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How to Increase Productivity

How to Increase Productivity

When I was first introduced to the power of visualization, the Law of Attraction, the book The Secret and similar concepts, it felt like all there was to do was to focus on the goal and it would automatically be attracted to me. After an intense year of visualizing and hoping, I concluded that something else was required.

It is true that hard work is not required, but persistent and productive work definitely is. For a long time I felt trapped between the need to work hard and return to my past filled with anxiety and the desire to achieve big goals which require a lot of energy. The solution progressively came to me as I witnessed more and more the power of focus. When you concentrate all your attention on a single task at a time, you become a lot more efficient.

Remove Distractions

It has become counterintuitive in our era to focus. Most of us have the impression that multitasking and doing more yields the greatest results. In fact, this only results in a lot of ineffective busyness. I was impressed by the feeling of peace that came over me after I disconnected Facebook, Gmail and Twitter from my phone. I’m not only relieved from the time I was wasting on social media, I’m also free from the perpetual anxiety that was caused by the constant interruptions. I now check my email and Facebook only once a day. When I respond to my email, my mind is clear, focussed on what I write, I remember things more and I feel that I am truly sending quality messages to people who deserve it. My “likes” on Facebook also have more meaning now that I take the time to really read or watch what I “like” instead of simply liking by reflex.

Break Down Your Work Periods

How to increase productivityThis is one I still sometimes struggle with, but when I do it, breaking down the work periods really helps to increase my productivity. There are many possibilities for this one, such as the 50-10-50 technique which consists of working 50 minutes, taking a 10-minute break and working for another 50 minutes. During the 50-minute work periods, make sure to follow my previous advice on removing distractions, in order to really make it an intensely focussed period of productive work. The 10 minute break is also very important as it will make your following work period more productive too. I sometimes find it difficult to stop when I’m on a momentum, but experience has shown me that taking this break allows me to be more consistent. Otherwise I feel overwhelmed after working 3 or 4 hours non-stop. Taking the 10-minute break is also important so that I finish my productive work periods with a feeling of satisfaction and freshness instead of feeling exhausted and empty. Ending on a positive note motivates me to go back to work the following time.

Have strong SHORT-TERM goals

My BIG dreams are what I’m really in LOVE with. They are the exciting part of my life and they feed my motivation to keep me working on my projects. But when your dreams are big – and they should ALWAYS be! – they will take some time to realize. Probably years. In order to keep yourself motivated, you need to break them down into weekly and even daily goals. Your mind probably gets bored quickly so you need to show it quick results. After you accomplish a weekly goal, and even a daily goal, make sure you reward yourself. Realizing any big project is always done in breaking it down into small easily digestible steps.

Be accountable to someone

I already talked about the importance of having an accountability partner. What I just recently discovered though is a powerful technique that uses fear to create motivation. Although I definitely believe that fear should not be used as a main motivational tool, the technique that I came across is very interesting. It simply consists of creating a situation that is worse than NOT realizing your goal. For example, in my case I wrote a check to a friend and told him to cash it and spend the money on himself if I didn’t achieve a goal by a certain date. I was so afraid of losing that money – which was scarce at the time! – that it really motivated me to keep working on my goal. Of course, the fear cannot be too crushing either, and this technique should be used in combination with rewarding yourself. But still, I found it to be very effective.


I already gave tips on how to make your meditation sessions more enjoyable and efficient. Once again, meditating or simply taking a few minutes of nothingness greatly enhances your working periods. If you want, you can also use meditation to visualize your work already accomplished. This could help your mind find shortcuts that you wouldn’t have seen without taking a break.

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The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The SecretI’m surprised to see the enthusiasm that still lives around the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It was released in 2006 but still, 8 years after its publication, most of the comments I see about self-help books relate to this one. Even one of the comments on my own book is about the secret!

I must say that I got FAR MORE reactions from strangers while reading this book than any other ones! People rarely interrupt to comment or ask about what I am reading. But for The Secret, it was EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME!! I initially read it in 2007, one year after it’s release, but even when I reread it years later people would still react and tell me that it is “their favourite book” or that it “changed their lives”!

I’m not sure what kind of impact it had on me. After reading it, I bought an expensive suit and hoped that I would attract a lot of money that way. Unfortunately, I simply ended with an expensive suit and a hefty credit card charge! I reread the book once or twice but it’s only recently, almost a year ago now, that I had my big insight. It’s when I watched YouTube videos from Bob Proctor that the Law of Attraction truly started to resonate with me.

The Secret holds very precious concepts. But I find that putting them into practice is not sufficiently explained in the book. The major thing that needs to change is the mindset. And that’s a though one. The mindset only changes slowly and important and sustained effort is required to make that change last. I find that getting inspiration from people who have already succeeded is a better option.

Most of the rich and successful people are unaware of the concepts of the Law of Attraction. They simply worked hard, steadily, with excellent focus and a clear intention on where they wanted to go. These are the principles that will make you successful. The principles in The Secret make it sound like it requires no effort to attract what we want and that is not entirely true. There is no effort required in manifesting what we think about, but there is GREAT effort required to focus our attention! We are so used to being dissipated, bombarded by distractions all the time, that it is becoming harder and harder to focus on anything.

The theory in the book is very interesting and a good eye-opener on being careful about what we think about, but the true determinant in success is ACTION. I’m glad I read The Secret but most of my progress happened in live seminars and because of the daily routines I established to increase my perseverance. You can read about Self-Help Perseverance here.

I’m curious to know what you thought of the book and if you applied any of its theory into your life. Has it made a significant change for you?

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Bob Proctor Book Recommendations – Neville

Bob Proctor Book RecommendationsBob Proctor Book Recommendations. After attending Bob Proctor’s Matrixx event, we were given a few books to read. Two of these are from Neville Goddard and titled “The Power of Awareness” and “Awakened Imagination” (under $5 each on Amazon). Although I didn’t attend the MasterMind group following the event, I know that Bob insisted on the careful study of these two books. I’m still reading the one on imagination but I can tell you that the book on awareness offered greatly valuable lessons! Chapter 25 on Faith was particularly insightful for me:

[… it is obvious that a lack of faith means disbelief in the existence of that which you desire. Inasmuch as that which you experience is the faithful reproduction of your state of consciousness, lack of faith will mean perpetual failure in any conscious use of the law of assumption.]

The word conscious is in bold because it differentiates the instances when the Law of Attraction worked for me and didn’t. It seems as if the Law worked in my life every time that my desires belonged and remained in the subconscious realm. Every time I tried to consciously attract specific results with the Law, I failed. This specifically happened because of my lack of faith in the Law of Attraction. Neville goes on to say that:

[It is just as though that which you desire is telling you that it will not be yours until you turn from being faithless and perverse to righteousness.]

So how do I improve that? How do you consciously increased your faith? By raising your awareness! I already wrote a few articles that could be helpful if you are experiencing the same issue. Read the one on How to raise your awareness and this other one on Learning to speak the language of the universe. I hope they will prove insightful to you and will help you consciously manifest things better using the Law of Attraction!


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Law of Attraction Job Search

law of attraction job searchHello everybody! Big news tonight! I just lost my job! … and I feel super excited! That’s one more big argument toward the fact that any change is purely a matter of perspective! I could be devastated, but it’s quite the opposite! I realize that I was even secretly hoping for this to happen as this job was keeping me in a very low vibration. In order to manifest anything, you must be at the highest possible vibration. See my articles on the Language of the Universe and on Positive Vibrations. I will now use the Law of Attraction job search!

So what now? I will become a sales rep for Bob Proctor! That just seems to be the most natural thing in the world to do! I’m already promoting his work and I’ve already experienced Matrixx to the fullest! I honestly don’t know anyone who could sell better than me! I talk about it with so much passion that I’m just naturally convincing! Without even trying!

I feel like the time when I was in California, on my way to Las Vegas to see Celine Dion’s show…. which got cancelled. The whole point of our trip was to see Celine Dion’s show for our 8 months couple anniversary. Strangely enough, when I learned that the show was cancelled, I felt relieved! The following day, we helped a woman rent her car by lending her my credit card and we got to stay at her place in San Francisco for a few days… which turned into 5 beautiful months! This is my greatest use of the Law of Attraction so far and I’m really proud of it. Plus those were fabulous 5 months, surrounded by wealth and abundance. That’s also when I seriously got involved in Bob Proctor’s material and that I decided to attend Matrixx.

When I think of it, all the pieces of the puzzle really fit well together!

I’ll let you know how the Law of Attraction job search goes!

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Language of the Universe – Learning to use the Law of Attraction

Do you speak the Language of the Universe?

First of all, what is this language? Is it music? Mathematics? In a way, it is, but the common denominator to both is “vibration”. We all have a native language which we use to communicate with others. Well, things have a language too! They use vibration to attract or repel each other. Put two drops of water side by side and they’ll attract, because they are on the same vibrational level. Put a drop of water and a drop of oil next to each other, they’ll repel, because there are on a different vibrational level. This also works for different states of water. If you take water in its liquid form and add energy to it, it will become steam, which is a name we came up with to describe water in a higher vibrational level. Einstein knew that too! The famous equation E=mc² illustrates how energy is related to matter. In a way, matter is simply “frozen” energy, or energy at a low vibrational level.

Language of the Universe

Now, how do you use the Language of the Universe to communicate? As with the two drops of water which attract each other, you need to be on the same vibrational level of the things you want to attract. The higher your vibrational level, the easier it is to attract what you want. You can read my post on Law of Attraction Positive Vibrations to learn how to raise your vibrational level. The word to express the vibrational level of the body is: “feeling”. If you “feel” good, that’s because you are in a positive vibrational level and you are in a state that will attract more of the situation you are in. But the Universe doesn’t make the difference between negative and positive. Therefore, if you are in a negative vibrational level, or if you “feel” bad, you will also attract more of the same. When you realize that, you also understand the importance of shortening the periods of negative vibrations and to extend the positive ones.

I hope you find this explanation useful!

As always, let me know your thoughts on that!


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Law of Attraction paying off debt

Law of Attraction paying off debt. Why do I feel rich even though I’m in debt? It’s because my debt is “forcing” me to look at creative ways to make money. My bank account might be at its lowest, but my spirit at its highest! (most of the time) Since I attended Bob Proctor Matrixx event, my mindset has changed and I understand the Law of Attraction better. As I said in my post on “Learning by doing“, you need to go through the motions to gain experience. And how could I experience wealth if I’ve never experienced debt? I mean, all the fun is in expanding your awareness, in finding new ways to make money and in aiming for something big. If you’ve had money all your life, then you don’t know its worth as much. That’s also why I spent it so frivolously! I know a lot of people will say that they would prefer to be born wealthy, that it would be easier that way, but I’ve come to love every challenge that I’ve encountered.Law of Attraction paying off debt

Overcoming challenges means learning. And once you’ve learned something through experience, then you never forget it. That’s why wealthy people who lose all their money get it back in no time: their mindset is set on wealth. Of course, when you are in the middle of a challenge, it’s easy to wish that you weren’t. But again, experience has shown me that dealing with constant manageable challenges keeps your mind active and wanting for more! It can even get exciting to see your progress in solving your personal issues faster and faster! As Bob Proctor often says: change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice. So, instead of trying to get rid of the challenges in your life, why don’t you try to like them? That’s what I started doing recently, and I enjoy life so much more!
Happy new year!

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Law of Attraction Positive Vibrations

Law of Attraction Positive Vibrations: How do you maximize your chances of getting positive effects and faster results with the Law of Attraction? You ensure that you remain in positive vibrations for most of your day, and on a consistent basis! Many people talk about staying over the 500 mark, which is the vibrational level of Love. Most people live between the 200-300 vibrational level so here’s a few things you can do to raise that level:

1. Get out in of attraction positive vibrations

2. Exercise, go for a run or any other cardiovascular activity.

3. Drink water, eat healthy food.

4. Spend quality time with a good friend or loved one.

5. Dance and sing on your favourite music!

6. Write an entry in a gratitude journal.

7. Volunteer for a good cause that is meaningful to you.

8. Laugh.

9. Meditate.

10. Treat yourself to something good! (a massage, shopping, your favourite TV show or movie, etc)

Ultimately, anything that you LOVE doing will raise your vibrational level. Also try to remain away from negative activities such as watching the news, having an argument, junk food, caffeine, alcohol, video games, etc.

More importantly though, make your own list. Post it somewhere where you can see it often and you’ll be reminded to shift you vibrational level to a higher one.

I hope this helps!
With love,

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How to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate

I’d like to write more posts on using the Law of Attraction to attract money, but I haven’t been too successful in that field lately. I guess that we all need some coaching! But I’ve been in a very loving relationship for one and a half year now so I’d like to share my story on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate.

Contrary to the popular belief, you don’t need to focus on the “attracting” part. You need to focus on the “letting go” of the outcome. That’s tough, I know. I even believe that the reason why it worked in my love life and not in my financial life is that I want to manifest financial results so bad, while I didn’t care much about finding my soulmate. Paradoxical, I know!How to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate

The key is to ask yourself what would you do if you already had what you are looking for. In my case, it was easy. First, I had established some rules: I was NOT going to meet my soulmate online or in a bar. So I deleted my meeting websites accounts. Then I went for my biggest dream: getting a European citizenship (I am Canadian). So I sold my condo, with all the furniture and dishes included, and I kept only some clothes and books (self-help books, of course!). My entire life could fit (and still does!) in the trunk of a car. I was determined to live in Europe for my entire life: I had enough money saved up to start and I had no strings attached.

Five weeks before permanently moving overseas, I met my boyfriend in a small village, while doing my last contract for my previous job. He was actually my waiter at the restaurant. But my entire plans were made to leave to Europe! So we lived a beautiful and romantic 5 weeks and I left. A month later, he decided to join me and we lived in Belgium together for 4 months. Then, the beauty of the story is that my dream transformed into wanting to live with someone instead of wanting to live somewhere. Interestingly enough, he had almost never traveled but he discovered an unexpected interest. We still came back to Canada but we now have a lifetime of travel plans together!

Still today, I am amazed at how perfect our match is. There is no way I could have planned any better. That shows me the importance of leaving it up to the Universe to do the pairing. If I would have done it myself, I would have looked at rational criteria like: “does he like to cook and travel” but there is no way I would have found a perfect match at the emotional level like him.

So here’s what to ask yourself: What will you do AFTER you have found your soulmate? Once you have the answer: do it!

With love


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Law of Attraction using Gratitude

Law of Attraction using Gratitude: Yesterday, I realized the importance of using gratitude together with the Law of Attraction (LoA). And I realized this while explaining the LoA to my boyfriend, which shows once more that the best way to learn something is to teach it! He was asking me about the gap between visualizing your goal and then going about your day without the goal fulfilled. For example, we are both in precarious financial situations and, even if we visualize wealth for 20 minutes a day, we have many more minutes to show us that wealth hasn’t arrived yet!

So the secret in closing the gap is gratitude. If you are grateful for your current situation, and equally grateful for your visualized situation, then you are creating a “bridge” to connect your 2 situations. You can read everywhere that what makes the LoA happen is the FEELING that you feel toward a specific situation. Therefore, if you are grateful, and remain in that state because you are grateful for both you current and future situation, of course you’ll speed up the process of manifestation!

Law of Attraction using Gratitude

Being grateful for an especially tough situation can be challenging though. It took me about a year to recognize the good in all the suffering I endured in my previous relationship. But once I did, I felt a profound release and I am convinced that this is what allowed me to move on and experience a beautiful and loving relationship and to break out of the cycle of my repetitive manipulative relationships of the past.

Another great way to be grateful is to compare yourself with people who are less favoured than you are. For instance, I’m not super proud of my apartment, but I remind myself several times a day that I do have an apartment while a lot of people live on the street. That also reminds me to be more generous to others.

I hope this helps!

With love and gratitude,


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The Law of Attraction Manifesting Money explained!

Hi all! I understood an important lesson of the Law of Attraction Manifesting Money today! If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, or the book The Secret, then you probably know that it’s as easy for the Universe to attract $5 as it is to attract $20,000. Well, that might be true for the Universe, but it’s not quite the same story for our belief system! If you pick something very far from your current belief system to start with, you’ll have a lot more trouble making it happen. And that’s what I did. And that’s why I concluded that the Law of Attraction didn’t work for me and I got discouraged.Law of Attraction Manifesting Money

But now that I’ve come across this new insight, I’m super excited to give it a try! So I decided to manifest a $5 bill this week. Today is the 12th of December 2013 so I will have my “unexpected” $5 bill by the 19th! I’m therefore going to track my efforts in this post and will let you know how it goes!

Click here to watch Steve Martile’s video that I inspired this new attempt!

12th December: $5 bill is coming!

13th December: visualizing!

14th December: even more visualization

15th December: still imagining that blue $5 bill

16th December: is the money getting closer?

17th December:

18th December:

19th December: