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Learning by doing – Repetition and Awareness

Learning by doing. We learn everything by doing. I mean, how can you claim that you know to play guitar if all you’ve ever done is read tons of books on the topic but never held the actual instrument once? Same goes for self-help, personal development and self improvement. So many people (including me!) read so many theories, authors and techniques and just skip from one book to the other without seriously implementing any change or teaching. So my question is: how can stop skipping from one book to the other and really start implementing change in our life?

You need to raise your awareness. You not only need to KNOW that sticking to one (or just a few) self-help techniques is better, you also need to BELIEVE it. The most important part is therefore to stop looking for the perfect technique that is going to work for you, and to start working on any technique that YOU will make work. You need to switch the equation! Repetition does have an advantage though: it allows you to see that the only way up is by sticking to one technique and mastering it. This is true for any other lesson that we learn in life: we repeat the same stories over and over again until we have learned the lessons from them.learning by doing

Moreover, you cannot teach anything to anyone. You can only take care of your personal growth which can influence others to move in the same direction. You can read my article on “Can you help someone?” to learn more about this.

So I hope that you found and love your personal self-help techniques. In my case, I will focus on these in 2014:

6-Figure Kindle Club

Mental Bank Journal

Science of Getting Rich (by Bob Proctor)

… and of course, I will continue to post regularly on this blog which allows me to clarify my thoughts and put some order in my busy mind!

Martin xx


The Recipe for Success versus the power of the subconscious mind

If you knew that it only takes 5 minutes a day to become happier, more successful and to make more money, would you do it? The answer, unfortunately, is: NO! There are so many easy, quick and free ways to change your entire life, but there is also a stronger force that prevents you from putting them in place called homeostasis. Homeostasis is the natural tendency we have to remain the same. The subconscious hates the unknown so it does everything to keep us in the known. It ensures that our current and future days are going to be exactly the same as our previous days. That’s why it will fight any recipe for success we try to undertake, no matter how simple and effective it may be.

The key is repetitiveness. If you repeat something for a long enough period of time, you will incrementally incorporate the new beliefs to your subconscious. I just came across a very interesting way to make things happen. The inventor of this technique, Dr. John Kappas, compares his recipe for success to a bucket, full of water, in which you drop a pebble every day. The first pebble won’t make much of a difference, the second either, but one day, you’ll realize that the bucket is full of pebbles and there is no water left! So here it is:

The Recipe for Success:

1. Come to believe that the subconscious mind can be programmed for success. It is the underlying belief that will keep you going before you see the physical results manifest.

2. It is daily reinforcement that accounts for change. Working on this for 100 hours over 10 days is less effective than 5 minutes for 3 years, although equivalent in duration.

3. You need to use a symbolic language which can be understood by the subconscious mind. That means using currency signs ($, £, €, ¥, etc) combined with numbers. Simply wanting “more money” is not something the mind can recognize.

4. You also need ideomotor response, meaning an activity the body produces without thinking. The handwriting is a perfect example. It’s something unique to every person, very difficult to reproduce, yet completely natural to the writer. The handwriting provides a backdoor to the subconscious mind. Most of us know that personality and the subconscious mind comes out through handwriting, which can be analyzed, but it’s important to know that learning also come IN through the same channel of handwriting.

5. There is a magic period of 30 minutes before you go to bed when homeostasis is at its weakest. This is when you should account for all your daily activities and fill out your mental bank statement. (explained below)

6. Pre-cognitive dreams interpret the data that wasn’t processed during the day. This is when your mental bank balance will be integrated to your real life bank balance.recipe for success

Once you’ve understood all those steps, write down your current gross yearly salary. Double it to get your mental salary. Quadruple it to get your goal mental bank balance. Then lists all the activities that will contribute to increasing your success. That can be happiness, wealth, health, and so forth. Each activity will have an hourly rate equivalent to your mental salary divided by 1000. So if you current salary is $50,000, your mental salary is $100,000, you bank balance is $400,000 and your hourly rate is $100. Every time you do an activity that brings you more happiness, wealth or health, add $100 to your mental bank balance. Every time you earn real money, deduct it from your mental bank balance. When you reach your objective of $400,000 in your mental bank, then you should have $100,000 in your real life bank account!

To watch the full 2-hour video that describes this recipe for success, click on the following link:

The Recipe for Success

I hope this helps!