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The Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – review day 2

Millionaire MindThe Science of Getting Rich seminar Bob Proctor – Day 2.

Today, I felt like leaving the seminar! Not that it was bad, but simply that my subconscious mind (my paradigm) feels threatened by the information. I wrote earlier that one of the roles of the subconscious mind is to leave things unchanged. The subconscious fears the unknown and it prefers to keep me in my current safer position. What my heart is telling me to do is to TEACH! That’s a really strong feeling that I’ve been feeling for a long time but because I’m ignoring the calling, I felt like I was in this seminar for no reason. What’s the use of being here if I don’t apply the theory? My mind is just telling me to act or to leave, not to stay and keep taking in more information.

Still, because I’m more and more aware of my own defence mechanisms, I knew it was the most important time to stay. So I’m glad I did. I had a similar experience at the Millionaire Mind seminar where I was bored and I didn’t see the point in staying but it definitely paid off to stay until the end.

The Q&A lunch with Bob Proctor wasn’t as useful as I expected. First of all, I was expecting it to me more intimate… but there were 180 people! We could write questions on little cards and Bob answered a few of them. I know that I can’t compare this to Matrixx where there were only 50 participants in total and I got 3 or 4 chances to speak with Bob for 5 to 10 minutes. But still, I was a little disappointed.

In the afternoon session, there was a guest comedian, Kyle Cease, who was really good! He also offered his own seminar which I would definitely attend if I wasn’t so short on money right now. Anik Singal from the Inbox Blueprint was there too and it was interesting to hear him talk. I didn’t purchase his program but it’s always good to meet the person and know that they really exist!

There is only 1 day left to the seminar! I feel much more positive now and I hope this will be my breakthrough day!


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Self Image Subconscious Mind

self image subconscious mindSelf Image Subconscious Mind. If you’ve read a few posts on this site, then you know more about the power that the subconscious mind holds in your life. In order to achieve your goals, you also need to change your self-image. No matter what kind of efforts you put into making more money, if the invisible self-image imprinted in your subconscious mind is associated to poverty, you won’t surpass that limiting ceiling. Same goes for any other topic. If your internal self-image is single, then you surely are in real life too!

So how do you improve your self-image? You learn about yourself! I already covered the importance of knowing ourselves in a previous post. But I just recently linked it with improving your image. (Actually, that was while watching one of Bob Proctor’s videos) When I think of it: I’ve been improving my self-image my entire life! I’ve been reading books on psychology and spirituality for over 15 years and that’s exactly what I did: understand myself better and improve my self-image. I’ve heard a few times that going to the psychologist doesn’t resolve your problems, it simply teaches you to identify and label them. Part of that is true, and that’s why I think that psychology needs to be complemented with work outside of their offices. After I finished my psychotherapy, I felt the need to act in a play. Acting I believe is a great way to put into action what you learned in the psychologist’s office. That’s what kids do! They act all the time! Acting allows you to integrate concepts beyond your own understanding. That’s even why kids naturally play!

So have fun! Create your best self-image and start learning about yourself. Pick the best qualities that you like in others and aim towards the image of your best self!


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Suicide is not an option

Suicide is not an option. I’m a little off topic compared to my usual posts today but I feel the need to address the issue. My neighbour attempted to commit suicide yesterday and, luckily, my other neighbour found him on time and he was sent to the hospital. He is now safe and recovering. This happens at an interesting time in my life when I’m about to start doing some interventions on the demystification of homosexuality in high schools and where I talk about my coming out at 15 years old. Even though that’s 17 years ago, when I talk about the month prior to telling my parents and my suicidal thoughts, it automatically changes the atmosphere and people seem to be mesmerized by that part of my life. It’s probably because they can feel the emotions I convey when I talk about it.

suicide is not an optionA big question that pops up when suicide issues arise is the “Why?” Why do people end up thinking this is their last resort? My personal explanation is that the internal pressure has built too much. When I was at the deepest of my situation, I felt a profound disconnect between myself and people around me. I had let my internal reality grow too far away from my external reality. The solution around that is to communicate: you must re-establish the bridge between you and others around you. Make it your mission to talk to someone until you are understood. Because unfortunately, the first person that you talk to might not be the most responsive to your calling. I remember my hairdresser telling me about a customer who was attempting suicide so often that it became a joke! Unfortunately, that person was in desperate need for help and she just didn’t know how to express it. Every situation is important, no matter how it is expressed and how much people listen.

I also read this really good article on how to deal with people with suicidal thoughts. Click here to read it. I hope you find my post and this article helpful.

Thanks for reading!