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Emotional Rollercoaster

Emotional RollercoasterLast weekend was an emotional rollercoaster. I discovered two weeks ago at the Mission to Millions seminar that I had unresolved childhood pains that I needed to heal. Logically, I deducted that I had to reexamine my past and reprocess some childhood memories. But then, I realized that maybe I could simply focus on what I want: I don’t necessarily have to look at the past in order to heal it! After all, am I not a fervent Bob Proctor fan who believes that what you focus on expands? I feel shocked to have so easily forgotten about it! I need to focus more on what I desire than on what I don’t!

I believe that you in fact need to do both. As Bob Proctor says in his book It’s Not About the Money, you need to balance self-acceptance with the urge for growth and development of a wealth mindset. I also already talked about it in my articles Anxiety or Boredom and Using Gratitude with the Law of Attraction. I understand that in order to manifest what you want quickly, you need to create a “bridge” between now and what you want, so that you already feel good with what you have but also feel good about what’s coming.

Back to the emotional rollercoaster though, I also discovered that all the “downs” come with higher “ups” in between. If I feel negative emotions rising up in me, I know that greater freedom is also on its way. It usually takes a few days to understand why I was feeling off, but when the breakthrough happens, it suddenly all makes sense. For example, I started a new yoga class yesterday that brought up unsuspected sorrow that I feel for events that are about a year old. I was surprised to see them bubble up, but I know that it happened so that it would make room for something better.

It takes some time to realize that the emotional rollercoaster is overall slightly going upwards. When I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, the trainer, Robert Riopelle, said that when you raise your vibration, you sill have ups and downs, but your ups are higher, and your downs are higher too. He even said that he reached a point where his new downs were higher than his old ups! And I also slowly see that happening in my life.

The overall lesson here is to keep your discipline if you want to move forward. Know with absolute certainty that, if you remain discipline, even with the setbacks, you life will eventually get better. As Bob Proctor says time and again, success happens by law, not by chance.