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Law of Attraction using Gratitude

Law of Attraction using Gratitude: Yesterday, I realized the importance of using gratitude together with the Law of Attraction (LoA). And I realized this while explaining the LoA to my boyfriend, which shows once more that the best way to learn something is to teach it! He was asking me about the gap between visualizing your goal and then going about your day without the goal fulfilled. For example, we are both in precarious financial situations and, even if we visualize wealth for 20 minutes a day, we have many more minutes to show us that wealth hasn’t arrived yet!

So the secret in closing the gap is gratitude. If you are grateful for your current situation, and equally grateful for your visualized situation, then you are creating a “bridge” to connect your 2 situations. You can read everywhere that what makes the LoA happen is the FEELING that you feel toward a specific situation. Therefore, if you are grateful, and remain in that state because you are grateful for both you current and future situation, of course you’ll speed up the process of manifestation!

Law of Attraction using Gratitude

Being grateful for an especially tough situation can be challenging though. It took me about a year to recognize the good in all the suffering I endured in my previous relationship. But once I did, I felt a profound release and I am convinced that this is what allowed me to move on and experience a beautiful and loving relationship and to break out of the cycle of my repetitive manipulative relationships of the past.

Another great way to be grateful is to compare yourself with people who are less favoured than you are. For instance, I’m not super proud of my apartment, but I remind myself several times a day that I do have an apartment while a lot of people live on the street. That also reminds me to be more generous to others.

I hope this helps!

With love and gratitude,


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Learn the Law of Attraction Positive Thinking

The foundation of the Law of Attraction Positive Thinking is very simple: You attract what you think about. But when you start seriously applying the Law it becomes much more complex! You discover the tremendous amount of work that needs to be accomplished. Well, of course, it depends on where you are starting from, but there is generally more work to do than we are initially aware of.Law of Attraction Positive Thinking

First, the most important thing is the consistency of your thoughts. We all have ups and downs but what you need to do is progressively increase the periods of positive thought while reducing the dwelling on negative thoughts. Most people focus on positive thoughts or visualize for 20 minutes during their day and leave the rest of their days unchanged. Being positive only a small portion of the time won’t achieve much. You need to have “laser” thoughts, you need to be focussed on your goal ALL THE TIME, you need to be obsessed about it.

I’m still in the process of increasing my positive thoughts while limiting my negative ones. What really helps me is meditation. I’ve noticed over the last 3 years that my periods of dwelling on the negative are much shorter. I’m also able to catch myself a lot faster when I’m going in the wrong direction and I quickly shift my thoughts back toward my goal.

Persistence and meditation are therefore your best assets to get results with the Law of Attraction Positive Thinking.

Click here to read my post on meditation and learn more

As for persistence, read out lout chapter 9 of Think and Grow Rich with someone, every day for an entire month! I’m doing it right now and it really works!