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Self-help books

Hello everybody!!

I just discovered THE book that I’ve been looking for for so long! The self-help book that directs you to the self-help books that will be the most valuable for you! When I started my journey in the self-help world, I didn’t know which book to pick or which authors were better than others. Over time, with trial and error, and sometimes with friend recommendations, I stumbled upon great authors. But many times, I read theories and books that didn’t resonate with me. The main advantage about Self Improvement – The Top 101 Experts is that it facilitates your search for new authors by giving you a brief description of what each author does, what they’re good at and what they are known for! It’s so valuable to know that when you’re in search for a new author that will resonate with you!!

Of all the 101 authors presented in this book, I have read 11 (click on the names to view my posts about them): Paulo Coelho (I have read the Alchemist about 10 times!!), Deepak Chopra (I must have read 10 books from him!), Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle (so life changing for me!!), Napoleon Hill, Julia Cameron, Bob Proctor (my favourite of all times!!), James Redfield, Scott Peck (life changing!) and James Allen.

If you want more information about any of those 11 authors that I love, let me know! And if you want to discover new authors like I did, check out this book!

Self Improvement – The Top 101 Experts

Self-help booksIt’s only $27 and it’s definitely worth the investment!

Check out this complete list of the 101 authors reviewed in this reference manual of the most popular self-help books!

Phil McGraw

Anthony Robbins

Sylvia Browne

Dalai Lama

Laura Schlessinger

Dale Carnegie

Paulo Coelho

Deepak Chopra

Stephen Covey

Zig Ziglar

Wayne Dyer

Kahlil Gibran

Rick Warren

John Maxwell

Robert Kiyosaki

Carlos Castaneda

Robert Allen

John Gray

Iyanla Vanzant

Les Brown

Louise Hay

Brian Tracy

Mitch Albom

Marianne Williamson

Eckhart Tolle

Og Mandino

Ken Blanchard

L. Ron Hubbard

Norman Vincent Peale

Dave Pelzer

Napoleon Hill

Caroline Myss

Thich Nhat Hanh

Tom Hopkins

Albert Ellis

Leo Buscaglia

Jim Rohn

Daniel Goleman

Kevin Trudeau

Robert Fulghum

Gary Zukav

Julia Cameron

John Eldredge

Jim Collins

Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Bob Proctor

Ram Dass

Anthony de Mello

Bruce Wilkinson

Tony Buzan

James Redfield

M Scott Peck

Neale Donald Walsch

Rollo May

David R. Hawkins

Robert M. Pirsig

John Bradshaw

Loretta LaRoche

Cheryl Richardson

Stuart Wilde

Mark Victor Hansen

Po Bronson

Richard Bandler

Dan Millman

Evelyn Wood

Spencer Johnson

Krishna Das

Ernest Holmes

Don Miguel Ruiz

Byron Katie

James Allen

Harville Hendrix

John Gottman

Joy Browne

Paramahansa Yogananda

Barbara De Angelis

David Burns


Jack Canfield

Martin E.P. Seligman

Lynn Grabhorn

Werner Erhard

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Martha Beck

Debbie Ford

Shakti Gawain

Nathaniel Branden


Earl Nightingale

Julie Morgenstern

Richard Carlson

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Robin Sharma

Lynn Andrews

Alan Cohen

Gary Craig

Eric Butterworth

Denis Waitley

Maxwell Maltz

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