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Your Own Internal GPS – Trust Your Feelings

Trust Your FeelingsToday we’ll talk about your own internal GPS. Once you discover the power of listening to your emotions, you’ll never be lost in the unknown anymore.

You have to trust your feelings.

The rule is very simple, if it feels good; you’re going in the right direction. If it doesn’t feel right, something has to change.

You have to be careful about what you change though.

I was once very unhappy at work and the most important thing to change was my attitude and thoughts towards my work – the solution was NOT to change job.

Of course, changing job can help too, as you can find more satisfying tasks or coworkers.

But if the dissatisfaction lives INSIDE you, in your own thoughts and programming, it will follow you everywhere you go!

So this means that feeling bad indicates you must change something WITHIN yourself.

I know, it can be very difficult.

You shouldn’t even necessarily aim at feeling good at first, simply trying to feel better might be a better goal.

Esther and Jerry Hicks, in their book Ask And It Is Given, list 22 emotional states which make a continuum you can progress on, from the worst to the best.

They say that the goal should be to simply entertain thoughts from the level above your current situation, not aim for the top of the scale right away

This is because results can take time to show up.

It personally took me roughly 6 months to start seeing noticeable results when I started working on improving my attitude.

Of course, I saw improvements even in the first week. But it went up, and down, and up, and down again.

So there are many encouraging periods where you see improvements, but there are also many periods when you wander if all your efforts are worth it.

Honestly, both periods can be a challenge. Because even when you are feeling better, it can be easy to slow down on your personal development exercises and slowly move back into your old paradigm.

So neither your progress nor your setbacks should deter you from persisting in your daily exercises.

The only single way to change your subconscious programming for better, more fulfilling thoughts is with TIME.

Some days you’ll feel you’ve made a tremendous jump forward, some days you’ll feel you’ve taken a step back.

That’s all surface work.


You’re either slowly moving forward, or slowly moving backwards.

This is why I believe so much in the power of rituals: they are the main catalysts of change.

This is very deceiving because we don’t see how these small exercises change us from day to day.

It’s like writing a page a day for an entire year and realizing that we have an entire book written by the end of the year. It never felt like writing a book, and it surely is an easier process than giving ourselves the task of writing a book. Simply focus on the page you have to write today.

The book will write itself, as long as you are PERSISTENT.

This is also why listening to your emotions is very important because they are the indicator of whether you are moving forward or not.

Just like with the book, it’s hard to see if, overall, our year is moving forward or not.

As I said, some days will be good, some will be tough.

But you simply need to have faith that the good days will add up and will change your paradigm for one that is more open, joyous and peaceful.

I built a course on persistence which I recommend if you need a virtual accountability partner to realize your BIG dream.

Also consider reading my other articles on persistence.

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Improve Your Life with a Gratitude Journal

You might have heard that using gratitude accelerates the manifestation of your dream.

I took me a while to discover WHY though.

If you are grateful for your current situation, and equally grateful for your visualized situation, then you are creating a “bridge” that connects both together.

We saw before that what matters most is the FEELING you feel towards a situation. Therefore, if you are grateful, and remain in that state because you are grateful for both you current and future situations, then you’re closing the gap between both!

So how do you become more grateful?

Well, like anything else, you practice!

Write a gratitude journal every day and think about what you truly appreciate in your life.

Write at least 5 things you are grateful for. Try to be very specific.

Gratitude JournalIt’s more efficient to be grateful for the nice warm weather at lunch time that allowed you to go for a walk around your office building than simply being grateful for the nice weather.

When you are thankful for something more precise, you are training your mind to focus on the positive in your life, and you eventually create more of what you focus on.

Being grateful also ignites a shift in your perception.

Have you ever noticed how differently people can react to the same situation?

Let’s say you were supposed to go hiking this weekend but it started raining. Some people will go anyway and won’t notice it more than having to wear a rain jacket. Others will be upset and will simply stay at home. Some others will take this opportunity to visit friends and be surprised that their day turned out to be even more exciting than expected.

It’s all the same rain for everybody, but all with very different perceptions and outcomes.

There is always both positive and negative in everything. It’s simply a matter of CHOOSING to view the most favourable perspective.

After all, the rain isn’t affected by your reaction, but YOU are!

Haven’t you noticed that when you get very upset about something, everything else seems to be tainted by anger for the following few hours?

And have you realized that, when you are in a very good mood, even the things that usually bother you seem to bother you less?

Your life becomes a lot more enjoyable when you realize that you have power over things and events through your reactions.

Letting something bother you, or not, is up to you.

When you take ownership of you feelings, you start to realize that you can control them and recognize that you have the power on how your day goes.

Of course, it’s not simply a matter of awareness.

It takes practice to learn to consistently see things positively.

It’s not a linear process either. When you start trying to see things positively, you also have to learn to let go.

You cannot force yourself to “not care” about something that really bothers you.

But you can focus your energy and thoughts elsewhere, on something more pleasant.

Gradually, you will learn to let go of your grip on what displeases you and disturbs your positive vibrations.

Read this article to get more tips on increasing your persistence to reach your goals.

Or, if you want to take the achievement of your dreams to the next level, check out my course on persistence!

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How to Accomplish Goals whether Financial, Personal or Career related

How to accomplish goalsHow to Accomplish Goals whether Financial, Personal or Career related

Do you have all the money that you’d like? Does it come to you easily?

But what is money exactly?

Money is a tool we use to measure the value of things.

The money you earn is a compensation for the value you provide.

If you trade your time for money, which is what we call a job, then the amount you earn is limited by your physical presence, the usefulness of your work, the ability to replace you, and the quality of your work.

Even if you are a lawyer who charges $1000 per hour, you are still limited by the number of hours in your week.

So the key to making a lot of money is somewhere else.

What you need to do in fact is to detach your income from your physical presence.

How do you do that? You create information product! It includes blogs like this one, songs, books and eBooks, online courses, reviews, etc.

Of course, this requires some upfront work. But once your product is recorded, it’s simply a matter of selling it. And if you created something of value, it will be no problem to find people to sell it for a percentage of the profits.

So again, just like your salary, it’s a matter of value. When you work at a job, you get paid for the value you provide in return of your time spent at work.

When you sell information products, you get paid for the value you provide to each individual who is interested by your product.

Makes sense?

But you don’t focus on making money, you focus on adding value. Put your attention on helping others. Ask yourself how you can help people doing what you love.

Of course, the main challenge will be to find the persistence to create a quality product.

This requires time and effort, so that’s when this course comes in!

It gives you the tools you need to stay focused and to bring your project to completion.

Another important aspect of earning money is to have the right mindset. As you will see in the course, what you believe is crucial in the determination of the outcome.

If you don’t believe that you can earn a lot of money, by creating an information product or by doing anything else, you won’t even AIM at making a lot of money.

So I hope that you dream requires a lot of money. Because if it does, and as you visualize it more and more, your requirement for more money will increase as well.

And when you have a need, you brain will automatically start looking for ways to fulfill that need.

Your mindset will gradually shift to welcome ideas of wealth.

And the ability to handle a lot of wealth is closely related to personal growth.

As T Harv Eker says it: if you work hard on your job, you make a living, but if you work hard on yourself, you make a fortune.

When you start working on yourself, through meditation and exercise, or by expanding your knowledge, you’ll naturally attract opportunities.

Focus on feeling worthy and you will become what you visualize.

Click here to get the first FREE lesson of the Winners Shine course on Reaching Your Goals.

To read more about developing persistence click here.

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How to Set Your Goals and Achieve Them? Celebrate!

How to Set Your Goals and Achieve Them? Celebrate!

In the beginning I often forgot to celebrate my successes.

In fact, my entire concept of successes was screwed up. I saw success as a major accomplishment that had to be absolute perfection to be worth anything at all.

I only started moving forward after I recognized success as:

  1. Something small
  2. Something imperfect
  3. A process

Success is not getting to the top of the ladder; success is every additional ladder rung that is now behind you.

You must have heard the cliché that success is not a destination; it is a journey. Well, I can assure you that you won’t find true happiness until you understand the full extent of that quote.

There is always more you can get, more you can achieve, so you’d better enjoy the process because you will never reach the ONE final goal!

It never stops because not wanting expansion means entropy and death. This is the basic nature of our ever-expanding spirit!

Simply doing this program is a success in itself. Even if that’s all you do toward your personal development, that’s already a big achievement.

Most of our subconscious minds are programmed to disregard “small” successes and keep us in procrastination.

But, if you start celebrating even your smallest successes, you will gradually gain momentum and realize bigger and bigger accomplishments.

A common problem is the failure to see the connection between the small steps and the big goal.

how to set your goals and achieve themThe most important part is to BELIEVE in your dream! Because if you don’t believe you can achieve it, you won’t put in the efforts to realize it.

Belief is what will lift you up the ground until you see the materialization of your efforts.

Oprah herself said it: you don’t get what you want, you get what you believe!

In order to believe, you need to act as if the accomplishment was a given fact, which it is if you act towards it!

That’s what differentiates successful people from others who aren’t; your reaction when you face adversity. Those who keep going eventually succeed, it is a law.

Think about all the visionaries, the inventors and the idealists. Most people thought they were crazy at first. Nobody could ever invent a flying machine. There’s no way we could be connected to all the data in the world on a wireless device. All races will never be treated in the same manner.

All successes really are a matter of WHEN they will come to fruition, not a matter of WHETHER they are possible or not.

Bob Proctor’s definition of success is: The PROGRESSIVE realization of a worthy ideal. The important word here is “progressive”. You are successful as long as you try, you have failed only when you quit, and you keep trying until you believe it is possible!

As I said initially, what matters now is to celebrate. We need to improve our definition of success by celebrating every step of the way. That way, you remain motivated along the way and your perseverance doesn’t wane because the goal seems to be far and unreachable.

The reward needs to be proportionate with your action. It doesn’t matter so much if you lie to your life coach. What matters tremendously though is if you lie to yourself!

Are you proud of your accomplishments? Are you proud to have taken the first step towards your big dream?

If you have taken the actions you were supposed to, go ahead and enjoy the reward you promised yourself!

If not, you have to be fair with yourself and postpone the reward you have accomplished what you were supposed to.

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Reaching Your Goals

Reaching Your Goals

For some people, the initial efforts are more difficult. Once they are in motion, it’s easier to keep going.

For others, taking action is easy, it’s the long-term commitment they find challenging.

I belong to the second group. I’ve never had much problem throwing myself in the arena. But my interest quickly wanes and I get bored easily.

No matter if you belong to the first or second group, reaching your goals requires sustained effort. I think I will never say it enough; the MOST important success factor is PERSISTENCE.

Create the Habit

Taking action needs to become a second nature. It needs to be ingrained in your subconscious so you don’t even think about it anymore.

It needs to become natural to act, and the only way to change your habit is to do something repeatedly.

This is how you learned everything: from your mother tongue, to driving, to showering and to how you get dressed. Do you think about what leg you put in your pants when you get dressed every day? No, you simply do it by habit.

Do you remember when you started driving? How you had to focus on every task, on what to do with your feet, your hands, keep your eyes on the road. You couldn’t do anything else because driving required your entire focused attention.

After repetition though, you’re able to have a phone conversation, adjust the heating or change the radio channel, all while still driving safely.

This is because, with repetition, your actions are stored in your subconscious, your internal programs, so that your conscious mind is free to do other things.

We need to do the same with taking action. We need to create a habit that is ingrained in your subconscious mind and you don’t even need to think about having to act, it just comes naturally.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful if you wouldn’t even have to think about getting in motion? It would just happen naturally?

Well, that’s a definite possibility, but you will need to train yourself first. You’ll need to break the old paradigm that keeps you in inertia.

Ritualize Your Actions

In order to do that, the best way that I know is to “ritualize”. That means to incrementally add new activities to your schedule that you do over and over so they become second nature and you don’t have to think about them anymore.

We’ll start with something simple: your dream.

We’ll burn your dream into your subconscious mind so that it becomes a beautiful obsession to realize it.

You’ll need 2 things: a little 3 by 5 inch card and a notebook. My notebook is a beautiful leather-bound book that I received while attending Bob Proctor’s Matrixx seminar. I love using it because it brings back all the memories of what I experienced there.

Yours don’t have to be super fancy, but I find that having a nice one helps me write in it.

What matters for today is simply to start. You can always buy a nicer one later, as long as you start writing NOW.

reaching your goalsAlso, it MUST be handwritten. Sorry for all the computer lovers who keep an electronic journal, but we need to be old-fashioned for this.

The reason is that your handwriting is directly connected to your subconscious mind. You know how difficult it is to copy someone else’s handwriting. However, you don’t have to think about your own handwriting; it comes completely naturally.

You also probably heard about graphology, the analysis of handwriting that tells about your personality. Your innermost persona can be analyzed as it comes out on paper.

Well, the beauty of it is that it also goes the other way: you can program your subconscious mind through handwriting your desires. This is exactly what we’ll do with your dream!

Using 100% of Your Mind

We’ll work on focusing your entire mind (both conscious and subconscious) towards reaching your goals.

Did you know that 95% of your daily actions come from your preprogrammed subconscious mind, while only 5% come from conscious decisions?

By journaling daily, we occupy some of the 95% of our subconscious mind to the realization of our dream… without any other effort than taking 2 minutes daily to write it!

So, think about your dream again and condense it to a single sentence.

It should be written at the present tense as if you have already accomplished it.

It should also have a completion date and be very specific.

Here’s my dream as an example:

I am so happy and grateful now that, by April 16th 2018, I own a beautiful beach house in Mill Valley, California and a penthouse in Quebec City, Canada and that I give personal development conferences around the world and live happily with my two kids and boyfriend.

So, every day, until the dream is realized, we’ll copy the sentence in our notebook to burn the desire into our subconscious mind.

You also need to write your dream on a 3 by 5 inch card to carry it with you and read it when you wake up and go to bed. Of course, the more you read it, the better.

But for now, that’ll be enough. We don’t want to overwhelm the mind and try to change our habits too quickly.

Our best ally is PERSISTENCE.

Small efforts done on a persistent basis are worth way more than massive efforts done only over the course of a few months.

Take the time to make your first entry in your journal and to write on your card.

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Personal Development Coach

I’m realizing more and more the importance of having a personal development coach to keep evolving. I just finished reading Who Are You Really and What Do You Want by Shad Helmstetter: a powerful book on self-talk and the importance of having a coach. Incidentally, I’m in the 5th week of my coaching program with Peak Potentials. I had life coaches in the past, I didn’t really see the need to have one now, but boy oh boy is it catapulting me at exponential speed!

It started by a resistance of having to report daily. I find that I already report to myself enough and I didn’t need someone else to keep me in check. I feared that this would add to the pressure I’m already putting on myself to perform. When I openly admitted to my coach that I didn’t want to report on my daily activities, I also opened up to understanding a deeper meaning to this repulsion.

Not reporting to someone else was in fact a way to keep lying to myself into the belief that I was making a lot of effort. When I got that out of my system, I realized that I could ask a lot more of myself… and it didn’t feel demanding at all! In fact, it’s even fun and exciting to exceed the daily and weekly objectives that I set for myself! I’ve also introduced the concept of weekly rewards (I treat myself to a nice restaurant) but I feel that I don’t even need external rewards that much. The simple feeling of pride in beating my weekly goals is enough satisfaction to keep me going and constantly aim higher.

personal development coachI feel that I’m redoing part of my education. Something went wrong in my initial programming regarding effort and rewards and I have to set that straight. This comparison might sound weird but it feels like training a dog. The reward or the punishment need to come right after the good or bad behaviour. Your window of opportunity to show a dog he did something right or wrong is very narrow. Well I’m applying a similar concept for my efforts. If I do something positive, such as an effort in the right direction of my personal development, I treat myself to something good. If I don’t do what I should be doing, then I don’t allow myself the reward.

That’s how it started at least. Because very quickly, I didn’t need to grant myself physical rewards and the simple pride of knowing that I am on the right track is enough to keep me going. I feel like I’m the parent of my inner child and I’m re-educating and re-programming him so that he enjoys making efforts in order to grow.

This is crucial in setting up passive income streams because it’s a lot of upfront work before results show. I believe that being able to discipline ourselves is crucial in succeeding a passive income project. Bob Proctor says it time and again: “Discipline is the ability to give yourself a command and follow it.” And I can now grasp the full extent of this quote as I am now starting to get scared to see less and less limits to where I can go!

If you want to learn more on building passive income stream, read my article Getting Started With Passive Income.

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How to Increase Productivity

How to Increase Productivity

When I was first introduced to the power of visualization, the Law of Attraction, the book The Secret and similar concepts, it felt like all there was to do was to focus on the goal and it would automatically be attracted to me. After an intense year of visualizing and hoping, I concluded that something else was required.

It is true that hard work is not required, but persistent and productive work definitely is. For a long time I felt trapped between the need to work hard and return to my past filled with anxiety and the desire to achieve big goals which require a lot of energy. The solution progressively came to me as I witnessed more and more the power of focus. When you concentrate all your attention on a single task at a time, you become a lot more efficient.

Remove Distractions

It has become counterintuitive in our era to focus. Most of us have the impression that multitasking and doing more yields the greatest results. In fact, this only results in a lot of ineffective busyness. I was impressed by the feeling of peace that came over me after I disconnected Facebook, Gmail and Twitter from my phone. I’m not only relieved from the time I was wasting on social media, I’m also free from the perpetual anxiety that was caused by the constant interruptions. I now check my email and Facebook only once a day. When I respond to my email, my mind is clear, focussed on what I write, I remember things more and I feel that I am truly sending quality messages to people who deserve it. My “likes” on Facebook also have more meaning now that I take the time to really read or watch what I “like” instead of simply liking by reflex.

Break Down Your Work Periods

How to increase productivityThis is one I still sometimes struggle with, but when I do it, breaking down the work periods really helps to increase my productivity. There are many possibilities for this one, such as the 50-10-50 technique which consists of working 50 minutes, taking a 10-minute break and working for another 50 minutes. During the 50-minute work periods, make sure to follow my previous advice on removing distractions, in order to really make it an intensely focussed period of productive work. The 10 minute break is also very important as it will make your following work period more productive too. I sometimes find it difficult to stop when I’m on a momentum, but experience has shown me that taking this break allows me to be more consistent. Otherwise I feel overwhelmed after working 3 or 4 hours non-stop. Taking the 10-minute break is also important so that I finish my productive work periods with a feeling of satisfaction and freshness instead of feeling exhausted and empty. Ending on a positive note motivates me to go back to work the following time.

Have strong SHORT-TERM goals

My BIG dreams are what I’m really in LOVE with. They are the exciting part of my life and they feed my motivation to keep me working on my projects. But when your dreams are big – and they should ALWAYS be! – they will take some time to realize. Probably years. In order to keep yourself motivated, you need to break them down into weekly and even daily goals. Your mind probably gets bored quickly so you need to show it quick results. After you accomplish a weekly goal, and even a daily goal, make sure you reward yourself. Realizing any big project is always done in breaking it down into small easily digestible steps.

Be accountable to someone

I already talked about the importance of having an accountability partner. What I just recently discovered though is a powerful technique that uses fear to create motivation. Although I definitely believe that fear should not be used as a main motivational tool, the technique that I came across is very interesting. It simply consists of creating a situation that is worse than NOT realizing your goal. For example, in my case I wrote a check to a friend and told him to cash it and spend the money on himself if I didn’t achieve a goal by a certain date. I was so afraid of losing that money – which was scarce at the time! – that it really motivated me to keep working on my goal. Of course, the fear cannot be too crushing either, and this technique should be used in combination with rewarding yourself. But still, I found it to be very effective.


I already gave tips on how to make your meditation sessions more enjoyable and efficient. Once again, meditating or simply taking a few minutes of nothingness greatly enhances your working periods. If you want, you can also use meditation to visualize your work already accomplished. This could help your mind find shortcuts that you wouldn’t have seen without taking a break.

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How to Achieve Goals when Persistence Fades

I feel I’m facing the biggest wall in my life so far. I wrote on self-help perseverance a few months ago, and on self-help frustration also. But what I am feeling now is much bigger than that. In the last few weeks I kept asking myself how to achieve goals when persistence fails.

I discovered Bob Proctor 10 months ago and attended 2 of his seminars. I learned about T Harv Eker 4 months ago and also attended 2 of his seminars. I posted videos on YouTube on how to become a millionaire, I bought self-help programs, I read and reread books, I tried hypnosis, I do positive affirmations in the mirror, I journal my mental bank daily, I do reiki weekly and I tried countless others things more or less seriously.

I have to admit that I easily get bored with anything. I need intense action in my life and constant change keeps me entertained. This quality is useful to get started with a project, but it’s more complicated when comes the time to carry it through. Knowing that any project of significant scale is achieved with perseverance, how do I cope with the rapid lost of interest?

Like most people, I feel super empowered after attending a personal growth seminar. The problem is that this enthusiasm quickly fades after I come back home. A trick would therefore be to attend seminar after seminar on an extended period of time to let permanent change in habits settle in. Of course, this alternative is expensive and your current job might not allow the amount of time off it requires. I did subscribe to the Quantum Leap program with Peak Potentials, which includes 5 seminars, and 12 weeks of coaching. The structure of the program greatly helps to sustain the level of energy required to install permanent change into someone’s life.

I also mastermind weekly with my best friend who is also a Quantum Leap member. I talked before about the importance of accountability partners and I consider myself excessively lucky to have someone to share my progress with.

How to achieve goalsNonetheless, I feel discouraged that things aren’t moving fast enough. My new awareness of the freedom that comes with passive income and with recovering my abandoned personal power wants to be fulfilled right now and not with months and months or even years of effort. The information that I came across with in the last year is too valuable to remain unexploited. Putting in the efforts to permanently change is definitely worth the resulting freedom afterwards. But I still feel scared that I won’t achieve my goal. Scared that I will abandon along the way because the upfront efforts are too important before change is observed.

I now understand better why so few people truly make the change in their lives to follow their passions, become financially independent and enjoy freedom in every aspect of their lives. Overcoming our old paradigm is probably the most difficult challenge we can accomplish in our lives.

Still, I realized yesterday that I could decide to be done with the struggle. I can decide now to live a reality where I’m already living my passionate life and I already have all the money and freedom that I need. This is how to achieve goals: change your mindset and perceive success as already attained. My reiki session was absolutely beautiful yesterday and I feel that something important in my life has begun. I feel that my heart is more opened and that I am better at receiving. I’m excited to see what’s coming up for me. And that excitement is what allows me to keep going.

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Mission to Millions: A Life Directions Intensive

I just came back from Mission to Millions: A Life Directions Intensive seminar. Once again, Peak Potentials over delivered! Like with the other seminar that I did with them: Millionaire Mind Intensive, I felt like leaving on the first day. Not that the seminar wasn’t interesting, but rather because my paradigm (my existing beliefs) doesn’t want things to change. It is naturally resistant to new information that challenges the existing beliefs, even if the new information is better than the old one. I’m always amazed to witness the persistence of the bad programming that lives inside of us.

When I got to the seminar, I had already visualized a clear picture of what I wanted to do in life for over a year: I wanted to become a trainer just like Bob Proctor. The perfect life I had been visualizing was a picture with a lot of details to ensure that my mind had a definite image to work with. On the second day of the seminar though, that picture was shattered. We did many exercises that made me question my project and someone told me that I was in the process of painting a beautiful piece of art but that it was still incomplete.

Letting go of such a reassuring clear picture can be very panicking. Luckily for me, because of my awareness in how I function, I wasn’t too distracted by the uncertainty that comes with letting go. I know that being in the unknown is a place of greater open-mindedness. So I continued forward. There was also a bunch of life coaches present at the event so I went to see some of them to get reassurance. They told me what I already knew, which was to keep moving forward. Even while feeling totally disoriented, I continued crafting my vision and writing what my subconscious was telling me.

And that’s where the magic happened. Because my mind was so opened, because I had made room and let go the old picture, I had what we call a “download”. The words came out naturally, without having to think about them. It’s an experience that is quite difficult to explain, and I think you really have to experience it in order to fully understand it. It feels like the words come out from directly from the heart, without even going through the brain. They go directly from the heart, bypassing the brain, actioning the hand that’s writing. So here’s what my heart told me my mission is:

“My Mission is to Transcend who I am, to Touch millions of people, to Move them and to Ignite in them the desire to Elevate themselves.”

Once my mission was determined, which represents the destination, we had to come up with the vehicles to get there, also called the vision. I struggled a little bit more with that part. The speaking career was still present, but writing a book felt like a step that had to occur beforehand. Strangely, I don’t really “feel” like writing a book and going through the writing process, which I perceive as long and boring. But I still feel that this is part of my mission to write something, so I know this will happen.

On top of all these personal discoveries, we also had many exercises to strengthen our learning. I already talked about the energy of live seminars. I must say that Peak Potentials are excellent at translating theory into powerful anchoring exercises. They keep saying that: “What you hear, you forget; what you see, you remember; what you do, you understand” and I totally believe in that. In my heart, Bob Proctor remains the master of theory, but T Harv Eker’s seminars offer the best tools to implement that theory.

An example of this is the drawing we made to express our vision. I rarely think about “drawing” my journal but this allows the representation of concepts that often cannot be expressed with words. So here’s what I drew at the seminar when I was totally lost regarding what the vehicle for my mission should be.

Mission to Millions

This drawing allowed me to see my priorities in life. More than anything, it showed me what I want to “BE” instead of what I want to do or have, like we usually focus on. On the picture, we can see me represented by the Yin Yang for inner peace. This theme kept coming back in all my exercises so I can now clearly see that I need to channel greater energy into improving my inner peace. My drawing also shows the earth energy moving up and the cosmic energy moving trough me. The smiling faces below me represent my students. We can also see my books taking flight, my home full of love, my heart expanding and my connection with animals, which is a new theme that surprised me. Finally, the plane represents all the travel I want to do and we can even see my diplomatic passport at the bottom, which I deeply wanted many years ago, but had long forgotten about. I don’t understand exactly what all of this means, but one thing is for sure: I am totally in love with this drawing! I feel like a child who is so proud of what he drew that the most natural thing is to share it with the world! I posted the original next to my bed to visualize it mornings and nights. I definitely want to move towards the state of BEING represented on my drawing.

Another thing we learned at the seminar is the correct order in which things should happen. Most people want to “have” a lot of possessions or wealth in order to “be” loved or to believe they are worthy. We also learned that happiness arises from the reverse equation, which is to “be” what we want first in order to “do” what we love which will produce the wealth we will “have”.

This is just a quick overview of what happened at the Mission to Millions seminar. Obviously, you get greater results if you have an open mind and have already worked on what you want to do in life. But the money invested to attend is totally worth it. If you want, you can start by the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, which is free. That will give you a good taste of what you can expect at Mission to Millions.

If you are interested in learning more about finding your life’s purpose, my book Grow With the Flow gives you many concrete exercises to do so.

Otherwise, let me know what other great seminars and books have helped you move forward in finding your life’s purpose. I struggled so long to find what I want to do in life that I now feel the desire to help others find their own missions!

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Fear of Public Humiliation leads to a Public Speaking Career?!

Fear of Public HumiliationI recently uncovered my fear to be humiliated in public. This was a deeply buried fear that had been living within me for as long as I can remember. As I child, I had the recurring dream of “forgetting” to wear my swimsuit at my swimming lessons. I later learned that a fear of being seen naked in public translates a fear of public humiliation. Pretty ironic for someone who now dreams of becoming a public speaker. Or maybe not so, since I strongly believe that our deepest fears hold the key to our deepest desires. So a public speaking career would perfectly make sense after the fear of being vulnerable in public was overcame. Once you’ve got that established, where do you go from there?

Getting rid of any fear is done through action. When you are mentally strong enough, you are able to act in spite of your fear. That’s what courage is: it’s not waiting for the fear to disappear – which will never happen! – it’s acting with the fear being present besides you. Once you start taking action, your fear will gradually loose it’s grip over you and new pathways will create in your brain so that fear gradually becomes ineffective.

I find it very interesting to think about the pace at which things are uncovered. I saw a psychologist for several years who kept asking me if I felt shame and my answer was always negative. Now though, I realize that the level of shame I felt was so intense that my conscious mind could not even see it! I was so accustomed to shame that I wasn’t even aware there was any trace in me!

Back to the public speaking career, I find it fascinating to discover that behind my greatest fears hide my greatest aspirations. I find it curious that the fear would “choose” this spot. It’s like if fear purposely chose this spot to force me to overcome it. Or maybe it’s just that fear fills any void it can find and it occupies the space that we don’t use until we realize our dreams. You should read the story of the “Magician of Fears” which tells that behind every fear hides a desire. I love this author, Jacques Salomé, who specializes in children’s traumas and non violent communication.

Today I’m not so afraid to speak in public anymore. I even volunteer in high schools to share my coming out experience as a gay person. But I still feel a big blockage in speaking about my true passion: personal development. I don’t feel confident affirming that I deeply believe in personal growth and that it should be part of everybody’s education. At least this website is a good stepping stone to start publicly sharing my views and exposing myself to critics and other people’s judgement. Maybe when I don’t judge myself so much it will be easier to talk about personal development in public as well.

Overcoming your personal fears are the most liberating thing ever. Once you’ve gone beyond them, you feel the freedom we were made to experience. A pure bliss of joy and knowing you’re in the flow, or in the “vortex” like Abraham Hicks calls it. I had a few glimpses of that which motivates me to keep working on myself, because I want to experience longer and more frequent moments like those.

If you want help to conquer your fears and get advice on how to take action, you can read my book: Grow With the Flow.

Also feel free to comment and commit to overcoming one of your fears!