” for your ads or sales funnel is about $1 each. So for example, in the case of DotComSecretX, you need to buy 500 clicks at $350 to generate 20% opt-ins (people who give you their email addresses) and of those 100 people, an average of 1% will buy the product you sell. That means that the product you will sell needs to be priced at $700 if you earn a 50% commission and don’t want to lose money. Obviously, that is a very difficult challenge! If you repeat this process week after week and month after month, you will eventually start making more profit because you won’t be starting from an empty list anymore. But you want that list to expand so you need to buy even more clicks! In the end, it eventually becomes profitable and you can make a lot of money, but the initial investment – for the first year maybe! – is massive! No wonder all the internet gurus say that the money is in the list! It definitely is! A list is worth a lot of money and therefore costs a lot of money to build!

How do you start?
Making Money OnlineStill, I don’t want to discourage you from starting. There is definitely money to be made if you are willing to put in the efforts over the years to achieve your objective. I stared my blog early October 2013. I knew NOTHING about blogging and I was surprised to feel some resistance. I don’t usually get stopped by challenges like this but this time I felt like I was starting from so far behind and I had no clue about what I was getting into. I love human interaction and I didn’t see myself learning programming behind a computer screen for hours. I found John Chow’s course super easy to use and very very well documented. It’s a step-by-step process of 30 days which is simple and perfect for beginners like me. The first few days are spent on creating an identity and finding what we want to write about. I answered all those questions and started building my blog but I find it especially interesting to go back and read more about specific topics such as traffic, monetization, linking strategies, content creation, etc. I now like to use the course as a reference guide while I gain deeper understanding of what I am doing.
Blogging With John Chow
This is the course I used to learn how to set up this blog! It’s a step by step plan to have everything up and ready in 30 days! The fee is a non-recurring $37. They will try to sell you other stuff like an already made blog in a profitable niche but I chose to do everything from scratch.
This is the same course but with VIDEO tutorials for $97. I have not tried this one as I thought the price difference wasn’t worth it but feel free to give it a try and let me know!
The next step: How do you get more traffic? … for free!

What is the solution? Well, I was lucky enough to stumble upon the blog of a Swedish guy – Henri Juntilla – who blogs at He describes in full length how he made his first money online and how it took him 3 years to earn $3000/month with his blog and websites and to finally live solely from that income. This guy really cares about his readers! Visit his blog, send him an email, or get one of his books! You can tell that he genuinely cares about helping others succeed! His books range from $3 to $7.

The best tip I learned from him is guest blogging. If your blog is new, it won’t drive a lot of traffic, so writing an article in the same niche but on a blog that has a larger audience will drive traffic to your site. Another good example is to post your articles to a directory. There are many directories out there so you have to test which ones work best for you and your niche. After testing several, here are my best 3:

Newsana > I post my articles on that site on a daily basis and that drives about 5 readers a day to my blog

StumbleUpon > I also post my blog on StumbleUpon and I get 10-15 extra daily readers!

Scoop.It! > I don’t get visits on my blog from this but I get links to boost my Alexa ranking

So that’s it! I hope that all this information is helpful to you! It sure would have been for me when I started!

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Motivation Comes from Action

Motivation Comes from Action. Many people ask themselves how they could increase their motivation to realize their projects or to do their self-help programs. I like Bob Proctor’s answer on that who compares it to falling in love. Do you have to motivate yourself to see the other person when you are in love? No, not at all. Motivation comes naturally from within ourselves. Well, it’s the same thing for projects and self-help. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself, that’s because you’re not enough in love with the idea… yet. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make any efforts towards your goals. Because, before you can fall in love with a project, you need to make space for it.

When I look at my love life, the first few guys I dated were chosen with very rational criteria. I was looking for guys who had the same interests and corresponded to my physical preferences. With time though, and by letting go of some of the rationality, I found candidates with whom I shared a much stronger spiritual and heart to heart connection. Interestingly enough, these relationships also lasted longer and were a lot more fulfilling. And now, I am deeply in love with my current boyfriend and I have absolutely no trouble finding the “motivation” to keep our 2 year old relationship exciting.

So back to our projects, I believe it works in very similar ways. If you have trouble finding motivation to accomplish something, you probably chose too much according to your rational criteria. Take this website for instance: I write an article almost every day! Do I find it hard to motivate myself to do it? Occasionally. But most of the time, I’m excited to write because I know my readers will benefit from my articles and also because I have my end goal firmly in mind. I want to live from my internet revenues and I am determined to do it. I have visualization boards that are constantly reminding me of the lifestyle that I desire and I see the moment when my time won’t be tied to a salary getting closer and closer.

Napoleon Hill insisted on the fact that:

“Most ideas are still-born, and need the breath of life injected into them through definite plans of immediate action”

I can now testify that this is true. I started this website in October 2013 and I needed a rigorous discipline to post articles daily. Now, 4 months later, I gained momentum and confidence, which make my desire to write daily more natural. The act of writing has become habitual and I don’t even see it as having to discipline myself anymore. I can even go further and say that I have fallen in love with writing and sharing! The picture of my desired lifestyle is so deeply imprinted in my mind that I don’t have to do anything to get excited about getting there, it just happens naturally. So as you can see, motivation comes from action. You simply need to go towards the right goals and to initially discipline yourself to set yourself in motion. It’s like the law of inertia: something in motion tends to stay in motion, while something still tends to stay still. As the original state of ideas and projects is stillness, you will need a desire that is strong enough to help you overcome the initial inertia. If you’re shooting at a rational goal, you probably will find it very difficult – if ever possible! – to get to a point where you a in love with your objective. But if you choose an emotional goal, once you’ve gone through the rational hold ups, you will quickly become excited to cruise on the love of reaching your objective.

Motivation Comes from ActionThere is one danger to this though. For many years, I was set in motion just because of the fear of emptiness in my life. I had never asked myself what I truly wanted in life so I was spinning like crazy in a hamster wheel. I had to take a break first with a sabbatical to let the real emotional goals surface up naturally while in stillness. Once I found what truly inspired me to move forward, I found difficult to set myself in motion again, but moving towards heart-felt goals is just so much more rewarding that I quickly overcame the issue.

To read more about my sabbatical, follow this link.

To watch my videos on YouTube, follow this link.

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Taking a Pause in Life

I recently read a few articles on taking the leap of faith: finding the courage to quit your regular day job to follow your passions! I even read the story of a well-intended man who gave himself and incentive to take the plunge: his friend was to send a $500 check on his behalf to the politician he disliked the most. He failed to take the leap twice, so the situation resulted in making the politician $1000 richer… and left our wannabe free worker in the same corporate job.

Taking a Pause in LifeWell, I have the opposite “problem”: Taking a pause in life. I live my life to the fullest and I don’t regret any moments of it. It all started in the year 2000 when I was bored at school since I was studying chemistry and physic simply to ensure it would leave the most doors opened for me later in life. Sciences were not for me, so I quit. I quit and I did the most beautiful thing I could think of: I traveled. I ended up in Scotland, working for IBM (not knowing much about computers but having a great asset: languages!) This job allowed me to travel even more and I saw Europe entirely. What a perfect setting! I would take two or three days off plus the weekend and fly to a different country every month! The first month I spent a few days in Paris. The second month was Rome. The third was Munich. Every month had a new destination! As soon as I’d come back home, I would start planning the next trip! And, to top it all up, I ended that beautiful year abroad… with a six-week trip in Southern Africa! I added eight countries to the list, from Kenya to South Africa! Since then, I saw a total of 35 countries. I’m 32 years old by the way and I like to joke that my life objective is to always keep the number of countries higher than my age!

So all of that sounds pretty cool on paper (or computer screen!) but I’m also experiencing the reverse side of my adventurous life. The year 2013 has been the most exciting of my life! I lived in California for a few months, met celebrities, hung out with millionaires, stayed in stunning hotels… And it’s also the year I got into the most debts! It’s interesting though because I see it as one of the best thing that ever happened in my life! Having debts forced me to calm down: To go for a steady office job, with a regular schedule and “normal” 9 to 5 weekdays. So you see, I kind of lived the opposite of what most people plan for their retirement! I took lots of time off to do what I felt like in my twenties; and the steady life came after! Not being away, off on crazy trips, has also allowed me to enjoy the simpler life. Being grounded in one place because of my debts allows me to enjoy the free pleasures of life: I contemplate nature as the seasons change; I reconnect with my home culture of Quebec City, Canada; and I tie deeper bonds with my family and friends.

Of course, I could have played my cards better and set up sources of passive income earlier to still be enjoying the traveling lifestyle. And I will eventually quit the traditional working world again to go back to doing what I’m truly passionate about: teaching people how to live better and enjoy themselves more. But for now, I am also enjoying where I am, where life has taken me (or I have taken myself!). I am grateful for all my memories and for having this pause in life, which allows me to enjoy life even more! Because if a life full of travels appears exciting, you also need time off to look back and enjoy your life’s accomplishments. It reminds me of a quote I heard about music: music wouldn’t be music if it were only notes; music is music because of the silences that allow us to appreciate the notes.

So I hope that you enjoyed reading about my adventures and that it inspired you to better appreciate the moment you are at in your life, be it a thrilling note or a contemplative silence.

So are you ready for your next adventure or pause?

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Subconscious Programming Comes First

I discovered something very important in T Harv Eker’s book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: we cannot originate thoughts that our current subconscious programming doesn’t allow. With all my readings and work around the subconscious mind, I am now well aware that our thoughts are controlled by our subconscious mind, but I never expected that the desired “prosperity” thoughts couldn’t even form until the programming had been modified! I thought that “prosperity” thoughts were simply disregarded until the right subconscious programming was in place.

Subconscious ProgrammingIt reminds me of the moment I started to think in English. My first language is French and until that point, I could only think about certain concepts that this language allows. But once you learn a second language and you start THINKING from it, then you can originate entirely new ideas and whole concepts that simply CANNOT exist in a different language. I think you need to have the capacity to think in a second language to understand what I am trying to express, but I’m still going to try an explanation. Let’s take the Italian expression “Dolce Vita”. First, the fact that we use in English a foreign language expression is usually a good sign that this concept doesn’t have it’s equivalent in the other language. Second, words can be translated, but not the true nature of the concept expressed. “Dolve Vita” literally translates to “sweet life” or “good life”, but if you ask an Italian to describe the concept, he will passionately tell you that it means to live carefree, lazily and devoid of moral principles. This is a concept that can be understood in a different language, but no real equivalent of the Dolce Vita concept exists elsewhere than in Italy.

I believe the same is true for wealth, abundance and many concepts related to the Law of Attraction. As we saw in a previous post, thoughts lead to actions, which lead to results. If we want to change our results, we therefore need to change our thoughts. But now, the new variable in the equation is the subconscious programming, which opens up the realm of possible thoughts as follows:

Subconscious Programming > Thoughts > Actions > Results

So as you can see, in order to even be able to originate a thought, it needs to be made possible by our subconscious programming in the first place. It’s the same to say that computers HAD to be invented before USB keys because nobody could have thought about inventing a USB key if there wasn’t a computer to make use of it first. So now, how do you alter your subconscious programming if it comes before your thoughts? Well, you can take example on others who have done it before you, and follow their advice and copy their actions. Or, and this one takes more courage, you can use your imagination to open up your mind to new thoughts. This is what visionaries do. The ones who imagine something that materializes afterwards are called geniuses, the ones that don’t and considered insane. But Neville insists a lot on the power of imagination in his book Awaked Imagination. He claims that this is the way to open your mind to new realms of thoughts and to experience Heaven on earth. This is how you create your own future and empower yourself to become the master of your own destiny.

Follow this link if you want to read more about Neville and Inner Thought.

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Inner Talking – Neville – Awakened Imagination

The Inner Talking we live with is incredibly important. It is what controls our daily actions and regulates the extent of our achievements. In his book “Awakened Imagination“, Neville relates to this concept in Chapter 5, The Coin of Heaven, when he claims that:

“As a rule, man is totally unaware of his inner talking and therefore sees himself not as the cause but the victim of circumstance.”

Inner TalkingThis concept can be very hard to grasp at first. After all, why would we think that we voluntarily cause ourselves pain? The answer is that we don’t do this consciously to ourselves, but we rather do it subconsciously. Some people are programmed to think negatively, to believe they are constantly sick or simply programmed to keep them in a poor state of mind. This is entirely done through the inner talking. It is the “recorded” voice that plays over and over in our minds and that we become so accustomed to that we ultimately concede it the ultimate power of being the voice of Truth. We don’t even question its authority anymore. We don’t ask ourselves where it comes from, nor if it serves us well. But the first step is to become aware of what that inner voice is telling you. Is it positive? Is it serving you? Where is that voice coming from? Why does it have so much authority on you? The messages that loopback in your mind come from various sources, but the bulk of it probably comes from your parents during your childhood. This is the time in your life when you were the most influenceable. (Read my article on Subconscious Mind Childhood to learn more) If you were repeatedly told that you could achieve any project you undertook: great for you! But if you received messages such as “life is hard”, or that “you easily get sick” or any other negative message, repeated to you over and over, then it took root in your subconscious mind and became one of your internal programs. And when I say “messages”, I don’t mean only the verbal ones. If you saw your parents struggle financially, even though they told you everything was fine, you probably understood two messages. The first is that life is a financial struggle, the second is that you should hide it and pretend you are doing fine. These are some of the messages I got. The most difficult to overcome was the “pretending” one. Because, in order to solve any problem, you need to acknowledge it first. Neville claims it too when he writes that:

“Right inner talking is the first step to becoming what you want to be.”

Once I realized that pretending wasn’t going to solve any issues, and that in fact it simply made matters worse, I started a slow process of recognizing the areas in my life that needed improvement. I became aware of my inner talking and gradually replaced the limiting thoughts with positive ones. This can be a rather long and roller-coaster process. The key to success therefore is perseverance. (You can read my article on Self-Help Perseverance here) Again, the difficulty is that we are limited by our physical senses and it is difficult to persevere in a good habit if we don’t see the results after a short period of time, as this leaves us with the feeling of wasted efforts. In order to counter that, you need to develop faith and the understanding that internal change is occurring even though you don’t yet see it externally. But be certain that, with a great dose of courage, you WILL change your inner talking and achieve what you want to achieve.

Lastly, to increase you chances of success, find an accountability partner! This is what I did and it surely raises the spirit and makes the journey more enjoyable!


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A Certain Way of Doing Things

If you’ve read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, you might be wondering what he means by a Certain Way of doing things. That part kept me puzzled for a while as I didn’t quite grasp what he meant by this expression. He refers to the “Certain Way” many times, but fails to really explain how things are done a “Certain Way”. Maybe it’s just something that cannot be explained I thought, maybe it’s a feeling that cannot be translated into words. Well, I gained a deeper understanding of the concept recently and I believe that I acted a “Certain Way” at the Science of Getting Rich seminar with Bob Proctor last weekend. One of the indicators is the readership of this website that skyrocketed like never before while I was at the seminar! I don’t think I did anything different, as I posted articles daily as usual, and didn’t advertise this site more, but I believe I did things in a “Certain Way”. I placed myself FROM the level of success that I am seeking and didn’t pursue my goals anymore, but rather felt that I had already achieved them! This is especially true as we did an exercise where we projected ourselves a year later and pretended we had already achieved all of our objectives. My energy level shifted considerably. I experienced a “Certain Way” of doing things without even realizing it. I simply noticed afterwards, when I looked at my website’s statistics and I sought an explanation for the rise in visitors. So as you can see, in order to act in a “Certain Way”, your actions don’t need to be different, but your MINDSET needs to be completely in the flow, and you need to be in a pure place of giving. Your objective needs to be already accomplished in your mind and you need to fully feel the satisfaction form that accomplishment. You must perform your tasks while being smothered in positive energy and you must have the complete trust that your goal will be reached.

Certain Way of doing thingsWhen I look back, I realize that I experienced things in a “Certain Way” several times without even knowing. For example, when I did an art show with my boyfriend, his energy shifted and he started believing he was going to get a lot of contracts. And we did get several in the following days, but none of them came from the show! They all came from different channels that were previously established and had no relation to the art show! So simply by changing his mindset, he opened up the possibility of receiving new contracts, he truly believed it, and it happened!

Of course, in order to believe something, it’s easier to rely on the physical evidences. For example, if your goal is to get several contracts, you need to start acting as if you were at least getting a few. Once you get them the first few ones, it will become easier to keep acting that way until you reach the amount desired. I often read that the Universe doesn’t know the difference between manifesting $1 or $1000, one contract or one hundred contracts. But our conditioned minds do see a difference! To condition ourselves to a new reality, it’s easier to process incrementally. So start visualizing your goal and act in a “Certain Way”!

Leave a comment and let me know what you want to manifest or have already manifested with your Certain Way of doing things!

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Famous Names in History

Have you ever wondered why we remember the names that we remember in history? Why are some famous names in history remembered well, while other people who achieved remarkable things remained largely unknown? Why does everybody know about Einstein, Beethoven, Luther King, Tesla, and so many more? Of course, what they achieved was incredible and well beyond the accomplishments of most people. But still, I believe there is a deeper meaning to their remembrance: they were closer to Truth. Truth as in “Universal Truth”, which is the knowledge that makes the advancement of humanity and is common throughout ages and cultures.

Famous Names in HistoryThink about it: why do we remember some things more than others? Because of their emotional impact! We hear with our ears, but we listen with our emotions. We see with our eyes, but we observe with our emotions. On an individual level, we remember the situations that had a meaningful emotional impacts on us: what we were doing when 9/11 occurred, a car accident that happened right before our eyes, the times we were bullied at school. Anything that catches the “Ultimate Observer’s Attention”. The traumas that could have happened during childhood will also be remembered better because they had a stronger emotional impact. As our rational (conscious) mind was still forming, the emotional (subconscious) mind was prevalent and therefore interpreted the events as more “fight or flight” than with analytical detachment. This is why it is very important to revisit these traumatizing events when we are older because we can reinterpret them with our adults eyes and remove the unnecessary emotional impact from them. For example, when I went to Millionaire Mind, I did an exercise about money that took me back to when I was 5 years old when my mom reprimanded me about not spending my pocket money on the right things. This happened 27 years ago but I realized that it still affected my actions today! But by simply mentally going back to the event, I was able to realize the exaggerated importance that I put on it and to release myself from it.

On a final note, I’d like to talk about fractals. I’m quite fascinated by them. I saw a documentary recently that compared the patterns of the stars in the universe to the patterns of the neurons in our brain. Both pictures are stunningly similar! It’s like if our sun was a simple neuron in the brain of the universe. So back to the topic of memory, I wonder if the famous names in history couldn’t have been instinctively “selected” to constitute the memory of humanity, just as we naturally select the thoughts we want to create our memories and build our personal belief system. It’s like if we instinctively knew that these famous names HAD to be remembered because the information they were sharing HAD to be remembered for the future. Each of these names is like a lighthouse that, combined together, guides the memory of humanity towards greater Truth.

Anyway, these are my thoughts on the subject and I’d really like to have yours. Why do we remember only certain famous names in history? Why do you think we remember what we  remember?

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Awakened Imagination by Neville

I already talked about Neville’s book on the Power of Awareness. I’m now reading Awakened Imagination by Neville which is the second part of what used to be a single book. Chapter 2 titled “Sealed Instructions” talks about the requirements for manifesting one’s desires. Neville claims that:

“No idea presented to the mind can realize itself unless the mind accepts it.”

That’s a very powerful concept that I experienced fully at the Science of Getting Rich seminar with Bob Proctor last weekend. On the third and final day, Mary Morrissey told the story of a fisherman who rejected all the bigger fish he caught. When asked for an explanation, he said that the larger ones didn’t fit in his frying pan. That means that in order to achieve something, we need in the first place to accept the idea that it CAN be achieved. You need to work FROM a larger frying pan BEFORE you catch the larger fish. That might sound trivial, but disregarding this notion is exactly what keeps us stuck where we are. For example, if you do not TRULY believe that you can be a millionaire, from the bottom of your heart, then it will never happen. That’s also related to the notion that you need to think FROM your goal and not OF your goal. How can you do that? The best way I found is to try and try and try. All my epiphanies happened at a moment when I expected it the least. But I know that it’s the 3 months of no apparent progress that will lead to that desired “ah-ha” moment! Repetition and striving are the only ways I know that will change your core and produce results. That’s what Neville expresses a little bit further when he says that:

” Success is gained not by imitating the outer actions of the successful but by right inner actions and inner talking.”

Awakened Imagination by NevilleSo many people try to copy successful people by acting the same way, performing the same routines, hoping to get the same success. What you need to do is to change your core, transform your mind, do things in a “Certain Way” as it is said in The Science of Getting Rich by William Wallace. That also reminds me of the process of alchemy. You need an oven to perform alchemy and its the heat that accomplishes the transformation. It’s the same with your body and your mind. You need to have the right information inside of you, along with a high amount of energy, and then change will occur – not gradually, but instantaneously after the right conditions are in place. How do you build the heat? Through repetition! Repeat over and over what you know you should do. You won’t see the change happen externally right away because that kind of change is not progressive. It simply happens all of a sudden when people have built enough heat and have believed long enough. That’s also why faith is such an important part of the process. You need to believe in the unseen for it to manifest externally. It’s like life’s way of testing your commitment towards your goal. The best breakthroughs occur after the worst discouragements. Paolo Coelho talks about it in his Manual of the Warrior of Light.

And as always, parter up with someone who will help you achieve your goals and will be there to celebrate the successes and encourage you to keep going during the hardships.

Happy reading!

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The Sedona Method – Letting Go of Unwanted Feelings

Sedona MethodI just came across the Sedona Method on letting go. This is a very simple and powerful exercise! It simply shows you that releasing unwanted feelings is as simple as unclenching your hand to drop the pen you were holding. It’s so easy to disregard methods that appear too simplistic. But I tried it just before the Science of Getting Rich and I let go of my fear of change. I felt the exercise was extremely powerful and the image that spontaneously came to my mind was a cage around my heart with the gate opening when I let go! Wow!

The method is very simple. Here are the steps:

1. Choose an issue that you would like to feel better about and allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up when you allow this situation to exist in your mind.

2. Ask yourself any of the following questions: (and allow the answer to be yes or no, because it works with both)

>     a. Could I let this feeling go?

>     b. Could I allow this feeling to be here?

>     c. Could I welcome this feeling?

3. Ask yourself if you are willing to let go.

4. Ask yourself when you are willing to let go.

5. Feel the change in your feelings and repeat steps 1 to 4 if you feel the need.

So how did it feel for you? I tried the exercise a few times over the last few days, and I must say that I’m quite impressed by the level of peace that comes up when I try it! It seems like inner peace comes in less than a minute! I don’t think I’ve ever come across an exercise that worked so well and so easily for me. What about you?

If you want to know more about this exercise and learn other techniques, I invite you to visit the Sedona Method website. And if you end up purchasing their entire program ($388) I would also like to have your feedback on it!

Thanks a lot!