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Personal Development Coach

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I’m realizing more and more the importance of having a personal development coach to keep evolving. I just finished reading Who Are You Really and What Do You Want by Shad Helmstetter: a powerful book on self-talk and the importance of having a coach. Incidentally, I’m in the 5th week of my coaching program with Peak Potentials. I had life coaches in the past, I didn’t really see the need to have one now, but boy oh boy is it catapulting me at exponential speed!

It started by a resistance of having to report daily. I find that I already report to myself enough and I didn’t need someone else to keep me in check. I feared that this would add to the pressure I’m already putting on myself to perform. When I openly admitted to my coach that I didn’t want to report on my daily activities, I also opened up to understanding a deeper meaning to this repulsion.

Not reporting to someone else was in fact a way to keep lying to myself into the belief that I was making a lot of effort. When I got that out of my system, I realized that I could ask a lot more of myself… and it didn’t feel demanding at all! In fact, it’s even fun and exciting to exceed the daily and weekly objectives that I set for myself! I’ve also introduced the concept of weekly rewards (I treat myself to a nice restaurant) but I feel that I don’t even need external rewards that much. The simple feeling of pride in beating my weekly goals is enough satisfaction to keep me going and constantly aim higher.

personal development coachI feel that I’m redoing part of my education. Something went wrong in my initial programming regarding effort and rewards and I have to set that straight. This comparison might sound weird but it feels like training a dog. The reward or the punishment need to come right after the good or bad behaviour. Your window of opportunity to show a dog he did something right or wrong is very narrow. Well I’m applying a similar concept for my efforts. If I do something positive, such as an effort in the right direction of my personal development, I treat myself to something good. If I don’t do what I should be doing, then I don’t allow myself the reward.

That’s how it started at least. Because very quickly, I didn’t need to grant myself physical rewards and the simple pride of knowing that I am on the right track is enough to keep me going. I feel like I’m the parent of my inner child and I’m re-educating and re-programming him so that he enjoys making efforts in order to grow.

This is crucial in setting up passive income streams because it’s a lot of upfront work before results show. I believe that being able to discipline ourselves is crucial in succeeding a passive income project. Bob Proctor says it time and again: “Discipline is the ability to give yourself a command and follow it.” And I can now grasp the full extent of this quote as I am now starting to get scared to see less and less limits to where I can go!

If you want to learn more on building passive income stream, read my article Getting Started With Passive Income.

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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