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Bob Proctor Meditation

Bob Proctor MatrixxIn just 2 days is starting another edition of Bob Proctor Matrixx event. You can read more about this event in my previous posts. As you might know, the price to attend is pretty hefty (depending on your financial background). It’s hard to say how many millionaires and wealthy people were attending but I’m sure that a good chunk of the 50 attendees had challenges finding the $15k required. But this is an event that is definitely worth going to and I’d like to help you out with that. I thought that a Bob Proctor meditation on wealth narrated by him would be ideal! So you can listen to it here:

Bob Proctor Meditation

Let me explain this meditation a little. Right at the beginning, Bob Proctor mentions that the meditation was done for a friend, Vishen Lakhiani from MindValley. I absolutely LOVE everything that MindValley does so I invite you to visit their site. During the meditation, Bob compares our own abundance to the abundance found in nature. He says that we should be as rich and abundant as nature and our only limits are our own. This is a very important concept that I truly believe in. I believe that’s the reason why we feel so peaceful in nature, we recognize that this environment is closer to our true nature.

In the meditation, Bob asks us to visualize a funnel pointing at our head filled with lavender energy. Violet, the colour of lavender, is associated to the top of the head, the crown chakra. Violet is also related to the understanding, awareness, consciousness and spiritual connection. Setting your intention on visualizing violet will bring your awareness onto something that you cannot see but that will amplify your understanding and your consciousness because of that focus.

If you are a Bob Proctor fan, I’ll be at his conference on the Science of Getting Rich in Los Angeles on February 7-9th. Feel free to comment and connect with me before the event!


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What is the Bob Proctor Matrixx price?

In October 2013, I attended Bob Proctor Matrixx, a 6-day event that marked a sharp turn in my life. Many people ask me what is the Bob Proctor Matrixx price? The answer to that is $15,000. But most of all, people ask me if it’s worth its price. Well, surely, I can answer with a big and certain YES!!

But what is expensive? Is 100$ expensive? It depends for what you get. And it depends on your personal values. As you can tell with this blog, I value my personal development A LOT! And attending the program is no guarantee that you will evolve. I often wonder if we evolve because of what we DO, or because we are simply READY for the next step. Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer to that.

What I can tell you for sure though, is that I was READY for the Matrixx, and I totally got myself INVOLVED so yes, it was worth its price. But how can you tell if it’s also worth it for you. Here are some tips!

1. Whatch Bob Proctor’s free material on YouTube. See the link to my other post here.

2. Pay attention to your REACTION to the videos. The first time I watched these videos, in June 2013, I got really excited! My subconscious resonated very strongly with the information. I KNEW and I FELT that I was onto something. To me, that is the greatest signs that I’m going in the right direction.

3. Measure your determination to improve yourself. In my case, it was the ease with which I watched the videos over and over for 3 months as suggested by Bob Proctor. It’s easy to get excited by a bunch of things, but the real test, in my case, is the duration of that excitement. When I still feel interested after a months or, even better, after years, then I know that I’m onto something.

4. Go incremental. I didn’t do that myself. I went straight from the free YouTube videos to the $15k Matrixx. But I can still advise you that it is wiser to try a cheaper product first. For instance, I’m doing the Thinking Into Results program which you can get from Bob Proctor’s site for $1195 or Amazon for $425.

Bob Proctor’s site ($1195)Bob Proctor Matrixx price

Amazon ($425)

5. Go to Matrixx! When you feel ready for the big change, and that your interest in the Matrixx is still high, GO FOR IT!! At the event, I was with people who waited 10 years before making the move! While I do recommend to “test” your interest and wait a few months before you register for the event, I also recommend to go within the first year of your interest. In my case, there was only 4 months between my first encounter with Bob on YouTube and my participation to Matrixx.

Follow this link to learn more about what happens at Matrixx.Bob Proctor Matrixx price

As always, let me know if you want to chat more about this!

Take care!
