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The Science of Getting Rich review

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Bob Proctor SeminarsThe Science of Getting Rich review. The first night was only 3 hours long but still very high in realizations! First, I realized that I haven’t acted much since Matrixx 4 months ago. There are about 10 people here who were also among the 50 participants at the Matrixx and all of them have EXPANDED so much! One of the guys went from $1.3 millions to $20 millions in PROFIT. Okay, he’s mentoring with Bob Proctor himself and already had a company going but still, it’s hard not to compare my results to his. I’m still looking for work, I don’t know how it’ll pay for my debts and – worst of all! – I’m still focussing on them. As Bob Proctor always says, it’s not learning the theory by heart that will change anything: it’s the understanding of it and taking action that will give results. I realize that I haven’t done as much as I could on the taking action part. I give myself reasons more than I get results. Here how the event is going on the two major points:

UNDERSTADING. The Science of Getting Rich event (or any similar event) is great to network with like-minded people.  We received the text of the book by the same title in a huge course manual and we are going through it line by line. I really like the fact that we are immersing ourselves in the text so much. We stop all the time to ask ourselves questions about the text, to reflect on it and to write our own interpretations.

TAKING ACTION. When the evening started, I became very nervous. I realized that the main reason I hadn’t made much progress is that I’m scared to make a lot of money! Yep! I didn’t have a clue I had such a fear but I realized that making a lot of money is tied to my fear of existing and taking my place in the world. I decided that this fear has to go. I stumbled upon the Sedona method yesterday which is really helpful for letting go and I will use it to release this fear. Getting this realization is the main reason for participating in the event. Reading the book at home won’t be much of an incentive to get results. But talking with people who have applied the theory, witnessing that it works, feeling the energy level and connecting with like-minded people definitely helps tremendously.

Read here my Science of Getting Rich review Day 2!

Happy learning!


Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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