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Mission to Millions: A Life Directions Intensive

I just came back from Mission to Millions: A Life Directions Intensive seminar. Once again, Peak Potentials over delivered! Like with the other seminar that I did with them: Millionaire Mind Intensive, I felt like leaving on the first day. Not that the seminar wasn’t interesting, but rather because my paradigm (my existing beliefs) doesn’t want things to change. It is naturally resistant to new information that challenges the existing beliefs, even if the new information is better than the old one. I’m always amazed to witness the persistence of the bad programming that lives inside of us.

When I got to the seminar, I had already visualized a clear picture of what I wanted to do in life for over a year: I wanted to become a trainer just like Bob Proctor. The perfect life I had been visualizing was a picture with a lot of details to ensure that my mind had a definite image to work with. On the second day of the seminar though, that picture was shattered. We did many exercises that made me question my project and someone told me that I was in the process of painting a beautiful piece of art but that it was still incomplete.

Letting go of such a reassuring clear picture can be very panicking. Luckily for me, because of my awareness in how I function, I wasn’t too distracted by the uncertainty that comes with letting go. I know that being in the unknown is a place of greater open-mindedness. So I continued forward. There was also a bunch of life coaches present at the event so I went to see some of them to get reassurance. They told me what I already knew, which was to keep moving forward. Even while feeling totally disoriented, I continued crafting my vision and writing what my subconscious was telling me.

And that’s where the magic happened. Because my mind was so opened, because I had made room and let go the old picture, I had what we call a “download”. The words came out naturally, without having to think about them. It’s an experience that is quite difficult to explain, and I think you really have to experience it in order to fully understand it. It feels like the words come out from directly from the heart, without even going through the brain. They go directly from the heart, bypassing the brain, actioning the hand that’s writing. So here’s what my heart told me my mission is:

“My Mission is to Transcend who I am, to Touch millions of people, to Move them and to Ignite in them the desire to Elevate themselves.”

Once my mission was determined, which represents the destination, we had to come up with the vehicles to get there, also called the vision. I struggled a little bit more with that part. The speaking career was still present, but writing a book felt like a step that had to occur beforehand. Strangely, I don’t really “feel” like writing a book and going through the writing process, which I perceive as long and boring. But I still feel that this is part of my mission to write something, so I know this will happen.

On top of all these personal discoveries, we also had many exercises to strengthen our learning. I already talked about the energy of live seminars. I must say that Peak Potentials are excellent at translating theory into powerful anchoring exercises. They keep saying that: “What you hear, you forget; what you see, you remember; what you do, you understand” and I totally believe in that. In my heart, Bob Proctor remains the master of theory, but T Harv Eker’s seminars offer the best tools to implement that theory.

An example of this is the drawing we made to express our vision. I rarely think about “drawing” my journal but this allows the representation of concepts that often cannot be expressed with words. So here’s what I drew at the seminar when I was totally lost regarding what the vehicle for my mission should be.

Mission to Millions

This drawing allowed me to see my priorities in life. More than anything, it showed me what I want to “BE” instead of what I want to do or have, like we usually focus on. On the picture, we can see me represented by the Yin Yang for inner peace. This theme kept coming back in all my exercises so I can now clearly see that I need to channel greater energy into improving my inner peace. My drawing also shows the earth energy moving up and the cosmic energy moving trough me. The smiling faces below me represent my students. We can also see my books taking flight, my home full of love, my heart expanding and my connection with animals, which is a new theme that surprised me. Finally, the plane represents all the travel I want to do and we can even see my diplomatic passport at the bottom, which I deeply wanted many years ago, but had long forgotten about. I don’t understand exactly what all of this means, but one thing is for sure: I am totally in love with this drawing! I feel like a child who is so proud of what he drew that the most natural thing is to share it with the world! I posted the original next to my bed to visualize it mornings and nights. I definitely want to move towards the state of BEING represented on my drawing.

Another thing we learned at the seminar is the correct order in which things should happen. Most people want to “have” a lot of possessions or wealth in order to “be” loved or to believe they are worthy. We also learned that happiness arises from the reverse equation, which is to “be” what we want first in order to “do” what we love which will produce the wealth we will “have”.

This is just a quick overview of what happened at the Mission to Millions seminar. Obviously, you get greater results if you have an open mind and have already worked on what you want to do in life. But the money invested to attend is totally worth it. If you want, you can start by the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar, which is free. That will give you a good taste of what you can expect at Mission to Millions.

If you are interested in learning more about finding your life’s purpose, my book Grow With the Flow gives you many concrete exercises to do so.

Otherwise, let me know what other great seminars and books have helped you move forward in finding your life’s purpose. I struggled so long to find what I want to do in life that I now feel the desire to help others find their own missions!

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Fear of Public Humiliation leads to a Public Speaking Career?!

Fear of Public HumiliationI recently uncovered my fear to be humiliated in public. This was a deeply buried fear that had been living within me for as long as I can remember. As I child, I had the recurring dream of “forgetting” to wear my swimsuit at my swimming lessons. I later learned that a fear of being seen naked in public translates a fear of public humiliation. Pretty ironic for someone who now dreams of becoming a public speaker. Or maybe not so, since I strongly believe that our deepest fears hold the key to our deepest desires. So a public speaking career would perfectly make sense after the fear of being vulnerable in public was overcame. Once you’ve got that established, where do you go from there?

Getting rid of any fear is done through action. When you are mentally strong enough, you are able to act in spite of your fear. That’s what courage is: it’s not waiting for the fear to disappear – which will never happen! – it’s acting with the fear being present besides you. Once you start taking action, your fear will gradually loose it’s grip over you and new pathways will create in your brain so that fear gradually becomes ineffective.

I find it very interesting to think about the pace at which things are uncovered. I saw a psychologist for several years who kept asking me if I felt shame and my answer was always negative. Now though, I realize that the level of shame I felt was so intense that my conscious mind could not even see it! I was so accustomed to shame that I wasn’t even aware there was any trace in me!

Back to the public speaking career, I find it fascinating to discover that behind my greatest fears hide my greatest aspirations. I find it curious that the fear would “choose” this spot. It’s like if fear purposely chose this spot to force me to overcome it. Or maybe it’s just that fear fills any void it can find and it occupies the space that we don’t use until we realize our dreams. You should read the story of the “Magician of Fears” which tells that behind every fear hides a desire. I love this author, Jacques Salomé, who specializes in children’s traumas and non violent communication.

Today I’m not so afraid to speak in public anymore. I even volunteer in high schools to share my coming out experience as a gay person. But I still feel a big blockage in speaking about my true passion: personal development. I don’t feel confident affirming that I deeply believe in personal growth and that it should be part of everybody’s education. At least this website is a good stepping stone to start publicly sharing my views and exposing myself to critics and other people’s judgement. Maybe when I don’t judge myself so much it will be easier to talk about personal development in public as well.

Overcoming your personal fears are the most liberating thing ever. Once you’ve gone beyond them, you feel the freedom we were made to experience. A pure bliss of joy and knowing you’re in the flow, or in the “vortex” like Abraham Hicks calls it. I had a few glimpses of that which motivates me to keep working on myself, because I want to experience longer and more frequent moments like those.

If you want help to conquer your fears and get advice on how to take action, you can read my book: Grow With the Flow.

Also feel free to comment and commit to overcoming one of your fears!