Shine Brighter Now

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How to Increase Productivity

How to Increase Productivity

When I was first introduced to the power of visualization, the Law of Attraction, the book The Secret and similar concepts, it felt like all there was to do was to focus on the goal and it would automatically be attracted to me. After an intense year of visualizing and hoping, I concluded that something else was required.

It is true that hard work is not required, but persistent and productive work definitely is. For a long time I felt trapped between the need to work hard and return to my past filled with anxiety and the desire to achieve big goals which require a lot of energy. The solution progressively came to me as I witnessed more and more the power of focus. When you concentrate all your attention on a single task at a time, you become a lot more efficient.

Remove Distractions

It has become counterintuitive in our era to focus. Most of us have the impression that multitasking and doing more yields the greatest results. In fact, this only results in a lot of ineffective busyness. I was impressed by the feeling of peace that came over me after I disconnected Facebook, Gmail and Twitter from my phone. I’m not only relieved from the time I was wasting on social media, I’m also free from the perpetual anxiety that was caused by the constant interruptions. I now check my email and Facebook only once a day. When I respond to my email, my mind is clear, focussed on what I write, I remember things more and I feel that I am truly sending quality messages to people who deserve it. My “likes” on Facebook also have more meaning now that I take the time to really read or watch what I “like” instead of simply liking by reflex.

Break Down Your Work Periods

How to increase productivityThis is one I still sometimes struggle with, but when I do it, breaking down the work periods really helps to increase my productivity. There are many possibilities for this one, such as the 50-10-50 technique which consists of working 50 minutes, taking a 10-minute break and working for another 50 minutes. During the 50-minute work periods, make sure to follow my previous advice on removing distractions, in order to really make it an intensely focussed period of productive work. The 10 minute break is also very important as it will make your following work period more productive too. I sometimes find it difficult to stop when I’m on a momentum, but experience has shown me that taking this break allows me to be more consistent. Otherwise I feel overwhelmed after working 3 or 4 hours non-stop. Taking the 10-minute break is also important so that I finish my productive work periods with a feeling of satisfaction and freshness instead of feeling exhausted and empty. Ending on a positive note motivates me to go back to work the following time.

Have strong SHORT-TERM goals

My BIG dreams are what I’m really in LOVE with. They are the exciting part of my life and they feed my motivation to keep me working on my projects. But when your dreams are big – and they should ALWAYS be! – they will take some time to realize. Probably years. In order to keep yourself motivated, you need to break them down into weekly and even daily goals. Your mind probably gets bored quickly so you need to show it quick results. After you accomplish a weekly goal, and even a daily goal, make sure you reward yourself. Realizing any big project is always done in breaking it down into small easily digestible steps.

Be accountable to someone

I already talked about the importance of having an accountability partner. What I just recently discovered though is a powerful technique that uses fear to create motivation. Although I definitely believe that fear should not be used as a main motivational tool, the technique that I came across is very interesting. It simply consists of creating a situation that is worse than NOT realizing your goal. For example, in my case I wrote a check to a friend and told him to cash it and spend the money on himself if I didn’t achieve a goal by a certain date. I was so afraid of losing that money – which was scarce at the time! – that it really motivated me to keep working on my goal. Of course, the fear cannot be too crushing either, and this technique should be used in combination with rewarding yourself. But still, I found it to be very effective.


I already gave tips on how to make your meditation sessions more enjoyable and efficient. Once again, meditating or simply taking a few minutes of nothingness greatly enhances your working periods. If you want, you can also use meditation to visualize your work already accomplished. This could help your mind find shortcuts that you wouldn’t have seen without taking a break.

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The Silva Life System

I’ve been wanting to try the Silva Life System for a while already. When a friend told me he had just started it, I took this opportunity to finally jump in and do it with him. I wrote many times before about the importance of having accountability partners to increase personal discipline and follow through. Having someone to share is also a great asset to enhance your experience. It allows you to notice things you wouldn’t have noticed on your own, to confirm whether you are going in the right direction or not and to pay closer attention to your evolution. A few months ago, I wrote an article on “Mirrors” and “Acknowledging what our blockages are” and this too represents a tremendously important advantage of having an accountability partner. We discover ourselves through our relationships so it’s always very important to watch who we surround ourselves with and what they teach us about ourselves.

Silva Life SystemNow that you are convinced that you need to do your personal development program with someone else, lets go back to the Silva Life System. I did the first exercise of the program a few days ago. It’s on transforming stress and it was incredibly powerful for me. I did it on the bus on the way to work and I got there very relaxed and peaceful. This simple 15-minute meditation had a profound impact on my day as I stayed focused and calm the entire day.

The following exercises are on crafting your dreams. They’re useful but I’ve already done so many other exercises on that following Bob Proctor’s teaching that I already know very precisely what I want in life. I already hold my destination firmly in mind and my problem is more in finding the quickest path to realizing that dream life. I do have the persistence issued figured out as well, but I simply want to optimize my efforts.

That’s why I loved the following part which is on Going Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs. This too, I had done before, but the Silva Life System tackled it in a way I had never tried in my previous programs. I felt greatly energized after doing the exercise and I already feel that it had an important impact on my behaviour and beliefs.

I’ve only done these first few exercises so far so I’ll keep you posted when I’m further into the program!

In case I got you interested in trying the Silva Life System, you can get free sample exercises here. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom and click on “Free Lessons“.

Let me know how it goes!

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Bob Proctor seminar review

Bob Proctor seminar review

There’s a quote from Bob Proctor which stuck in my mind for a while and is making more and more sense now. Bob says that, when things start getting better, you think to yourself: “Wow! Things couldn’t get any better!” … but they do! And it gets better and better all the time!

The most difficult part in personal development is getting out of inertia. It’s the same as with riding a bike or launching a rocket: the most energy is required for the take off. Once you are in motion, the force of inertia builds up and a lot less energy is required to keep you going at the same speed or the same level of happiness. You’ve already gained momentum and the extra efforts that you deploy aren’t used to take you off the ground anymore, but rather to add extra happiness to your existing state of bliss.

Matrixx and Science of Getting Rich

Bob Proctor seminar reviewIn my case, I started studying Bob Proctor’s material a year ago. Four months later I attended Matrixx and 4 more months after, I attended The Science of Getting Rich. You can follow the links to read the Bob Proctor seminar review I did for each of them. And now, I can say that I am definitely reaping the benefits of all the studying and the investment in the seminars. The steady studying is important because it prepares your mind for the new information and it “softens” your subconscious mind. Attending live seminars is even more important because of the energy that builds up on site and gives you courage and strength to do your big change. The follow up mastermind groups and exercises are also extremely important as they allow the theory to really sink in permanently and create durable change in your life.

Another quote I love from Bob and that keeps me moving towards my goals is: “When riches start coming your way, they will come so fast, it will make your head spin!” Well, riches aren’t making my head spin yet, but I’ve seen so many positive changes in my life already that I don’t even need discipline or motivation to keep going. When you realize every day the good that your daily rituals and practice give you, it simply becomes natural to do them! I now always wake up in a super good mood and 6 days out of 7 I remain very enthusiastic throughout the day.

The daily ritual

First on my list is Bob Proctor’s meditation which I LOVE and listen to as often as I can. Then I also do my positive affirmations while looking into my eyes since that apparently speeds up the transformation process. This is a trick I learned at the Science of Getting Rich seminar. I also occasionally watch the You Were Born Rich seminar available on YouTube. This is the video that sparked my interest in Bob a year ago. I must have watched the entire 10-hour seminar about 50 times!

I had already read the book The Secret a few years ago but my attention wasn’t caught by Bob’s teaching then. I’m always curious to find the answer to: “Why me?” Why am I so attracted by Bob Proctor’s teaching while so many aren’t? Why do I feel that this information resonates so deep within me? Anyway, I’ll find the answer to that later I guess!  😉

I also ended up on the stage at The Science of Getting Rich seminar and you can watch a short clip of that here. (That specific exercise was with Mary Morrissey and not Bob)

So that’s it! All I want to tell you is: “Keep going!” I had my struggles to get where I am now but my current state is definitely worth way more than the efforts I put in!

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The Sedona Method – Letting Go of Unwanted Feelings

Sedona MethodI just came across the Sedona Method on letting go. This is a very simple and powerful exercise! It simply shows you that releasing unwanted feelings is as simple as unclenching your hand to drop the pen you were holding. It’s so easy to disregard methods that appear too simplistic. But I tried it just before the Science of Getting Rich and I let go of my fear of change. I felt the exercise was extremely powerful and the image that spontaneously came to my mind was a cage around my heart with the gate opening when I let go! Wow!

The method is very simple. Here are the steps:

1. Choose an issue that you would like to feel better about and allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up when you allow this situation to exist in your mind.

2. Ask yourself any of the following questions: (and allow the answer to be yes or no, because it works with both)

>     a. Could I let this feeling go?

>     b. Could I allow this feeling to be here?

>     c. Could I welcome this feeling?

3. Ask yourself if you are willing to let go.

4. Ask yourself when you are willing to let go.

5. Feel the change in your feelings and repeat steps 1 to 4 if you feel the need.

So how did it feel for you? I tried the exercise a few times over the last few days, and I must say that I’m quite impressed by the level of peace that comes up when I try it! It seems like inner peace comes in less than a minute! I don’t think I’ve ever come across an exercise that worked so well and so easily for me. What about you?

If you want to know more about this exercise and learn other techniques, I invite you to visit the Sedona Method website. And if you end up purchasing their entire program ($388) I would also like to have your feedback on it!

Thanks a lot!

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The Science of Getting Rich Bob Proctor review

Bob Proctor MatrixxToday was the third and final day of The Science of Getting Rich with Bob Proctor. What a complete mindset shift! I was ready to leave yesterday and I signed up for more today!

Before going to bed last night I did a meditation that was really powerful! I’ve been meditating for 3 years and I realize that I go deeper and deeper with time. My intuition told me last night that I should meditate even though I was super tired but I’m glad I did anyway!

This morning when I woke up, I was whistling and humming. My mood was completely changed and I was eager for the seminar to start! We did a visualization exercise where we had to picture ourself one year later when we would run into a participant we hadn’t seen since the seminar. What would we say about the year that just passed? Well, I got picked by Mary Morrissey to go on stage and try this with her. She asked me what I had done and all my answers came spontaneously: I had been a trainer, just like Bob Proctor, and I had traveled the world. I spoke in Paris, Berlin and Beijing. I earned $9,000,000! I lived in a beautiful penthouse in Quebec City with my loving boyfriend. What a beautiful picture!! This is a clip filmed by a friend:

This exercise is especially powerful because it sets you in the vibration in which you will be after you get all you want. This is the vibration that you MUST be in to manifest your desires. Plus, this is such an easy exercise that you can do with anyone! I will definitely do it often again! I really learned to experience what it means to come FROM a place of love. You MUST be in the higher vibration BEFORE you get what you desire.

Mary Morrissey also told us a story that had a really strong impact on me. It’s the story of a fisherman who keeps getting fish after fish after fish. A young man observing notices that when he takes fish out, he measures them to a broken ruler and throws the fish longer than the ruler back in the water, while he keeps the ones shorter. The young man wonders if there is some kind of ordinance than prohibits fishing larger fish or if they are more bony or if there is another reason. The fisherman explains that it’s simply that the larger fish don’t fit in his frying pan. That’s how it works with the Law of Attraction too. Life continuously sends you gifts all the time, big and small, but you will only accept the ones that fit your frying pan. You cannot get greater results than what you are ready to accept. So put yourself in the vibration of what you desire and accept the gifts that come your way!

Overall, the Science of Getting Rich was amazing! I realize that my review is a very personal one and I talked more about how I experienced the event than I described it. What you make of the event really is up to you. One thing is for sure: it will be valuable up to the efforts that you put in.

I even decided to become a Thinking Into Results consultant so if you have any big goal you want to achieve and need some help getting it, let me know! It will be my pleasure to help you!

I hope that you found this review helpful! If you missed any of the days, you can read about them here:

The Science of Getting Rich Bob Proctor review – Day 1

The Science of Getting Rich Bob Proctor review – Day 2

Good luck!


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Self Hypnosis by Steve G Jones

Self HypnosisA month ago, I started using a self hypnosis mp3 by Steve G Jones. I had always been interested by self-hypnosis but had never given it a serious try. First of all, I noticed a great change in the morning: I always woke up with a VERY positive attitude! Sometimes, the positivity remained with me the entire day, sometimes, it faded in the afternoon, but I definitely saw a major change! Secondly, I also witnessed a shift in my mindset. I have been more interested in wealth creation techniques and passive income strategies and I even created a new section dedicated to the topic on my site! Thirdly, I started IMPLEMENTING some of the passive income techniques!! I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar by T Harv Eker. I’m also in the process of getting a job with an online advertising company which will allow me to learn all the inner workings of online businesses.

A few days ago, I also tried hypnosis with a professional hypnotist. It’s hard to compare how a mp3 relates to an in-person session with a hypnotist, especially because I tried the mp3 for a month and only had one session with the hypnotist, but my first impression is that hypnosis works better in person. On the other hand, it’s difficult to meet a hypnotist for a session everyday. Therefore, both are complementary. My understanding is that it works better on the long run. The subconscious mind can sometimes shift quickly, but new beliefs also need to be reinforced on a continuous basis to produce lasting effects.

You can visit the website of the hypnotist that I met by clicking here. His name is Pim and he is based out of Montreal, Canada.

You can also get Steve G Jones’ program by clicking here.

Finally, I’m also doing the Mental Bank program from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.

I hope self hypnosis will prove as useful for you as it is for me!


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Self Projection Onto Others

Self Projection Onto OthersSelf Projection Onto Others. I’d like to come back on an older post on mirrors. I said that people around us offer a reflexion of who we are and what we think about at the deepest level. Tonight, I shared some thoughts with my boyfriend and I told him that I was getting tired of all his ups and downs, of all the energy that is wasted in projects that don’t last, and the negative image that I’m slowly forming of him. Interestingly enough, he calmly told me that he understood what I felt, he said that I was right, but also that what I was describing was a projection of myself. Being told such a thing would have normally made me feel defensive, and I would have thought that he simply wasn’t acknowledging the “truth”, but instead, I felt a deep sense of Peace and of Truth in HIS words.

I feel like I’m in the “surrendering” part of my spiritual evolution. I know and I feel that I’ve had enough. Enough looking around trying to find the right author or method to change. Enough playing “Mr. Nice Guy” all the time. I just want to be me. I just want to be proud of who I am and to enjoy “me”! I want to stop trying to change myself and simply being at ease with who I am. I want to believe once and for all that there is nothing wrong with me, nothing to fix, nothing to change. Simply time to accept who I am just like I am! Interestingly enough, I’m at the “Clearing the Fear of Change” part in my Christie Sheldon program. This synchronistic meditation was absolutely beautiful! I felt a lot of bright light inside of me. I am slowly starting to Shine Brighter Now!

(Inner) Peace!

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Bob Proctor Meditation

Bob Proctor MatrixxIn just 2 days is starting another edition of Bob Proctor Matrixx event. You can read more about this event in my previous posts. As you might know, the price to attend is pretty hefty (depending on your financial background). It’s hard to say how many millionaires and wealthy people were attending but I’m sure that a good chunk of the 50 attendees had challenges finding the $15k required. But this is an event that is definitely worth going to and I’d like to help you out with that. I thought that a Bob Proctor meditation on wealth narrated by him would be ideal! So you can listen to it here:

Bob Proctor Meditation

Let me explain this meditation a little. Right at the beginning, Bob Proctor mentions that the meditation was done for a friend, Vishen Lakhiani from MindValley. I absolutely LOVE everything that MindValley does so I invite you to visit their site. During the meditation, Bob compares our own abundance to the abundance found in nature. He says that we should be as rich and abundant as nature and our only limits are our own. This is a very important concept that I truly believe in. I believe that’s the reason why we feel so peaceful in nature, we recognize that this environment is closer to our true nature.

In the meditation, Bob asks us to visualize a funnel pointing at our head filled with lavender energy. Violet, the colour of lavender, is associated to the top of the head, the crown chakra. Violet is also related to the understanding, awareness, consciousness and spiritual connection. Setting your intention on visualizing violet will bring your awareness onto something that you cannot see but that will amplify your understanding and your consciousness because of that focus.

If you are a Bob Proctor fan, I’ll be at his conference on the Science of Getting Rich in Los Angeles on February 7-9th. Feel free to comment and connect with me before the event!


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How to raise your awareness?

how to raise your awarenessHow to raise your awareness? I came across a very interesting idea recently: if you understand less, you feel more and your subconscious mind is therefore more involved. When you consciously concentrate on listening to your feelings, you actually bring more awareness into them and you become conscious of them. You therefore slowly expand your consciousness over your subconsciousness.

But listening to your feelings, when you have a very rational mind like mine, and come from a very rational family where emotions aren’t shared, can be a serious challenge. A big change came from one of my readings: it said to pay attention to our vocabulary. I realized that I was always saying: “I think this…” or “I think that…” and I tried changing it for: “I feel this…” and “I feel that…” This trick was really helpful as it forced my subconscious to say what it felt instead of what it thought! Over the years, I slowly realized that I had “forbidden” emotions such as sadness and sorrow. I would never say that I was sad, even when I was. After I started to be more genuine with sadness, I realized that there was also repressed anger under the sadness. Today I’m a lot more confident in expressing anger as well. You can read my article on letting anger out if you’d like.

Once you start letting your emotions flow freely, it will become easier to detach from them too. That’s when the real benefits begin. Meditation has helped me a lot to reduce the mental activity, to pay closer attention to my feelings and to finally return to a normal flow of emotions. Finally, as you detach from your emotions, you increase your awareness over what happens to you and you detach yourself even more. I’m not sure if the increase in awareness or the detachment from emotions comes first but they are surely parallel events that will greatly increase the quality of your life!


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Subconscious mind childhood

subconscious mind childhoodSubconscious mind childhood. I learned something very interesting in a webinar from Christie Sheldon yesterday: the brain of infants and children function in different wave lengths than adults. The brain of infants from 0 to 2 years old runs in delta waves from 1 to 3 Hz and children from 2 to 5 experience theta brain waves from 4 to 7 Hz. The adult brain operates at a higher frequency of beta waves from 13 to 30 Hz. I find this fascinating because I heard a few times about theta healing, which is apparently the wavelength in which the brain must be in to reprogram the subconscious mind easily. That would make a lot of sense since this is also the vibrational level in which the brain lowers during meditation. In short, while meditating, we go back to a state close to our infancy’s and therefore become more easily reprogrammable… just like when we were kids! That also means that we can access our subconscious mind better and use this temporary plasticity to insert the beliefs that we choose and which will serve us better! (as opposed to when we were 2 years old and didn’t decide which beliefs were going to be ours)

Wow! Having a scientific explanation certainly adds strength to my current beliefs and to the certitude that I am going in the right direction to improve myself and my life! I did try holosync meditation with Sonia Ricotti’s program and I felt a very strong a positive change in the beginning. I’ve now been doing the program for 6 months and I don’t see the improvements as much but I believe they are still there: it’s just that I’ve become more accustomed to them.

A product that I’ve been wanting to try is Omharmonics by MindValley. I just love everything MindValley does! This is another binaural meditation (a different frequency in each ear) which induces the meditative state better. I believe binaural meditation is a great tool for beginners as it is an easier way to reach deeper meditative states.

I hope that all this wisdom and knowledge is helpful to you and feel free to share your own meditation secrets!
