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Self-Help Groups

Self-help groups are extremely important. Undertaking life changes is always a challenge and having people to support you on your journey is a must. I recently took part in Bob Proctor Matrixx program. It’s a week-long experience with 50 people around the world that catapults your progress. As Bob often says, the more you put in, the more you get out. Well I definitely put a lot in because I feel like I evolved more than with any other self-help groups or books before!


When you are serious about the changes you want to bring into your life, you are bound to feel discouragement. Having people to support you therefore greatly enhances your chances of success. And that’s true for about anything! For instance, my greatest commitment to a gym training was when I went with my brother. I didn’t want to disappoint him and miss a session and he felt the same. It’s always a good idea to partner up with someone to discuss the breakthroughs and to keep at it. The program I’m currently following is 12 weeks long and I know I will need support. That’s why I’m doing it with my best friend.

Self-Help Groups

If you don’t know anyone who wants to team up with you, then simply ask me! It will be my pleasure to accompany you on your journey! I love self-help groups, sharing my experiences and learning from others. I have followed many programs and you will find in this blog and I am also very interested in learning about other programs that I might not know. So, no matter what the programs is, ask me! Or if you don’t know which program would be best for you, let me know as well! I can advise you on the self-help groups and programs would be the most suitable for you!


Alternatively, check out this link for a list of useful groups:

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Best Self-Help Books

Many people ask me what are my best self-help books. Well, here is my top 5:

#5 The Instant Millionaire > Marc Fischer. This is one of the simplest books I have ever read. And it’s simplicity make it remarkable. There are 3 tomes but I only recommend the 1st one. The 2 others ones are good, but not a must. The Millionaire tells the story of a young man learning how to harvest the riches. His mentor is an old millionaire who teaches him the secret of wealth and makes him experience a few adventures to learn the value of things. It’s actually not only about money, and it’s a great life story.

#4 The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success > Deepak Chopra. I know this book by heart! It’s the cheapest that I’ve ever bought and one of the most valuable. It teaches at the subconscious level how to benefit from abundance.

#3 The Road Less Traveled > by Scott Peck. This is one of the pillars of modern psychotherapy. I read this book 3 or 4 times. It talks about the archetypes of personalities and it also describes what love is and is not. This book set the foundation of my desire to evolve and to know more about myself. The author also introduces love in his therapy and to me that should be the core of any psychotherapy.

Best Self-Help Books

#2 – Absent Fathers, Lost Sons > by Guy Corneau. This book is full of metaphors and the author skilfully uses Egyptian mythology to explain modern problems.

#1 – The Alchemist > by Paulo Coelho. Okay, it’s actually not officially a self-help book, as it is found in the fiction section of your bookstore. But this is by far the book that had the greatest impact on me. It opened the door for all the other books. And maybe it had a greater impact because it’s not directly a self-help book. I read it about 10 times and I love it because it’s a short read (half a day). It is dense with information and I learned something new every time I read it. I definitely strongly recommend it!

If you want to discover more authors, check out this great book that lists the 101 most popular self-help authors!

Top 101 Experts
