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Your Own Internal GPS – Trust Your Feelings

Trust Your FeelingsToday we’ll talk about your own internal GPS. Once you discover the power of listening to your emotions, you’ll never be lost in the unknown anymore.

You have to trust your feelings.

The rule is very simple, if it feels good; you’re going in the right direction. If it doesn’t feel right, something has to change.

You have to be careful about what you change though.

I was once very unhappy at work and the most important thing to change was my attitude and thoughts towards my work – the solution was NOT to change job.

Of course, changing job can help too, as you can find more satisfying tasks or coworkers.

But if the dissatisfaction lives INSIDE you, in your own thoughts and programming, it will follow you everywhere you go!

So this means that feeling bad indicates you must change something WITHIN yourself.

I know, it can be very difficult.

You shouldn’t even necessarily aim at feeling good at first, simply trying to feel better might be a better goal.

Esther and Jerry Hicks, in their book Ask And It Is Given, list 22 emotional states which make a continuum you can progress on, from the worst to the best.

They say that the goal should be to simply entertain thoughts from the level above your current situation, not aim for the top of the scale right away

This is because results can take time to show up.

It personally took me roughly 6 months to start seeing noticeable results when I started working on improving my attitude.

Of course, I saw improvements even in the first week. But it went up, and down, and up, and down again.

So there are many encouraging periods where you see improvements, but there are also many periods when you wander if all your efforts are worth it.

Honestly, both periods can be a challenge. Because even when you are feeling better, it can be easy to slow down on your personal development exercises and slowly move back into your old paradigm.

So neither your progress nor your setbacks should deter you from persisting in your daily exercises.

The only single way to change your subconscious programming for better, more fulfilling thoughts is with TIME.

Some days you’ll feel you’ve made a tremendous jump forward, some days you’ll feel you’ve taken a step back.

That’s all surface work.


You’re either slowly moving forward, or slowly moving backwards.

This is why I believe so much in the power of rituals: they are the main catalysts of change.

This is very deceiving because we don’t see how these small exercises change us from day to day.

It’s like writing a page a day for an entire year and realizing that we have an entire book written by the end of the year. It never felt like writing a book, and it surely is an easier process than giving ourselves the task of writing a book. Simply focus on the page you have to write today.

The book will write itself, as long as you are PERSISTENT.

This is also why listening to your emotions is very important because they are the indicator of whether you are moving forward or not.

Just like with the book, it’s hard to see if, overall, our year is moving forward or not.

As I said, some days will be good, some will be tough.

But you simply need to have faith that the good days will add up and will change your paradigm for one that is more open, joyous and peaceful.

I built a course on persistence which I recommend if you need a virtual accountability partner to realize your BIG dream.

Also consider reading my other articles on persistence.

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Fear of Public Humiliation leads to a Public Speaking Career?!

Fear of Public HumiliationI recently uncovered my fear to be humiliated in public. This was a deeply buried fear that had been living within me for as long as I can remember. As I child, I had the recurring dream of “forgetting” to wear my swimsuit at my swimming lessons. I later learned that a fear of being seen naked in public translates a fear of public humiliation. Pretty ironic for someone who now dreams of becoming a public speaker. Or maybe not so, since I strongly believe that our deepest fears hold the key to our deepest desires. So a public speaking career would perfectly make sense after the fear of being vulnerable in public was overcame. Once you’ve got that established, where do you go from there?

Getting rid of any fear is done through action. When you are mentally strong enough, you are able to act in spite of your fear. That’s what courage is: it’s not waiting for the fear to disappear – which will never happen! – it’s acting with the fear being present besides you. Once you start taking action, your fear will gradually loose it’s grip over you and new pathways will create in your brain so that fear gradually becomes ineffective.

I find it very interesting to think about the pace at which things are uncovered. I saw a psychologist for several years who kept asking me if I felt shame and my answer was always negative. Now though, I realize that the level of shame I felt was so intense that my conscious mind could not even see it! I was so accustomed to shame that I wasn’t even aware there was any trace in me!

Back to the public speaking career, I find it fascinating to discover that behind my greatest fears hide my greatest aspirations. I find it curious that the fear would “choose” this spot. It’s like if fear purposely chose this spot to force me to overcome it. Or maybe it’s just that fear fills any void it can find and it occupies the space that we don’t use until we realize our dreams. You should read the story of the “Magician of Fears” which tells that behind every fear hides a desire. I love this author, Jacques Salomé, who specializes in children’s traumas and non violent communication.

Today I’m not so afraid to speak in public anymore. I even volunteer in high schools to share my coming out experience as a gay person. But I still feel a big blockage in speaking about my true passion: personal development. I don’t feel confident affirming that I deeply believe in personal growth and that it should be part of everybody’s education. At least this website is a good stepping stone to start publicly sharing my views and exposing myself to critics and other people’s judgement. Maybe when I don’t judge myself so much it will be easier to talk about personal development in public as well.

Overcoming your personal fears are the most liberating thing ever. Once you’ve gone beyond them, you feel the freedom we were made to experience. A pure bliss of joy and knowing you’re in the flow, or in the “vortex” like Abraham Hicks calls it. I had a few glimpses of that which motivates me to keep working on myself, because I want to experience longer and more frequent moments like those.

If you want help to conquer your fears and get advice on how to take action, you can read my book: Grow With the Flow.

Also feel free to comment and commit to overcoming one of your fears!