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Love Yourself Advice

Love Yourself Advice

Last night, I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in years. We quickly updated each other on our respective lives and it became obvious that one had moved forward a lot more than the other. I started giving him a bunch of advice on how to determine what he should strive towards and not. It’s always easier to look at someone else’s behaviour than your own. That’s why we need people around us to provide good and unbiased feedback. What struck me tonight though is how “True” I was with him and how sincere I was in my comments. I pinpointed an important realization tonight when I said out loud that: “I can give better advice now because I don’t need other people’s love.” I don’t give advice in reaction to my need for other people’s attention and affection, I give advice because it comes instinctively and naturally.

I came across many life coaches who would have needed a coach for themselves more than they were talented at coaching others. This is actually what kept me away form the coaching business so far. I kept thinking: who I am to give advice to people? How can I judge what’s better for them? I now discern better what I can and can’t tell people because I follow my intuition more than ever. I’ve also worked on myself a lot and I’ve gone through many life experiences and I learned a lot from them. More than ever, I am in a better position to be a life coach because I don’t need my future client’s approval, nor interest, nor love.

Increasing Your Freedom

I’ve had this feeling for a while, but it’s just falling into place now. I saw a few different psychologists and many of them really annoyed me. They all had one thing in common: they lived FOR the help relationship. They did not have stand-alone successful lives, instead they needed their patients to find fulfilment and purpose. When this is the case, you cannot give fully objective advice as you fear losing the help relationship that feeds you.

Love Yourself AdviceWhen you start loving yourself more, a great sense of freedom empowers you. I just reread The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The books talks about something similar than what I am expressing now. Don Miguel says that at a very early age, we concluded several agreements. We chose to buy what people were telling us about ourselves. But, when you realize that you have a choice to hold on or to let go of those agreements, you begin your unmasking process that made you who you are and return to a purer, more fulfilling version of you. You also reconnect with your self. This is what Marianne Williamson expresses in her book A Return to Love.

So, when you choose a psychologist, a life coach, or any other person you get advice from, pay close attention to your feelings. They will guide you to know if you’re getting advice from the right person or not. Also make sure that the person you’re seeking advice from has succeeded in the topic you need to be helped on. Would you get financial advice from someone who’s poorer than you? Would you take relationship advice from someone who is single? Don’t be afraid to ask a few questions to the person you will rely on to steer you in the right direction.

Read this article if you want to know more about Trusting Your Intuition.

Follow this link to read about Motivation Comes From Action.

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Fearless Millionaire

Fearless MillionaireFearless Millionaire. I’m starting to realize how fears and wealth are related. In order to enjoy wealth, you need to explore yourself fully, and going in deep means facing your own personal fears. I didn’t realize how much my fears were holding be back. I often read that we usually don’t notice many of our bad habits simply because we’ve become so accustomed to them. I also read that you cannot get out of a mental prison if you don’t know you’re in one. Well that was my case. That’s at least what my feeling of fearlessness indicated me today! I felt so incredibly good! So peaceful and powerful! I cannot believe how mentally imprisoned I was!

I believe that this is still part of the effects of the exercises I did last weekend at the Millionaire Mind. We explored our hidden beliefs, we re-experienced our childhood and I was surprised to see how active many of my old beliefs still were. But the exercises were so powerful that I truly overcame some of my deeply buried fears. For one of them, I even thought I was going to pass out!! That’s how much fear didn’t want me to do the exercise! But by raising my energy level, which I did unconsciously because of stress, I was able to go through my fears.

And 3 days later I am reaping the benefits! The fearlessness feeling! I am reconnecting with my past! Have you ever wondered why everybody is attracted to newborns? Why we feel the urge to go towards them? One of the reasons is that they are fearless. They are pure loving beings and love attracts love. That’s one of my goals in life: return to my original level of love. Yes! Just like the book A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson.

But back to the beginning: how do you become aware that you are in a prison? You expand your mind! When it completely fills your mental prison, you expansion will burst the walls open and you will feel freedom. Read my article on How to Raise Your Awareness to learn more.
