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How to create wealth

How to create wealthEverybody can be a millionaire. You just need to have a plan for it. But how to create wealth? The first big obstacle is believing that it’s possible. Because, if you don’t even believe that YOU can be a millionaire, then you won’t even start to look for ways to do it. As Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill, T Harv Eker and many others have said before, being wealthy starts with the mindset. First, you need to have a vision, a dream that animates you enough to set yourself in motion. Once you have a goal, then you need a plan to reach it. For me, the wealthiest people are not the ones with the most money, they are the ones with the most freedom. Of course, money gives you the freedom to do a lot of things. But what is it worth if you need to work 80 hours a week to earn your million dollars? Even 40 hours a week is way too much for me. I like Tim Ferriss who suggests to work only 4 hours a week. You should read his book if you haven’t read it already!

Then your limiting beliefs will come in the way. Consciously, everybody wants to be wealthy. But unconsciously, we have many “invisible programs” that keep us away from wealth such as “earning a lot of money means cutting down on family time”, “you need to be well educated to be wealthy” or “you need to have an extraordinary idea to start a business”. I made a video that explains how to identify your limiting beliefs and changing them.

In order to create wealth, you need to provide value to people. If you trade you time for money (a regular job), then money will always be limited. Even if your hourly rate is $1000, you still have a limited number of hours in your week. But if you write a book, record a song or build a training course on video, then you can separate your revenue from your physical presence. You will get the most money is the scenario that will provide the most VALUE to people. You get more value depending on the need for your service, your ability to do it and the difficulty to replace you.

So, do you have ideas that will provide value to others? It doesn’t have to be far fetched. Just being yourself provides value to others. Share your opinions, inform and educate others. There are tons of ways to moneytize that!

Have fun!