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How to Accomplish Goals whether Financial, Personal or Career related

How to accomplish goalsHow to Accomplish Goals whether Financial, Personal or Career related

Do you have all the money that you’d like? Does it come to you easily?

But what is money exactly?

Money is a tool we use to measure the value of things.

The money you earn is a compensation for the value you provide.

If you trade your time for money, which is what we call a job, then the amount you earn is limited by your physical presence, the usefulness of your work, the ability to replace you, and the quality of your work.

Even if you are a lawyer who charges $1000 per hour, you are still limited by the number of hours in your week.

So the key to making a lot of money is somewhere else.

What you need to do in fact is to detach your income from your physical presence.

How do you do that? You create information product! It includes blogs like this one, songs, books and eBooks, online courses, reviews, etc.

Of course, this requires some upfront work. But once your product is recorded, it’s simply a matter of selling it. And if you created something of value, it will be no problem to find people to sell it for a percentage of the profits.

So again, just like your salary, it’s a matter of value. When you work at a job, you get paid for the value you provide in return of your time spent at work.

When you sell information products, you get paid for the value you provide to each individual who is interested by your product.

Makes sense?

But you don’t focus on making money, you focus on adding value. Put your attention on helping others. Ask yourself how you can help people doing what you love.

Of course, the main challenge will be to find the persistence to create a quality product.

This requires time and effort, so that’s when this course comes in!

It gives you the tools you need to stay focused and to bring your project to completion.

Another important aspect of earning money is to have the right mindset. As you will see in the course, what you believe is crucial in the determination of the outcome.

If you don’t believe that you can earn a lot of money, by creating an information product or by doing anything else, you won’t even AIM at making a lot of money.

So I hope that you dream requires a lot of money. Because if it does, and as you visualize it more and more, your requirement for more money will increase as well.

And when you have a need, you brain will automatically start looking for ways to fulfill that need.

Your mindset will gradually shift to welcome ideas of wealth.

And the ability to handle a lot of wealth is closely related to personal growth.

As T Harv Eker says it: if you work hard on your job, you make a living, but if you work hard on yourself, you make a fortune.

When you start working on yourself, through meditation and exercise, or by expanding your knowledge, you’ll naturally attract opportunities.

Focus on feeling worthy and you will become what you visualize.

Click here to get the first FREE lesson of the Winners Shine course on Reaching Your Goals.

To read more about developing persistence click here.

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Goal Setting According to Feelings

Goal setting. I came across an EXCELLENT idea recently: set your goals according to what you want to FEEL instead of what you want to achieve. When you do that, it doesn’t matter whether your reached your goal according to the predicated deadline, because you enjoyed every (in theory) step of the way. In reality, you might have ups and downs along the journey, but if you keep your focus of the feeling you want to feel, you’ll enjoy more overall happiness than if you had achieved your goal by the sweat of your brow. My first reaction to that new idea was: but what if I stop accomplishing anything valuable? What if my life becomes a total anarchy of unaccomplished projects? Well, that’s how my rational mind reacted at least. When things settled down, I remembered my year spent in Scotland. (See my article on Taking a Pause in Life) That year, even 14 years later, has been the best year of my life!! Why? Because I didn’t strive to achieve anything special. I simply enjoyed life as it unfolded, savouring a continuous string of present moments. What more can you ask of life?

The video that sparked my thoughts on this is by Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte and you can watch it here:

Ask yourself what you need to do to feel the way you want to feel. Also pay close attention to your environment. People around us have a greater impact than we realize, especially when their vibrational level is close to ours, the influence is even stronger. Just like a radio channel is only affected by the radio waves that are close to it. Therefore, the negative vibrations you need to avoid the most are the ones just below yours. Vibrations are part of a continuum. You probably have already been in contact with someone so negative that it made them look ridiculous. Because that person’s vibrational level was so different than yours, it didn’t affect you so much. But when it’s closer to yours, the impact is much more important: it will lift you up if the vibrational level is higher than yours, but drag you down if it is lower.

Goal SettingThe number of people will have an effect as well. If the energy level of a group is high, it will lift you up more than if a single person had that same vibrational level. This is why “miracles” can happen at personal development seminars. Everybody’s energy adds up to create a powerful catalyst for change. But this is also why a negative environment at work is worse than simply mixing with just a few negative coworkers. So start paying attention to the environments you spend most of your time in and make sure that they will lift you up.

Follow this link to read more on the power of vibrational levels.

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Bob Proctor Terror Barrier – How to Overcome Fear

Bob Proctor Terror Barrier. Tonight I have a video for you titled: How to Overcome the Terror Barrier and Reach Your Goals

In this video, the goal is to become a millionaire, but it applies to any big goal you might have!

To reach that goal, you need:

1. Understanding with Bob Proctor

2. Practical exercises with T Harv Eker


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Motivational speaker

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

If you like what I have to say on my blog, then you’d be amazed to hear it in person!

I am a motivational speaker and I do customized conferences on the following topics:

Motivational speakerI do corporate and school conferences all around the world! I am very enthusiastic and I have a natural talent for public speaking.

Get in touch with me about your event! We’ll discuss your interests and needs and we’ll see if I’m the right person for you.

Talk to you soon!





Conferences are also available in French.