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Subconscious Programming Comes First

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I discovered something very important in T Harv Eker’s book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: we cannot originate thoughts that our current subconscious programming doesn’t allow. With all my readings and work around the subconscious mind, I am now well aware that our thoughts are controlled by our subconscious mind, but I never expected that the desired “prosperity” thoughts couldn’t even form until the programming had been modified! I thought that “prosperity” thoughts were simply disregarded until the right subconscious programming was in place.

Subconscious ProgrammingIt reminds me of the moment I started to think in English. My first language is French and until that point, I could only think about certain concepts that this language allows. But once you learn a second language and you start THINKING from it, then you can originate entirely new ideas and whole concepts that simply CANNOT exist in a different language. I think you need to have the capacity to think in a second language to understand what I am trying to express, but I’m still going to try an explanation. Let’s take the Italian expression “Dolce Vita”. First, the fact that we use in English a foreign language expression is usually a good sign that this concept doesn’t have it’s equivalent in the other language. Second, words can be translated, but not the true nature of the concept expressed. “Dolve Vita” literally translates to “sweet life” or “good life”, but if you ask an Italian to describe the concept, he will passionately tell you that it means to live carefree, lazily and devoid of moral principles. This is a concept that can be understood in a different language, but no real equivalent of the Dolce Vita concept exists elsewhere than in Italy.

I believe the same is true for wealth, abundance and many concepts related to the Law of Attraction. As we saw in a previous post, thoughts lead to actions, which lead to results. If we want to change our results, we therefore need to change our thoughts. But now, the new variable in the equation is the subconscious programming, which opens up the realm of possible thoughts as follows:

Subconscious Programming > Thoughts > Actions > Results

So as you can see, in order to even be able to originate a thought, it needs to be made possible by our subconscious programming in the first place. It’s the same to say that computers HAD to be invented before USB keys because nobody could have thought about inventing a USB key if there wasn’t a computer to make use of it first. So now, how do you alter your subconscious programming if it comes before your thoughts? Well, you can take example on others who have done it before you, and follow their advice and copy their actions. Or, and this one takes more courage, you can use your imagination to open up your mind to new thoughts. This is what visionaries do. The ones who imagine something that materializes afterwards are called geniuses, the ones that don’t and considered insane. But Neville insists a lot on the power of imagination in his book Awaked Imagination. He claims that this is the way to open your mind to new realms of thoughts and to experience Heaven on earth. This is how you create your own future and empower yourself to become the master of your own destiny.

Follow this link if you want to read more about Neville and Inner Thought.

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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