Shine Brighter Now

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Self-help programs

What do you do when you feel totally discouraged? You keep going! I’m feeling this way now because I put all my hopes in going to the Matrixx event. Yesterday though, I spoke to Arash and he suggested that I attend the next one in January. I guess that’s fine because I still get to go in a few months – granted that I do come up with the money this time! But still, I just feel sad and disappointed because of all the efforts I put in trying to go this year. Of all the self-help programs that I’ve come across, this one seems the most promising.

It’s kind of paradoxical too that they would encourage me to postpone my dream – while the core of their program suggests that you just go for it – NOW! I guess it’s just all up to me to jump on a plane and fly to Toronto to see what happens! Maybe the person sitting next to me on the plane will offer me the money! Or maybe the participants, when they hear my story, will decide to sponsor me! What’s holding me back though is my questioning about the reasons why I didn’t put more efforts into the realization of my dream. Because, let’s face it, there is a lot more that I could have done! Like going door-to-door to collect money, cold calling potential clients to earn a commission, asking my friends to lend me money, and so many more options! So why didn’t I do it?

I guess I just didn’t want it enough! Bob Proctor says that if you want it enough, and believe that you can get it, then you find the energy and the means to achieve it. But then my problem becomes the realization that there isn’t much that I want really bad! If I stay in my current situation, that’s because I convince myself that it’s not so bad! And that’s a scary thought for me: to realize that I don’t want that high lifestyle with hotels and nice restaurants and flying first class everywhere. Or at least, I don’t want it enough to make the required sacrifices to get it.

But I also wonder: do I need to make sacrifices or can I get all of that more easily? Is that one of the keys why so many people don’t reach the summit? All of the self-help programs that I’ve come across have this in common: their initiators were workaholics. They claim that you can make easy money with no effort, and they’re right that you get there at some point, but maybe not right from the start. The initial kick off needs a lot of sustained efforts.

So how do you get beyond that? In my opinion, the best way is to go for a program that needs no efforts at all that will act directly on your subconscious. Holosync meditations and hypnosis are good ways to start. I personally use Sonia Ricotti’s holosync meditations and Paul McKenna’s hypnosis.

Here are the links for these self-help programs:

Sonia’s Program

Self-help programs


Get Paul’s book!

Self-help programs