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Rising Above Your Circumstances

Rising Above Your CircumstancesRising above your circumstances. Have you ever experienced the flow state? That moment when you feel like time doesn’t exist anymore? You feel like the world is yours and that all obstacles have become opportunities! Well, I did tonight! I visited a friend and we retried one of the Millionaire Mind exercises about the beliefs around money. Questions were flying and the awareness was rising! I said it to another friend this morning and I reconfirmed tonight: you don’t need to know how to get out of your problems, you simply need to raise your awareness to a level above them. I heard Bob Proctor say it a few times, but I never understood this concept to that depth before tonight. Let me explain.

My previous love relationship was one of manipulation and emotional dependence. It was tough and very emotionally painful and draining. But, instead of blaming it all on my ex partner (which I did at first) I eventually recognized that if I was in a manipulative relationship, that’s because I was a manipulative person myself. If I was going back toward someone that caused me pain, that’s because I liked pain, and if I liked pain, that’s because I didn’t value myself enough and thought I deserved the bad treatment. And this is my point: I didn’t have to “learn” how to not be manipulative anymore, I didn’t have to learn how to love myself more, I simply had to become AWARE of the situation, and I gradually came out of it. When you raise your awareness, you move to a higher state ABOVE your problems where you don’t even need to resolve them anymore: they simply dissolve from the source!

How do you raise your awareness? Learn to see the positive in everything. I could very well still see that past relationship as a destructive and painful one. Instead, I choose to see the value it brought to my life and I am grateful for the learning which now allows me to enjoy a new loving and caring relationship. I accepted in me the parts that I didn’t accept of myself. Our relationships and circumstances act as a mirror which tells us what part of ourself we rejected at some point in our life and that we need to integrate again. The more we reintegrate, the more complete we feel. We gradually regain our personal power. And that is the most beautiful feeling I know!

If you want to read more on raising your awareness, please follow this link.

And don’t forget to love yourself!

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Bob Proctor Emotions – How we see the world

Bob Proctor EmotionsBob Proctor Emotions. As Bob Proctor said time and again, we see the world through our emotions. If were are angry, everything will upset us: the long line at the grocery store, the traffic to get home, even the rain will be annoying! If were are in love, we’ll find everything beautiful: the sunlight when we wake up, the magnificence of trees, even the rain will feel refreshing! Think about it: haven’t you already experienced very similar situations, but once with very positive emotions and once with negative ones? It’s the same event happening to us, but we respond to it in very different manners. Maybe you were once stuck in traffic and it was a source of frustration and another time it was a moment to catch up with a friend?

I’ll use a metaphor to illustrate my point further. A soft touch is very enjoyable and your skin allows you to perceive this pleasurable physical contact. But was is usually enjoyable will be the opposite experience if your skin is bruised and infected: touching it will be a source of pain. Now, imagine that your skin is your mind. It is made for contact with others and these relationships are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. But if your mind is bruised by fear, then you will feel threaten by relationships with others. You’ll be wary that people might ridicule you or manipulate you. In order to experience healthy relationships, your mind needs to be healthy and free of fears.

As always, the first step to get out of fear is awareness. Read my previous articles on how to increase your awareness. Once you are aware of your fears, you need to focus on the desire that is hidden behind each one of them. To learn how to do that, read this beautiful tale from Jacques Salomé. Finally, to get rid of your fears, you need to completely accept them and forgive yourself for having them. Read my article on getting rid of limiting beliefs and fears.

Let me know how it goes!


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How to raise your awareness?

how to raise your awarenessHow to raise your awareness? I came across a very interesting idea recently: if you understand less, you feel more and your subconscious mind is therefore more involved. When you consciously concentrate on listening to your feelings, you actually bring more awareness into them and you become conscious of them. You therefore slowly expand your consciousness over your subconsciousness.

But listening to your feelings, when you have a very rational mind like mine, and come from a very rational family where emotions aren’t shared, can be a serious challenge. A big change came from one of my readings: it said to pay attention to our vocabulary. I realized that I was always saying: “I think this…” or “I think that…” and I tried changing it for: “I feel this…” and “I feel that…” This trick was really helpful as it forced my subconscious to say what it felt instead of what it thought! Over the years, I slowly realized that I had “forbidden” emotions such as sadness and sorrow. I would never say that I was sad, even when I was. After I started to be more genuine with sadness, I realized that there was also repressed anger under the sadness. Today I’m a lot more confident in expressing anger as well. You can read my article on letting anger out if you’d like.

Once you start letting your emotions flow freely, it will become easier to detach from them too. That’s when the real benefits begin. Meditation has helped me a lot to reduce the mental activity, to pay closer attention to my feelings and to finally return to a normal flow of emotions. Finally, as you detach from your emotions, you increase your awareness over what happens to you and you detach yourself even more. I’m not sure if the increase in awareness or the detachment from emotions comes first but they are surely parallel events that will greatly increase the quality of your life!
