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How to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate

I’d like to write more posts on using the Law of Attraction to attract money, but I haven’t been too successful in that field lately. I guess that we all need some coaching! But I’ve been in a very loving relationship for one and a half year now so I’d like to share my story on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate.

Contrary to the popular belief, you don’t need to focus on the “attracting” part. You need to focus on the “letting go” of the outcome. That’s tough, I know. I even believe that the reason why it worked in my love life and not in my financial life is that I want to manifest financial results so bad, while I didn’t care much about finding my soulmate. Paradoxical, I know!How to use the Law of Attraction to attract your soulmate

The key is to ask yourself what would you do if you already had what you are looking for. In my case, it was easy. First, I had established some rules: I was NOT going to meet my soulmate online or in a bar. So I deleted my meeting websites accounts. Then I went for my biggest dream: getting a European citizenship (I am Canadian). So I sold my condo, with all the furniture and dishes included, and I kept only some clothes and books (self-help books, of course!). My entire life could fit (and still does!) in the trunk of a car. I was determined to live in Europe for my entire life: I had enough money saved up to start and I had no strings attached.

Five weeks before permanently moving overseas, I met my boyfriend in a small village, while doing my last contract for my previous job. He was actually my waiter at the restaurant. But my entire plans were made to leave to Europe! So we lived a beautiful and romantic 5 weeks and I left. A month later, he decided to join me and we lived in Belgium together for 4 months. Then, the beauty of the story is that my dream transformed into wanting to live with someone instead of wanting to live somewhere. Interestingly enough, he had almost never traveled but he discovered an unexpected interest. We still came back to Canada but we now have a lifetime of travel plans together!

Still today, I am amazed at how perfect our match is. There is no way I could have planned any better. That shows me the importance of leaving it up to the Universe to do the pairing. If I would have done it myself, I would have looked at rational criteria like: “does he like to cook and travel” but there is no way I would have found a perfect match at the emotional level like him.

So here’s what to ask yourself: What will you do AFTER you have found your soulmate? Once you have the answer: do it!

With love
