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The best self-help tools along your spiritual journey

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How many self-help books do you have on your shelves? 5? …And they were given to you? 20? …You’re just starting! Over a 100! That’s more like it! Everybody I know who’s into self-help has A LOT of books on the topic. So does anybody who has a passion for something, right? Well, I believe it’s not exactly the same thing. I find books to be among the best self-help tools I have. But we don’t collect self-help books for the pleasure of collecting them, we collect them in order to grow. So how is that working out for you? Have you made all the progress you hoped for? If not, carry on…

Best self-help toolsThere are tons of self-help books out there. But instead of reading them all, I try to mainly reread the same few ones. It’s quite fascinating to realize how much we can learn from a second, third or fourth read! It’s always the same book, but you get a new perspective as you read it with a different awareness. I believe that we don’t do this often enough: revisit the same books, the same movies. There is so much we can learn that way! I find it strange because we do it with people! We keep the same family our entire life, we keep the same partner, we keep many of our friends. Isn’t the beauty of life to deepen our relationships instead of accumulating them? Why should it be different with books? That’s how Bob Proctor did it! He owes all his success to the careful study of only a very few books!

Unfortunately, I didn’t get hooked on Think and Grow Rich like so many other people did. I even had trouble finishing it! The book I read the most often in my life is definitely The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. And every time I did, I understood messages I didn’t get on the previous read. Maybe I love this book so much because I recognize myself in the traveler who leaves everything behind to fulfil his true purpose. Maybe that’s because I have also been to Egypt and it’s been the best trip of my life!

Next in the list is Deepak Chopra. Deepak’s books played a very important role in my spiritual path. Discovering him marked my shift from reading books on psychology for 10 years to slowly shifting towards spirituality. He’s the one who introduced me to meditation 3 years ago. I loved him… until I saw him on video. I find that he lacks enthusiasm. When I saw him during interviews, he looked bored. Anyway, he’s still the one who opened up my eyes on spirituality so he deserves to be on my best self-help books list!

And the most recent is Bob Proctor. I discovered him less than a year ago but the impact of his teachings made me want to meet him right away. I did meet him at Matrixx in October 2013 and I also went to his Science of Getting Rich seminar in L.A. in February 2014. Everything I learned from him and from It’s Not About the Money have influenced my life in the most impactful way. I am now confident that I can achieve what I decide and I’m putting everything in place to become financially independent within the next 3 years!

So that’s it! What are the most influential self-help books in your life? What have been your best self-help tools?

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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