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Bob Proctor Book Recommendations – Neville

Bob Proctor Book RecommendationsBob Proctor Book Recommendations. After attending Bob Proctor’s Matrixx event, we were given a few books to read. Two of these are from Neville Goddard and titled “The Power of Awareness” and “Awakened Imagination” (under $5 each on Amazon). Although I didn’t attend the MasterMind group following the event, I know that Bob insisted on the careful study of these two books. I’m still reading the one on imagination but I can tell you that the book on awareness offered greatly valuable lessons! Chapter 25 on Faith was particularly insightful for me:

[… it is obvious that a lack of faith means disbelief in the existence of that which you desire. Inasmuch as that which you experience is the faithful reproduction of your state of consciousness, lack of faith will mean perpetual failure in any conscious use of the law of assumption.]

The word conscious is in bold because it differentiates the instances when the Law of Attraction worked for me and didn’t. It seems as if the Law worked in my life every time that my desires belonged and remained in the subconscious realm. Every time I tried to consciously attract specific results with the Law, I failed. This specifically happened because of my lack of faith in the Law of Attraction. Neville goes on to say that:

[It is just as though that which you desire is telling you that it will not be yours until you turn from being faithless and perverse to righteousness.]

So how do I improve that? How do you consciously increased your faith? By raising your awareness! I already wrote a few articles that could be helpful if you are experiencing the same issue. Read the one on How to raise your awareness and this other one on Learning to speak the language of the universe. I hope they will prove insightful to you and will help you consciously manifest things better using the Law of Attraction!
