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Inner Talking – Neville – Awakened Imagination

The Inner Talking we live with is incredibly important. It is what controls our daily actions and regulates the extent of our achievements. In his book “Awakened Imagination“, Neville relates to this concept in Chapter 5, The Coin of Heaven, when he claims that:

“As a rule, man is totally unaware of his inner talking and therefore sees himself not as the cause but the victim of circumstance.”

Inner TalkingThis concept can be very hard to grasp at first. After all, why would we think that we voluntarily cause ourselves pain? The answer is that we don’t do this consciously to ourselves, but we rather do it subconsciously. Some people are programmed to think negatively, to believe they are constantly sick or simply programmed to keep them in a poor state of mind. This is entirely done through the inner talking. It is the “recorded” voice that plays over and over in our minds and that we become so accustomed to that we ultimately concede it the ultimate power of being the voice of Truth. We don’t even question its authority anymore. We don’t ask ourselves where it comes from, nor if it serves us well. But the first step is to become aware of what that inner voice is telling you. Is it positive? Is it serving you? Where is that voice coming from? Why does it have so much authority on you? The messages that loopback in your mind come from various sources, but the bulk of it probably comes from your parents during your childhood. This is the time in your life when you were the most influenceable. (Read my article on Subconscious Mind Childhood to learn more) If you were repeatedly told that you could achieve any project you undertook: great for you! But if you received messages such as “life is hard”, or that “you easily get sick” or any other negative message, repeated to you over and over, then it took root in your subconscious mind and became one of your internal programs. And when I say “messages”, I don’t mean only the verbal ones. If you saw your parents struggle financially, even though they told you everything was fine, you probably understood two messages. The first is that life is a financial struggle, the second is that you should hide it and pretend you are doing fine. These are some of the messages I got. The most difficult to overcome was the “pretending” one. Because, in order to solve any problem, you need to acknowledge it first. Neville claims it too when he writes that:

“Right inner talking is the first step to becoming what you want to be.”

Once I realized that pretending wasn’t going to solve any issues, and that in fact it simply made matters worse, I started a slow process of recognizing the areas in my life that needed improvement. I became aware of my inner talking and gradually replaced the limiting thoughts with positive ones. This can be a rather long and roller-coaster process. The key to success therefore is perseverance. (You can read my article on Self-Help Perseverance here) Again, the difficulty is that we are limited by our physical senses and it is difficult to persevere in a good habit if we don’t see the results after a short period of time, as this leaves us with the feeling of wasted efforts. In order to counter that, you need to develop faith and the understanding that internal change is occurring even though you don’t yet see it externally. But be certain that, with a great dose of courage, you WILL change your inner talking and achieve what you want to achieve.

Lastly, to increase you chances of success, find an accountability partner! This is what I did and it surely raises the spirit and makes the journey more enjoyable!
