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Leap of faith

Good morning everyone! I took a big leap of faith last night. With my dear friend from Bob Proctor’s Matrixx, we decided to each put an offer for the house of our dream. Mine is a $1.4 penthouse in Quebec City, Canada. Hers is a $4.9 dollar house in Adelaide, Australia. Last night was exciting. This morning is brutal. I woke up wondering why I “keep putting myself in uncomfortable situations”. I have traveled a lot, and I’ve always wondered what it is that I like in finding myself in a foreign environment, sometimes not knowing the language, having to learn new customs, new ways of doing things, always having to navigate in a new setting. Wouldn’t it have been easier to just stay at home and build something more permanent and linear there? WHY do I feel that constant need to throw it all up in the air and start over? Of course, the learning part is VERY VALUABLE too! I developed a great capacity to adapt to new situations, even at home. I’ve also gained a VALUABLE perspective and I can observe myself from a more detached point of view, which allows me to know myself better.

My friend told me that the reason for all this is that, deep down, we know that we are meant to live greater and wealthier lives than the ones we currently live. I find it a very good explanation. If someone really wanted to be an artist but was strongly influenced to become a firefighter, that person would certainly feel a strong attraction to become what he or she is supposed to be! However good the reason is though, now I just want to back up. Here are some tricks to avoid that:

1. Meditate. Even though I don’t feel like meditating at all, I know it will help. Even one minute will help.

2. Get your heart pumping. I’m going for a run in just a few minutes. Physical exercise heals so many things.leap of faith

3. Get support. I wrote an email to my friend in Australia. We’ll Skype as well as soon as we  can.

4. Be bold. Doing things outside of your comfort zone will be uncomfortable, but learning to be comfortable in the uncomfortable is one of your greatest asset for personal growth.

5. Relax. What’s the worst that can happen? When you say out lout what’s the worst that can happen, and then worse than that, and worse again, you realize that it’s not that bad. Are you in danger of losing your money? Losing your friends? There is only one thing that you can’t gain back: it’s your time. So make sure you don’t lose your time! 😉

I hope this helps!

Love you, as always!

Martin xx