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Bob Proctor Meditation

Bob Proctor MatrixxIn just 2 days is starting another edition of Bob Proctor Matrixx event. You can read more about this event in my previous posts. As you might know, the price to attend is pretty hefty (depending on your financial background). It’s hard to say how many millionaires and wealthy people were attending but I’m sure that a good chunk of the 50 attendees had challenges finding the $15k required. But this is an event that is definitely worth going to and I’d like to help you out with that. I thought that a Bob Proctor meditation on wealth narrated by him would be ideal! So you can listen to it here:

Bob Proctor Meditation

Let me explain this meditation a little. Right at the beginning, Bob Proctor mentions that the meditation was done for a friend, Vishen Lakhiani from MindValley. I absolutely LOVE everything that MindValley does so I invite you to visit their site. During the meditation, Bob compares our own abundance to the abundance found in nature. He says that we should be as rich and abundant as nature and our only limits are our own. This is a very important concept that I truly believe in. I believe that’s the reason why we feel so peaceful in nature, we recognize that this environment is closer to our true nature.

In the meditation, Bob asks us to visualize a funnel pointing at our head filled with lavender energy. Violet, the colour of lavender, is associated to the top of the head, the crown chakra. Violet is also related to the understanding, awareness, consciousness and spiritual connection. Setting your intention on visualizing violet will bring your awareness onto something that you cannot see but that will amplify your understanding and your consciousness because of that focus.

If you are a Bob Proctor fan, I’ll be at his conference on the Science of Getting Rich in Los Angeles on February 7-9th. Feel free to comment and connect with me before the event!


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Subconscious mind childhood

subconscious mind childhoodSubconscious mind childhood. I learned something very interesting in a webinar from Christie Sheldon yesterday: the brain of infants and children function in different wave lengths than adults. The brain of infants from 0 to 2 years old runs in delta waves from 1 to 3 Hz and children from 2 to 5 experience theta brain waves from 4 to 7 Hz. The adult brain operates at a higher frequency of beta waves from 13 to 30 Hz. I find this fascinating because I heard a few times about theta healing, which is apparently the wavelength in which the brain must be in to reprogram the subconscious mind easily. That would make a lot of sense since this is also the vibrational level in which the brain lowers during meditation. In short, while meditating, we go back to a state close to our infancy’s and therefore become more easily reprogrammable… just like when we were kids! That also means that we can access our subconscious mind better and use this temporary plasticity to insert the beliefs that we choose and which will serve us better! (as opposed to when we were 2 years old and didn’t decide which beliefs were going to be ours)

Wow! Having a scientific explanation certainly adds strength to my current beliefs and to the certitude that I am going in the right direction to improve myself and my life! I did try holosync meditation with Sonia Ricotti’s program and I felt a very strong a positive change in the beginning. I’ve now been doing the program for 6 months and I don’t see the improvements as much but I believe they are still there: it’s just that I’ve become more accustomed to them.

A product that I’ve been wanting to try is Omharmonics by MindValley. I just love everything MindValley does! This is another binaural meditation (a different frequency in each ear) which induces the meditative state better. I believe binaural meditation is a great tool for beginners as it is an easier way to reach deeper meditative states.

I hope that all this wisdom and knowledge is helpful to you and feel free to share your own meditation secrets!


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Meditations in an emergency

What brought my interest to meditation? It was a difficult customer I had 3 years ago. Whenever I’d see her, I knew I was going to lose my balance, feel destabilized and vulnerable to her never-ending demands. During the same period though, my life coach introduced me to a relaxation technique that I can now label as a guided meditation. Because I could see the direct benefits of the meditation exercise when I had to face that difficult customer, it became very easy to discipline myself to do it every morning that I knew I would see her. By first witnessing the direct benefits of meditations in an emergency situation, it then became exciting to apply the technique to other life situations and watch the benefit deploy into a variety of events!meditations in an emergency

Meditation is most beneficial when performed repetitively on a constant basis. In order to develop discipline though, it is better to match your meditations to specific events and see the advantages in real life! Then it will become very easy to discipline yourself. Actually, it’s not event discipline anymore since it just becomes natural to do what feels good.

My favourite meditations in an emergency are very short – usually 5 minutes. You simply find a quiet spot – I used to meditate in the car (parked!) – but you can also do it on the bus, or in public places if you’ve had some practice and the surrounding noises don’t bother you.

5-minute meditation

As I said, the more you do it, the greater your stability and inner peace will evolve. I was amazed to notice the benefits a year ago when I had to rush to catch my flight with my boyfriend. We were both running, but I remained calm and in total control of my mind and thoughts! That was such a beautiful feeling! And it really helps to take faster and more effective decisions too!

Hope this helps!