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Can you help someone?

I’ve always wondered: Can you help someone? So many times, I wanted to give advice to a friend who simply wasn’t ready to hear it. Countless times as well, I’ve been told things that I just wasn’t ready to hear. So my questions are: Is there a way to make people realize that they are on the wrong path? (Assuming that there is something we can consider to be the wrong path) Is there a way to facilitate someone’s growth? Is there a way to alleviate their pain? Because it certainly is difficult to see someone suffering and trying to help them but they just don’t want to change.Can you help someone

I’ve come to the conclusion that the best I can do to help is to take care of myself. Doing good to myself puts me in a better position to help others in return. And that help is usually being a positive model. When I think of Bob Proctor, his greatest “asset” is to have gone through the expansion, it’s to have tested the Law of Attraction, it’s to do for himself what he tells others to do. I’ve always thought that the best leadership is the one done through examples. People don’t need to be told what to do, they need to be shown which way to go.

So my best efforts now will be directed towards me. And to the people who find this selfish, my answer is to ask whether the heart is selfish for using all the best blood before the other body parts? That’s not selfish at all because without the heart, the rest of the body doesn’t survive. So without helping myself first, I can be of little help to others. I am therefore going to continue my weekly Reiki and my Thinking Into Results program daily to expand and become a better model for people to follow.

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Learn the Law of Attraction Positive Thinking

The foundation of the Law of Attraction Positive Thinking is very simple: You attract what you think about. But when you start seriously applying the Law it becomes much more complex! You discover the tremendous amount of work that needs to be accomplished. Well, of course, it depends on where you are starting from, but there is generally more work to do than we are initially aware of.Law of Attraction Positive Thinking

First, the most important thing is the consistency of your thoughts. We all have ups and downs but what you need to do is progressively increase the periods of positive thought while reducing the dwelling on negative thoughts. Most people focus on positive thoughts or visualize for 20 minutes during their day and leave the rest of their days unchanged. Being positive only a small portion of the time won’t achieve much. You need to have “laser” thoughts, you need to be focussed on your goal ALL THE TIME, you need to be obsessed about it.

I’m still in the process of increasing my positive thoughts while limiting my negative ones. What really helps me is meditation. I’ve noticed over the last 3 years that my periods of dwelling on the negative are much shorter. I’m also able to catch myself a lot faster when I’m going in the wrong direction and I quickly shift my thoughts back toward my goal.

Persistence and meditation are therefore your best assets to get results with the Law of Attraction Positive Thinking.

Click here to read my post on meditation and learn more

As for persistence, read out lout chapter 9 of Think and Grow Rich with someone, every day for an entire month! I’m doing it right now and it really works!