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How to Set Your Goals and Achieve Them? Celebrate!

How to Set Your Goals and Achieve Them? Celebrate!

In the beginning I often forgot to celebrate my successes.

In fact, my entire concept of successes was screwed up. I saw success as a major accomplishment that had to be absolute perfection to be worth anything at all.

I only started moving forward after I recognized success as:

  1. Something small
  2. Something imperfect
  3. A process

Success is not getting to the top of the ladder; success is every additional ladder rung that is now behind you.

You must have heard the cliché that success is not a destination; it is a journey. Well, I can assure you that you won’t find true happiness until you understand the full extent of that quote.

There is always more you can get, more you can achieve, so you’d better enjoy the process because you will never reach the ONE final goal!

It never stops because not wanting expansion means entropy and death. This is the basic nature of our ever-expanding spirit!

Simply doing this program is a success in itself. Even if that’s all you do toward your personal development, that’s already a big achievement.

Most of our subconscious minds are programmed to disregard “small” successes and keep us in procrastination.

But, if you start celebrating even your smallest successes, you will gradually gain momentum and realize bigger and bigger accomplishments.

A common problem is the failure to see the connection between the small steps and the big goal.

how to set your goals and achieve themThe most important part is to BELIEVE in your dream! Because if you don’t believe you can achieve it, you won’t put in the efforts to realize it.

Belief is what will lift you up the ground until you see the materialization of your efforts.

Oprah herself said it: you don’t get what you want, you get what you believe!

In order to believe, you need to act as if the accomplishment was a given fact, which it is if you act towards it!

That’s what differentiates successful people from others who aren’t; your reaction when you face adversity. Those who keep going eventually succeed, it is a law.

Think about all the visionaries, the inventors and the idealists. Most people thought they were crazy at first. Nobody could ever invent a flying machine. There’s no way we could be connected to all the data in the world on a wireless device. All races will never be treated in the same manner.

All successes really are a matter of WHEN they will come to fruition, not a matter of WHETHER they are possible or not.

Bob Proctor’s definition of success is: The PROGRESSIVE realization of a worthy ideal. The important word here is “progressive”. You are successful as long as you try, you have failed only when you quit, and you keep trying until you believe it is possible!

As I said initially, what matters now is to celebrate. We need to improve our definition of success by celebrating every step of the way. That way, you remain motivated along the way and your perseverance doesn’t wane because the goal seems to be far and unreachable.

The reward needs to be proportionate with your action. It doesn’t matter so much if you lie to your life coach. What matters tremendously though is if you lie to yourself!

Are you proud of your accomplishments? Are you proud to have taken the first step towards your big dream?

If you have taken the actions you were supposed to, go ahead and enjoy the reward you promised yourself!

If not, you have to be fair with yourself and postpone the reward you have accomplished what you were supposed to.

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How to Achieve Goals when Persistence Fades

I feel I’m facing the biggest wall in my life so far. I wrote on self-help perseverance a few months ago, and on self-help frustration also. But what I am feeling now is much bigger than that. In the last few weeks I kept asking myself how to achieve goals when persistence fails.

I discovered Bob Proctor 10 months ago and attended 2 of his seminars. I learned about T Harv Eker 4 months ago and also attended 2 of his seminars. I posted videos on YouTube on how to become a millionaire, I bought self-help programs, I read and reread books, I tried hypnosis, I do positive affirmations in the mirror, I journal my mental bank daily, I do reiki weekly and I tried countless others things more or less seriously.

I have to admit that I easily get bored with anything. I need intense action in my life and constant change keeps me entertained. This quality is useful to get started with a project, but it’s more complicated when comes the time to carry it through. Knowing that any project of significant scale is achieved with perseverance, how do I cope with the rapid lost of interest?

Like most people, I feel super empowered after attending a personal growth seminar. The problem is that this enthusiasm quickly fades after I come back home. A trick would therefore be to attend seminar after seminar on an extended period of time to let permanent change in habits settle in. Of course, this alternative is expensive and your current job might not allow the amount of time off it requires. I did subscribe to the Quantum Leap program with Peak Potentials, which includes 5 seminars, and 12 weeks of coaching. The structure of the program greatly helps to sustain the level of energy required to install permanent change into someone’s life.

I also mastermind weekly with my best friend who is also a Quantum Leap member. I talked before about the importance of accountability partners and I consider myself excessively lucky to have someone to share my progress with.

How to achieve goalsNonetheless, I feel discouraged that things aren’t moving fast enough. My new awareness of the freedom that comes with passive income and with recovering my abandoned personal power wants to be fulfilled right now and not with months and months or even years of effort. The information that I came across with in the last year is too valuable to remain unexploited. Putting in the efforts to permanently change is definitely worth the resulting freedom afterwards. But I still feel scared that I won’t achieve my goal. Scared that I will abandon along the way because the upfront efforts are too important before change is observed.

I now understand better why so few people truly make the change in their lives to follow their passions, become financially independent and enjoy freedom in every aspect of their lives. Overcoming our old paradigm is probably the most difficult challenge we can accomplish in our lives.

Still, I realized yesterday that I could decide to be done with the struggle. I can decide now to live a reality where I’m already living my passionate life and I already have all the money and freedom that I need. This is how to achieve goals: change your mindset and perceive success as already attained. My reiki session was absolutely beautiful yesterday and I feel that something important in my life has begun. I feel that my heart is more opened and that I am better at receiving. I’m excited to see what’s coming up for me. And that excitement is what allows me to keep going.

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Goal Setting According to Feelings

Goal setting. I came across an EXCELLENT idea recently: set your goals according to what you want to FEEL instead of what you want to achieve. When you do that, it doesn’t matter whether your reached your goal according to the predicated deadline, because you enjoyed every (in theory) step of the way. In reality, you might have ups and downs along the journey, but if you keep your focus of the feeling you want to feel, you’ll enjoy more overall happiness than if you had achieved your goal by the sweat of your brow. My first reaction to that new idea was: but what if I stop accomplishing anything valuable? What if my life becomes a total anarchy of unaccomplished projects? Well, that’s how my rational mind reacted at least. When things settled down, I remembered my year spent in Scotland. (See my article on Taking a Pause in Life) That year, even 14 years later, has been the best year of my life!! Why? Because I didn’t strive to achieve anything special. I simply enjoyed life as it unfolded, savouring a continuous string of present moments. What more can you ask of life?

The video that sparked my thoughts on this is by Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte and you can watch it here:

Ask yourself what you need to do to feel the way you want to feel. Also pay close attention to your environment. People around us have a greater impact than we realize, especially when their vibrational level is close to ours, the influence is even stronger. Just like a radio channel is only affected by the radio waves that are close to it. Therefore, the negative vibrations you need to avoid the most are the ones just below yours. Vibrations are part of a continuum. You probably have already been in contact with someone so negative that it made them look ridiculous. Because that person’s vibrational level was so different than yours, it didn’t affect you so much. But when it’s closer to yours, the impact is much more important: it will lift you up if the vibrational level is higher than yours, but drag you down if it is lower.

Goal SettingThe number of people will have an effect as well. If the energy level of a group is high, it will lift you up more than if a single person had that same vibrational level. This is why “miracles” can happen at personal development seminars. Everybody’s energy adds up to create a powerful catalyst for change. But this is also why a negative environment at work is worse than simply mixing with just a few negative coworkers. So start paying attention to the environments you spend most of your time in and make sure that they will lift you up.

Follow this link to read more on the power of vibrational levels.

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