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A Certain Way of Doing Things

If you’ve read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, you might be wondering what he means by a Certain Way of doing things. That part kept me puzzled for a while as I didn’t quite grasp what he meant by this expression. He refers to the “Certain Way” many times, but fails to really explain how things are done a “Certain Way”. Maybe it’s just something that cannot be explained I thought, maybe it’s a feeling that cannot be translated into words. Well, I gained a deeper understanding of the concept recently and I believe that I acted a “Certain Way” at the Science of Getting Rich seminar with Bob Proctor last weekend. One of the indicators is the readership of this website that skyrocketed like never before while I was at the seminar! I don’t think I did anything different, as I posted articles daily as usual, and didn’t advertise this site more, but I believe I did things in a “Certain Way”. I placed myself FROM the level of success that I am seeking and didn’t pursue my goals anymore, but rather felt that I had already achieved them! This is especially true as we did an exercise where we projected ourselves a year later and pretended we had already achieved all of our objectives. My energy level shifted considerably. I experienced a “Certain Way” of doing things without even realizing it. I simply noticed afterwards, when I looked at my website’s statistics and I sought an explanation for the rise in visitors. So as you can see, in order to act in a “Certain Way”, your actions don’t need to be different, but your MINDSET needs to be completely in the flow, and you need to be in a pure place of giving. Your objective needs to be already accomplished in your mind and you need to fully feel the satisfaction form that accomplishment. You must perform your tasks while being smothered in positive energy and you must have the complete trust that your goal will be reached.

Certain Way of doing thingsWhen I look back, I realize that I experienced things in a “Certain Way” several times without even knowing. For example, when I did an art show with my boyfriend, his energy shifted and he started believing he was going to get a lot of contracts. And we did get several in the following days, but none of them came from the show! They all came from different channels that were previously established and had no relation to the art show! So simply by changing his mindset, he opened up the possibility of receiving new contracts, he truly believed it, and it happened!

Of course, in order to believe something, it’s easier to rely on the physical evidences. For example, if your goal is to get several contracts, you need to start acting as if you were at least getting a few. Once you get them the first few ones, it will become easier to keep acting that way until you reach the amount desired. I often read that the Universe doesn’t know the difference between manifesting $1 or $1000, one contract or one hundred contracts. But our conditioned minds do see a difference! To condition ourselves to a new reality, it’s easier to process incrementally. So start visualizing your goal and act in a “Certain Way”!

Leave a comment and let me know what you want to manifest or have already manifested with your Certain Way of doing things!