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Awakened Imagination by Neville

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I already talked about Neville’s book on the Power of Awareness. I’m now reading Awakened Imagination by Neville which is the second part of what used to be a single book. Chapter 2 titled “Sealed Instructions” talks about the requirements for manifesting one’s desires. Neville claims that:

“No idea presented to the mind can realize itself unless the mind accepts it.”

That’s a very powerful concept that I experienced fully at the Science of Getting Rich seminar with Bob Proctor last weekend. On the third and final day, Mary Morrissey told the story of a fisherman who rejected all the bigger fish he caught. When asked for an explanation, he said that the larger ones didn’t fit in his frying pan. That means that in order to achieve something, we need in the first place to accept the idea that it CAN be achieved. You need to work FROM a larger frying pan BEFORE you catch the larger fish. That might sound trivial, but disregarding this notion is exactly what keeps us stuck where we are. For example, if you do not TRULY believe that you can be a millionaire, from the bottom of your heart, then it will never happen. That’s also related to the notion that you need to think FROM your goal and not OF your goal. How can you do that? The best way I found is to try and try and try. All my epiphanies happened at a moment when I expected it the least. But I know that it’s the 3 months of no apparent progress that will lead to that desired “ah-ha” moment! Repetition and striving are the only ways I know that will change your core and produce results. That’s what Neville expresses a little bit further when he says that:

” Success is gained not by imitating the outer actions of the successful but by right inner actions and inner talking.”

Awakened Imagination by NevilleSo many people try to copy successful people by acting the same way, performing the same routines, hoping to get the same success. What you need to do is to change your core, transform your mind, do things in a “Certain Way” as it is said in The Science of Getting Rich by William Wallace. That also reminds me of the process of alchemy. You need an oven to perform alchemy and its the heat that accomplishes the transformation. It’s the same with your body and your mind. You need to have the right information inside of you, along with a high amount of energy, and then change will occur – not gradually, but instantaneously after the right conditions are in place. How do you build the heat? Through repetition! Repeat over and over what you know you should do. You won’t see the change happen externally right away because that kind of change is not progressive. It simply happens all of a sudden when people have built enough heat and have believed long enough. That’s also why faith is such an important part of the process. You need to believe in the unseen for it to manifest externally. It’s like life’s way of testing your commitment towards your goal. The best breakthroughs occur after the worst discouragements. Paolo Coelho talks about it in his Manual of the Warrior of Light.

And as always, parter up with someone who will help you achieve your goals and will be there to celebrate the successes and encourage you to keep going during the hardships.

Happy reading!

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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