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Emotional Rollercoaster

Emotional RollercoasterLast weekend was an emotional rollercoaster. I discovered two weeks ago at the Mission to Millions seminar that I had unresolved childhood pains that I needed to heal. Logically, I deducted that I had to reexamine my past and reprocess some childhood memories. But then, I realized that maybe I could simply focus on what I want: I don’t necessarily have to look at the past in order to heal it! After all, am I not a fervent Bob Proctor fan who believes that what you focus on expands? I feel shocked to have so easily forgotten about it! I need to focus more on what I desire than on what I don’t!

I believe that you in fact need to do both. As Bob Proctor says in his book It’s Not About the Money, you need to balance self-acceptance with the urge for growth and development of a wealth mindset. I also already talked about it in my articles Anxiety or Boredom and Using Gratitude with the Law of Attraction. I understand that in order to manifest what you want quickly, you need to create a “bridge” between now and what you want, so that you already feel good with what you have but also feel good about what’s coming.

Back to the emotional rollercoaster though, I also discovered that all the “downs” come with higher “ups” in between. If I feel negative emotions rising up in me, I know that greater freedom is also on its way. It usually takes a few days to understand why I was feeling off, but when the breakthrough happens, it suddenly all makes sense. For example, I started a new yoga class yesterday that brought up unsuspected sorrow that I feel for events that are about a year old. I was surprised to see them bubble up, but I know that it happened so that it would make room for something better.

It takes some time to realize that the emotional rollercoaster is overall slightly going upwards. When I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, the trainer, Robert Riopelle, said that when you raise your vibration, you sill have ups and downs, but your ups are higher, and your downs are higher too. He even said that he reached a point where his new downs were higher than his old ups! And I also slowly see that happening in my life.

The overall lesson here is to keep your discipline if you want to move forward. Know with absolute certainty that, if you remain discipline, even with the setbacks, you life will eventually get better. As Bob Proctor says time and again, success happens by law, not by chance.

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How to Achieve Goals when Persistence Fades

I feel I’m facing the biggest wall in my life so far. I wrote on self-help perseverance a few months ago, and on self-help frustration also. But what I am feeling now is much bigger than that. In the last few weeks I kept asking myself how to achieve goals when persistence fails.

I discovered Bob Proctor 10 months ago and attended 2 of his seminars. I learned about T Harv Eker 4 months ago and also attended 2 of his seminars. I posted videos on YouTube on how to become a millionaire, I bought self-help programs, I read and reread books, I tried hypnosis, I do positive affirmations in the mirror, I journal my mental bank daily, I do reiki weekly and I tried countless others things more or less seriously.

I have to admit that I easily get bored with anything. I need intense action in my life and constant change keeps me entertained. This quality is useful to get started with a project, but it’s more complicated when comes the time to carry it through. Knowing that any project of significant scale is achieved with perseverance, how do I cope with the rapid lost of interest?

Like most people, I feel super empowered after attending a personal growth seminar. The problem is that this enthusiasm quickly fades after I come back home. A trick would therefore be to attend seminar after seminar on an extended period of time to let permanent change in habits settle in. Of course, this alternative is expensive and your current job might not allow the amount of time off it requires. I did subscribe to the Quantum Leap program with Peak Potentials, which includes 5 seminars, and 12 weeks of coaching. The structure of the program greatly helps to sustain the level of energy required to install permanent change into someone’s life.

I also mastermind weekly with my best friend who is also a Quantum Leap member. I talked before about the importance of accountability partners and I consider myself excessively lucky to have someone to share my progress with.

How to achieve goalsNonetheless, I feel discouraged that things aren’t moving fast enough. My new awareness of the freedom that comes with passive income and with recovering my abandoned personal power wants to be fulfilled right now and not with months and months or even years of effort. The information that I came across with in the last year is too valuable to remain unexploited. Putting in the efforts to permanently change is definitely worth the resulting freedom afterwards. But I still feel scared that I won’t achieve my goal. Scared that I will abandon along the way because the upfront efforts are too important before change is observed.

I now understand better why so few people truly make the change in their lives to follow their passions, become financially independent and enjoy freedom in every aspect of their lives. Overcoming our old paradigm is probably the most difficult challenge we can accomplish in our lives.

Still, I realized yesterday that I could decide to be done with the struggle. I can decide now to live a reality where I’m already living my passionate life and I already have all the money and freedom that I need. This is how to achieve goals: change your mindset and perceive success as already attained. My reiki session was absolutely beautiful yesterday and I feel that something important in my life has begun. I feel that my heart is more opened and that I am better at receiving. I’m excited to see what’s coming up for me. And that excitement is what allows me to keep going.

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Bob Proctor seminar review

Bob Proctor seminar review

There’s a quote from Bob Proctor which stuck in my mind for a while and is making more and more sense now. Bob says that, when things start getting better, you think to yourself: “Wow! Things couldn’t get any better!” … but they do! And it gets better and better all the time!

The most difficult part in personal development is getting out of inertia. It’s the same as with riding a bike or launching a rocket: the most energy is required for the take off. Once you are in motion, the force of inertia builds up and a lot less energy is required to keep you going at the same speed or the same level of happiness. You’ve already gained momentum and the extra efforts that you deploy aren’t used to take you off the ground anymore, but rather to add extra happiness to your existing state of bliss.

Matrixx and Science of Getting Rich

Bob Proctor seminar reviewIn my case, I started studying Bob Proctor’s material a year ago. Four months later I attended Matrixx and 4 more months after, I attended The Science of Getting Rich. You can follow the links to read the Bob Proctor seminar review I did for each of them. And now, I can say that I am definitely reaping the benefits of all the studying and the investment in the seminars. The steady studying is important because it prepares your mind for the new information and it “softens” your subconscious mind. Attending live seminars is even more important because of the energy that builds up on site and gives you courage and strength to do your big change. The follow up mastermind groups and exercises are also extremely important as they allow the theory to really sink in permanently and create durable change in your life.

Another quote I love from Bob and that keeps me moving towards my goals is: “When riches start coming your way, they will come so fast, it will make your head spin!” Well, riches aren’t making my head spin yet, but I’ve seen so many positive changes in my life already that I don’t even need discipline or motivation to keep going. When you realize every day the good that your daily rituals and practice give you, it simply becomes natural to do them! I now always wake up in a super good mood and 6 days out of 7 I remain very enthusiastic throughout the day.

The daily ritual

First on my list is Bob Proctor’s meditation which I LOVE and listen to as often as I can. Then I also do my positive affirmations while looking into my eyes since that apparently speeds up the transformation process. This is a trick I learned at the Science of Getting Rich seminar. I also occasionally watch the You Were Born Rich seminar available on YouTube. This is the video that sparked my interest in Bob a year ago. I must have watched the entire 10-hour seminar about 50 times!

I had already read the book The Secret a few years ago but my attention wasn’t caught by Bob’s teaching then. I’m always curious to find the answer to: “Why me?” Why am I so attracted by Bob Proctor’s teaching while so many aren’t? Why do I feel that this information resonates so deep within me? Anyway, I’ll find the answer to that later I guess!  😉

I also ended up on the stage at The Science of Getting Rich seminar and you can watch a short clip of that here. (That specific exercise was with Mary Morrissey and not Bob)

So that’s it! All I want to tell you is: “Keep going!” I had my struggles to get where I am now but my current state is definitely worth way more than the efforts I put in!

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What is Reiki?

I recently had my follow up session after my reiki initiation 3 months ago. I talk a lot about the subconscious mind (I even wrote a book on it!) but I don’t talk a lot about my weekly reiki. The other students and I talked a little bit about our experience on sharing our interest in reiki with people around us and we all concluded that it’s too bad so few people are interested by it. I see the incredible benefits it does for me and I wish that everybody could take advantage from it. After some sessions, I could breathe a lot better (and I’ve never had any problems breathing), some other sessions, my stamina suddenly increased tremendously and many times, after leaving my reiki session, the colours outside seemed brighter and more vivid. It’s a similar experience to the first time I wore glasses: I had a large grin across my face, discovering the world, realizing everything was much more detailed than what I originally saw. I was astounded that I could perceive the definition of the leaves in the trees! But back to the main topic, what is reiki exactly?

what is reikiWhen you do reiki, your therapist cleanses the subtle energies you are surrounded by. Everybody is familiar with the concept of the “personal bubble” and we all have already felt the discomfort when someone steps in too close. This is because we’re made out of several energy layers that we don’t see, but that we can feel if we pay attention. When I attended Bob Proctor’s Matrixx, there was an energy healer present and they did a demonstration together. It was quite impressive to see the effects of Bob’s energy field 10 feet away from him. So, by doing reiki regularly, you clean your subconscious mind of all the junk that you don’t even know is there. As I wrote before, 95% of our thoughts and actions are controlled by our subconscious mind! Read my article on How the Mind Works if you want to know more. Or you can even consider getting my book My Sweet Beloved Subconscious Mind if you are as passionate about the topic as I am!

So doing reiki is very important for me because there is no way I can become aware of all the subconscious beliefs that I need to improve in order to live a better life. Reiki therefore helps me move beyond those beliefs without having to consciously uncover each one of them. It’s like a fast forward button that allows you to grow faster and that you can combine with any other personal development exercise or training you might already have.

My reiki therapist in Quebec is Frédéric Noël and his website is in French only.

My reiki therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area was Stacey Butcher and you can visit her website here.

Follow this link to read my other articles on the Subconscious Mind.

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Increase Wealth and Success – Take More Risks

Increase Wealth and Success

Many people are impressed by the level of action that I take in my life. If I feel like doing something, I do it! It doesn’t matter if it involves selling my condo with all my belongings in it, moving to a different country, being unemployed for a while, or any other uncertainty. What I see as simply following my heart, others see as a risk they are not willing to take. The truth is that you shouldn’t afford NOT to take risks. In order to increase your wealth and success, you need to take more risks. If you remain along the shore, you will never discover the very best of you. If you believed that in order to live a better life, you had to make the sacrifice of being unemployed and studying for a few years, you must realize that you took the risk that things could have not worked out for you. Yet, you took the chance and you studied. You should also understand that in order to be wealthier, you need to find the time to study how wealth is acquired. It’s the same concept, it’s just that one is more popular than the other.

Raise Your Awareness

In T Harv Eker’s interview with Keith Cunningham, Keith describes how he made – and lost – a fortune by taking risks. He says the key is developing the awareness of HOW to earn vast sums of money. Once you know how, even if you lose it, you will regain it easily because your mindset has expanded. Bob Proctor keeps saying that people don’t earn $50,000 a year because they want to, they earn that much because they’re not AWARE of how to earn $50,000 a MONTH! Keith also says that the lessons from losing money are incredible… and I believe him! I’ve learned a lot more in losing money than in earning it. It’s like learning anything: if you can get beyond the scare of making mistakes, then you can go forward. I wrote an article on “learning to do things badly” which you can read by following the link for Self-Help Perfectionism.

Increase wealth and successI also talk about the importance of taking action in my book on finding your life’s purpose, Grow With the Flow. Keith also says that: “One step in the right direction is worth a hundred years of thinking about it.” In my life, I never regretted anything. I believe regretting is a matter of choice and I choose to learn from my mistakes. Because the times when I lost a lot of money or spent more than I should have thought me a lot. I’m now unlikely to do the same errors again, or at the very least I will do much better next time. Willingness to make mistakes is a secret to wealth because it allows you to ACT.

Learn to Love Money

Now, take a few minutes to write down all your beliefs around money. Do you believe that earning money requires hard work? Do you believe that wealthy people are mean and greedy? Are these beliefs serving you well? All your beliefs, even though you don’t think about them consciously, play a huge role in shaping your daily actions and thoughts. If you don’t believe that you can earn a lot of money, you won’t even entertain thoughts that could make you earn a lot of money. Money is like a lover or health, you have to treat it right for it to stay with you. I used to trick myself into thinking that I was “ABOVE” money, while I subconsciously was enslaved by it. I desperately needed to have a lot of money and to be “generous” to show others how careless about material things I was. I was acting in the opposite way of what I was thinking deep down inside. Now that I’ve let this belief come to the surface, I’ve been able to let it go and truly reestablish a sane relationship towards owning money. I see money as it is: a tool that increases my comfort and allows me to provide service beyond my physical presence. Money is my measure for personal growth. The more I grow, the greater receptacle for money I become. I now see my fears as exciting challenges to overcome because I know that overcoming them will make me a better, freer and richer person.

Once you become aware of your negative beliefs around money, you need to let them go. Most people see this process as long and difficult, but it can also be very quick and easy. If you trusted someone for 30 years, but suddenly realized that they were screwing you, you would stop trusting them right away. You can go the same with your liming beliefs. You should read my article on the Sedona Method to learn a very simple and effective technique to let go.

What risks are you willing to take in your life to increase wealth and success? You can start small, but be aware that “Behind your greatest fear, lies your greatest gift.”

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The best self-help tools along your spiritual journey

How many self-help books do you have on your shelves? 5? …And they were given to you? 20? …You’re just starting! Over a 100! That’s more like it! Everybody I know who’s into self-help has A LOT of books on the topic. So does anybody who has a passion for something, right? Well, I believe it’s not exactly the same thing. I find books to be among the best self-help tools I have. But we don’t collect self-help books for the pleasure of collecting them, we collect them in order to grow. So how is that working out for you? Have you made all the progress you hoped for? If not, carry on…

Best self-help toolsThere are tons of self-help books out there. But instead of reading them all, I try to mainly reread the same few ones. It’s quite fascinating to realize how much we can learn from a second, third or fourth read! It’s always the same book, but you get a new perspective as you read it with a different awareness. I believe that we don’t do this often enough: revisit the same books, the same movies. There is so much we can learn that way! I find it strange because we do it with people! We keep the same family our entire life, we keep the same partner, we keep many of our friends. Isn’t the beauty of life to deepen our relationships instead of accumulating them? Why should it be different with books? That’s how Bob Proctor did it! He owes all his success to the careful study of only a very few books!

Unfortunately, I didn’t get hooked on Think and Grow Rich like so many other people did. I even had trouble finishing it! The book I read the most often in my life is definitely The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. And every time I did, I understood messages I didn’t get on the previous read. Maybe I love this book so much because I recognize myself in the traveler who leaves everything behind to fulfil his true purpose. Maybe that’s because I have also been to Egypt and it’s been the best trip of my life!

Next in the list is Deepak Chopra. Deepak’s books played a very important role in my spiritual path. Discovering him marked my shift from reading books on psychology for 10 years to slowly shifting towards spirituality. He’s the one who introduced me to meditation 3 years ago. I loved him… until I saw him on video. I find that he lacks enthusiasm. When I saw him during interviews, he looked bored. Anyway, he’s still the one who opened up my eyes on spirituality so he deserves to be on my best self-help books list!

And the most recent is Bob Proctor. I discovered him less than a year ago but the impact of his teachings made me want to meet him right away. I did meet him at Matrixx in October 2013 and I also went to his Science of Getting Rich seminar in L.A. in February 2014. Everything I learned from him and from It’s Not About the Money have influenced my life in the most impactful way. I am now confident that I can achieve what I decide and I’m putting everything in place to become financially independent within the next 3 years!

So that’s it! What are the most influential self-help books in your life? What have been your best self-help tools?

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The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The SecretI’m surprised to see the enthusiasm that still lives around the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It was released in 2006 but still, 8 years after its publication, most of the comments I see about self-help books relate to this one. Even one of the comments on my own book is about the secret!

I must say that I got FAR MORE reactions from strangers while reading this book than any other ones! People rarely interrupt to comment or ask about what I am reading. But for The Secret, it was EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME!! I initially read it in 2007, one year after it’s release, but even when I reread it years later people would still react and tell me that it is “their favourite book” or that it “changed their lives”!

I’m not sure what kind of impact it had on me. After reading it, I bought an expensive suit and hoped that I would attract a lot of money that way. Unfortunately, I simply ended with an expensive suit and a hefty credit card charge! I reread the book once or twice but it’s only recently, almost a year ago now, that I had my big insight. It’s when I watched YouTube videos from Bob Proctor that the Law of Attraction truly started to resonate with me.

The Secret holds very precious concepts. But I find that putting them into practice is not sufficiently explained in the book. The major thing that needs to change is the mindset. And that’s a though one. The mindset only changes slowly and important and sustained effort is required to make that change last. I find that getting inspiration from people who have already succeeded is a better option.

Most of the rich and successful people are unaware of the concepts of the Law of Attraction. They simply worked hard, steadily, with excellent focus and a clear intention on where they wanted to go. These are the principles that will make you successful. The principles in The Secret make it sound like it requires no effort to attract what we want and that is not entirely true. There is no effort required in manifesting what we think about, but there is GREAT effort required to focus our attention! We are so used to being dissipated, bombarded by distractions all the time, that it is becoming harder and harder to focus on anything.

The theory in the book is very interesting and a good eye-opener on being careful about what we think about, but the true determinant in success is ACTION. I’m glad I read The Secret but most of my progress happened in live seminars and because of the daily routines I established to increase my perseverance. You can read about Self-Help Perseverance here.

I’m curious to know what you thought of the book and if you applied any of its theory into your life. Has it made a significant change for you?

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Rich Thinking Poor Thinking

Rich Thinking Poor Thinking. I just finished reading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker. It struck me to realize how rich thinking differs from poor thinking in so many ways! He says for instance that poor people focus on their salaries, while the rich on their net worth. That’s a major difference! Instead of focussing on how much you earn, you focus on how much you’re worth. When focusing on what you earn, if you do end up earning more, you will simply increase your spendings simultaneously and will only see little difference. But when you focus on what you accumulate, you have a real incentive to increase your wealth! And it is so important to do so! I used to think that wealthy people were mean and greedy, but I don’t believe that anymore. I heard many times that money doesn’t change you, it simply amplifies the person you already are. So if you are a nice person, and have a lot of money, you’ll have the opportunity to be even nicer!

Rich Thinking Poor ThinkingAnother important point in the book is the “both” and “either/or” mentality. Poor people think in “either/or”, which means that they need to sacrifice something in order to get something else. On the other hand, rich people think “both”, meaning that they think creatively to come up with alternatives that will allow them to get both options they desire. The belief that I cannot have everything is a strong one in me. I did a little research and I found out that I’m not alone! The saying: “You can’t eat your cake and have it too” exists in many other languages, in very interesting variations. In French, the expression is: “You can’t have the butter and the money for the butter” And I like the version of Venezuela which goes: “You cannot have the bottle full and the girl drunk.”

I find it very sad that we are so conditioned to play small and to satisfy ourselves with as little as possible. I have grand ambitions and I’m proud of them because they allow me to grow and to become a better person. I wrote in my article Fearless Millionaire that wealth and fear are closely related. Bob Proctor also says time and again that goals are not for getting: they are made for expansion. I realize now more than ever that this is true. And I see what Marianne Williamson meant when she wrote that “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” The more I break through my fears, the more I regain my power and the more I see no limit to where I can go and to what I can do. When I started my Master’s Degree in International Relations, I laughed at people who said they wanted to “save the world!” Now I see that this is part of my desires and I want to acquire massive wealth to do my share in distributing it more evenly on earth. I see this as a very important role I have to play.

And you? What are your beliefs and desires around money? Can you easily picture yourself being wealthy?

Click here to read more articles on Creating Wealth.

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The Importance to Dream Big

Dream BigWhen I was a child, I dared to dream big and I had 3 big life dreams: visit New York City, see Legoland in Denmark and the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. In my 10 year old mind, I had absolutely no way to conceive how I would achieve any of that. Once I accomplished all 3 dreams, by the age of 22, I was excited but also disappointed. I thought: I’ll never have childhood dreams to strive toward anymore and more importantly, I didn’t know what dream to pursue next. Dreams are not something you rationally decide, they simply come up to the surface when your rational mind is not too busy sending you its own agenda. I thought that I could never fantasize on anything like when I was a child. With my adult mind, there is no way I could set myself an “unattainable” goal again.

Well, all of that changed when I came across Bob Proctor’s teaching. He suggests that we should start from a fantasy, then turn it into a theory, to lastly make it a fact. Without even realizing, I slowly started dreaming like a child and entertaining “unreachable” ideas again. Becoming a millionaire is one. Owning real estate of $1.5 million in Quebec City and $5 million in San Francisco is another one. What I find really amazing is how closed the mind can become to dreaming when exposed to the wrong conditioning. As adults, we learn that we shouldn’t dream because we’re not likely to realize those dreams. What’s sad is that, for most people, this is true. And if you dare to dream a little, and take action to realize your dreams, many people will try to discourage you. Not because they’re evil-minded: simply because they want to protect you from the pain you will feel when you realize that your efforts were in vain.

The most important is therefore to decide to realize your dream at all costs. I’m currently reading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker. He says that everything changed for him when he stopped trying different ways of making money and DECIDED that he was going to make ONE way work. Bob Proctor says the same. When you focus all your efforts on ONE project, no matter what it is, you WILL succeed. Of course, adversity and obstacles will come along the way, but if you make up your mind that you will achieve your goal, then you will. I also like T Harv’s way of seeing problems: he says that the problems we face are a matter of personal image. Let’s say that we face a problem that is a level 5 on a difficulty scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. If we have a level 3 mindset, we’ll see the problem as overwhelming. If we have a level 8 mindset, then the same problem won’t even be a problem at all!

Think of it a different way. When a little girl learns to tie her shoes, and doesn’t succeed, she might start to cry. Failure to tie her shoes, at 5 years old, means feeling ridiculous in front of her peers. When she reaches 12, tying her shows is so mastered that she doesn’t even think about it. But maybe her new challenge is to use the public transportation. If she gets lost somewhere, she’ll start to cry. When she reaches 20, there is now way that getting lost would make her feel overwhelmed, but she has new 20-year-old-level challenges. We need to outgrow our current challenges and circumstances. For some reason, many people stop doing it along the way. But we need to always perceive problems as opportunities to grow higher.

Read my article on Rising Above Your Circumstances to learn more.

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A Certain Way of Doing Things

If you’ve read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, you might be wondering what he means by a Certain Way of doing things. That part kept me puzzled for a while as I didn’t quite grasp what he meant by this expression. He refers to the “Certain Way” many times, but fails to really explain how things are done a “Certain Way”. Maybe it’s just something that cannot be explained I thought, maybe it’s a feeling that cannot be translated into words. Well, I gained a deeper understanding of the concept recently and I believe that I acted a “Certain Way” at the Science of Getting Rich seminar with Bob Proctor last weekend. One of the indicators is the readership of this website that skyrocketed like never before while I was at the seminar! I don’t think I did anything different, as I posted articles daily as usual, and didn’t advertise this site more, but I believe I did things in a “Certain Way”. I placed myself FROM the level of success that I am seeking and didn’t pursue my goals anymore, but rather felt that I had already achieved them! This is especially true as we did an exercise where we projected ourselves a year later and pretended we had already achieved all of our objectives. My energy level shifted considerably. I experienced a “Certain Way” of doing things without even realizing it. I simply noticed afterwards, when I looked at my website’s statistics and I sought an explanation for the rise in visitors. So as you can see, in order to act in a “Certain Way”, your actions don’t need to be different, but your MINDSET needs to be completely in the flow, and you need to be in a pure place of giving. Your objective needs to be already accomplished in your mind and you need to fully feel the satisfaction form that accomplishment. You must perform your tasks while being smothered in positive energy and you must have the complete trust that your goal will be reached.

Certain Way of doing thingsWhen I look back, I realize that I experienced things in a “Certain Way” several times without even knowing. For example, when I did an art show with my boyfriend, his energy shifted and he started believing he was going to get a lot of contracts. And we did get several in the following days, but none of them came from the show! They all came from different channels that were previously established and had no relation to the art show! So simply by changing his mindset, he opened up the possibility of receiving new contracts, he truly believed it, and it happened!

Of course, in order to believe something, it’s easier to rely on the physical evidences. For example, if your goal is to get several contracts, you need to start acting as if you were at least getting a few. Once you get them the first few ones, it will become easier to keep acting that way until you reach the amount desired. I often read that the Universe doesn’t know the difference between manifesting $1 or $1000, one contract or one hundred contracts. But our conditioned minds do see a difference! To condition ourselves to a new reality, it’s easier to process incrementally. So start visualizing your goal and act in a “Certain Way”!

Leave a comment and let me know what you want to manifest or have already manifested with your Certain Way of doing things!