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Bob Proctor Matrixx

Wow! What an incredible week at Bob Proctor Matrixx! 6 days with him are definitely worth more than the 3 months that I spent studying his material! (Although studying his material prior to the event is crucial as it opens your mind for the event!) And there were people there who had been studying for years and thought the same!! I discovered that the results lie in the ACTION. You have to EXPERIENCE what he teaches. Asking him questions and getting answers LIVE are key to discovering your own hidden beliefs. For instance, through a series of simple but effective questions, he made me discover that I was protecting myself from abundance instead of embracing it! That was a pretty important breakthrough! And that was just the beginning! Many other breakthroughs were waiting in line for the first one to happen to reveal themselves!

Bob Proctor MatrixxDay 1: On the first day I set a simple objective: ask a question during the seminar to get myself involved. I did, and oh boy I didn’t know what I was getting into!!

Day 2: On the second day, I had already broken the ice with my first question so it was easy to ask many more questions. It really got the ball rolling. I didn’t want to focus all the attention of the seminar on me, but I was determined to get the highest possible return on investment!

Day 3: On the third day, that’s when it got personal. I was trying to find what I wanted, what was the big project that I wanted to work on? I had something, a worldwide school system that would incorporate Bob’s material. It was a nice project, but it didn’t fully resonate with me. So I told Bob, and through a series of simple question, we were able to pinpoint my true desire: to get a beautiful penthouse in Quebec City! While this project might not be as noble as teaching kids around the world, I had to discover that I need to restore my pride before I can take on other projects. I learned what having “order” in your thoughts mean, and that there is a sequence you need to follow to achieve your dreams. What a great teacher he is!

Day 4: On the fourth day I had to share my epiphany! The pressure was too strong to keep it inside, so when Sandy Gallagher asked me a question, I jumped in front of the class and shared my joy! I told everybody the importance of FEELING your project in your heart. After I sat back down, I felt like I had come alive for the first time in my life! Yep! That’s what the Matrixx does to you! I bet that you haven’t had such a revelation while watching his videos or reading his books! 😉

Day 5 and 6: The last 2 days were pure cruising on my new discoveries. It takes some time for the new information to sink into your subconscious mind. But it was a beautiful experience. I felt more light inside of me, more alignment, and a greater determination to achieve my goals!

I’m now back home and full of energy to accomplish my dreams. The first on the list is to get a penthouse, and I’m determined to get it! I’ll let you know how it goes!

Watch this video to get a description of the event by Bob Proctor:

Bob Proctor Matrixx – Vimeo

I’m definitely going back in January 2014. Follow this link to register:

Bob Proctor Matrixx – Official Site

I’ll see you there!


P.S. If you want to make a smaller investment to start with, then I suggest the Science of Getting Rich program!! It’s only $197, it has a 60-day money back guarantee if you don’t like it but it’s really truly amazing!!

The Science of Getting Rich program

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