Shine Brighter Now

Improve Your Life with a Gratitude Journal

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You might have heard that using gratitude accelerates the manifestation of your dream.

I took me a while to discover WHY though.

If you are grateful for your current situation, and equally grateful for your visualized situation, then you are creating a “bridge” that connects both together.

We saw before that what matters most is the FEELING you feel towards a situation. Therefore, if you are grateful, and remain in that state because you are grateful for both you current and future situations, then you’re closing the gap between both!

So how do you become more grateful?

Well, like anything else, you practice!

Write a gratitude journal every day and think about what you truly appreciate in your life.

Write at least 5 things you are grateful for. Try to be very specific.

Gratitude JournalIt’s more efficient to be grateful for the nice warm weather at lunch time that allowed you to go for a walk around your office building than simply being grateful for the nice weather.

When you are thankful for something more precise, you are training your mind to focus on the positive in your life, and you eventually create more of what you focus on.

Being grateful also ignites a shift in your perception.

Have you ever noticed how differently people can react to the same situation?

Let’s say you were supposed to go hiking this weekend but it started raining. Some people will go anyway and won’t notice it more than having to wear a rain jacket. Others will be upset and will simply stay at home. Some others will take this opportunity to visit friends and be surprised that their day turned out to be even more exciting than expected.

It’s all the same rain for everybody, but all with very different perceptions and outcomes.

There is always both positive and negative in everything. It’s simply a matter of CHOOSING to view the most favourable perspective.

After all, the rain isn’t affected by your reaction, but YOU are!

Haven’t you noticed that when you get very upset about something, everything else seems to be tainted by anger for the following few hours?

And have you realized that, when you are in a very good mood, even the things that usually bother you seem to bother you less?

Your life becomes a lot more enjoyable when you realize that you have power over things and events through your reactions.

Letting something bother you, or not, is up to you.

When you take ownership of you feelings, you start to realize that you can control them and recognize that you have the power on how your day goes.

Of course, it’s not simply a matter of awareness.

It takes practice to learn to consistently see things positively.

It’s not a linear process either. When you start trying to see things positively, you also have to learn to let go.

You cannot force yourself to “not care” about something that really bothers you.

But you can focus your energy and thoughts elsewhere, on something more pleasant.

Gradually, you will learn to let go of your grip on what displeases you and disturbs your positive vibrations.

Read this article to get more tips on increasing your persistence to reach your goals.

Or, if you want to take the achievement of your dreams to the next level, check out my course on persistence!

Author: Martin Pelletier

J'aide les gens à vivre leurs passions

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